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Films with the genre "Science fiction", sorted by revenue

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Iron Man
Iron Man (2008)
, 2h6
Directed by Jon Favreau
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about terrorism, Superhero films, Political films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges, Gwyneth Paltrow, Shaun Toub, Faran Tahir

Genius, billionaire, and playboy Tony Stark, who has inherited the defense contractor Stark Industries from his father, is in war-torn Afghanistan with his friend and military liaison, Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes to demonstrate the new "Jericho" missile. The convoy is ambushed and Stark is critically wounded by one of his own rocket propelled grenades. He is captured and imprisoned in a cave by the terrorist group the Ten Rings, and an electromagnet is grafted into his chest by fellow captive Yinsen to keep the shrapnel shell shards that wounded him from reaching his heart and killing him. Ten Rings leader Raza offers Stark freedom in exchange for building a Jericho missile for the group, but Tony and Yinsen agree Raza will not keep his word.
Return of the Jedi, 2h14
Directed by Richard Marquand
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about children, Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Dans l'espace, Sur une planète fictive, Films about extraterrestrial life, Space opera, Children's films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Robot films
Actors Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, David Prowse

Luke Skywalker initiates a plan to rescue Han Solo from the crime lord Jabba the Hutt with the help of Princess Leia, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2. Leia infiltrates Jabba's palace on Tatooine disguised as a bounty hunter with Chewbacca as her prisoner. Lando is already there disguised as a guard. Leia releases Han from his carbonite prison, but she is captured and enslaved. Luke arrives soon afterward but after a tense standoff, he is captured. After Luke survives his battle with Jabba's Rancor, Jabba sentences him and Han to death by feeding them to the Sarlacc. Luke frees himself and battles Jabba's guards. During the chaos, Boba Fett, who has remained at Jabba's palace since delivering Han, attempts to attack Luke, but Han inadvertently knocks him into the Sarlacc pit. Meanwhile, Leia strangles Jabba to death, and Luke destroys Jabba's sail barge as the group escapes. While the others rendezvous with the Rebel Alliance, Luke returns to Dagobah where he finds that Yoda is dying. Before he dies, Yoda confirms that Darth Vader, once known as Anakin Skywalker, is Luke's father, and there is "another Skywalker". The spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi confirms that this other Skywalker is Luke's twin sister, Leia. Obi-Wan tells Luke that he must fight Vader again to defeat the Empire.
Kong: Skull Island, 1h58
Directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Kaiju films, Films about magic and magicians, La préhistoire, Animaux préhistoriques, Films about cephalopods, Films about apes, King Kong films, Giant monster films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère, Disaster films
Actors Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, Toby Kebbell, Michael Keaton, Jason Mitchell, Corey Hawkins

En 1944, alors que la guerre du Pacifique fait rage, deux pilotes s'écrasent sur une île inconnue. L'un est Américain, l'autre est Japonais. Alors qu'ils s'affrontent sur place, ils sont brusquement interrompus par une gigantesque créature.
The Mermaid, 1h34
Directed by Stephen Chow
Origin Chine
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, Transport films, Mermaids in film
Actors Show Luo, Kitty Zhang Yuqi, Deng Chao, Kris Wu, Adam Cheng, Chiu Chi Ling

Liu Xuan est un milliardaire qui tombe amoureux de la sirène qui a été envoyée par Octopus pour le tuer.
Armageddon (1998)
, 2h25
Directed by Michael Bay
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, La fin du monde, Films about religion, Dans l'espace, Films set in the future, Political films, Dystopian films, Impact events in fiction, Space opera, Disaster films, American disaster films
Actors Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Tyler, Ben Affleck, Will Patton, Keith David

A massive meteor shower destroys the orbiting Space Shuttle Atlantis and bombards a swath of land from America's East Coast from South Carolina through Finland. NASA discovers that a rogue asteroid the size of Texas passed through the asteroid belt and pushed forward a large amount of space debris. The asteroid will collide with Earth in 18 days, causing an extinction event that will even wipe out bacteria. NASA scientists, led by Dan Truman, plan to trigger a nuclear detonation 800 feet (240 m) inside the asteroid to split it in two, driving the pieces apart so both will fly past the Earth. NASA contacts Harry Stamper, considered the best deep-sea oil driller in the world, for assistance. Harry travels to NASA with his daughter Grace, to keep her away from her new boyfriend and one of Harry's drillers, A. J. Frost. Harry explains he will need his team, including A. J., to carry out the mission. They agree to help, but only after their list of unusual rewards and demands are met.
X-Men: Apocalypse, 2h24
Directed by Bryan Singer
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Hugh Jackman, Nicholas Hoult

Since the dawn of civilization, Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant was worshiped as a god. Amassing the powers of many other mutants, he became immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants to cleanse humanity and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven with the help of Professor X must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their nemesis.
Cinderella (2015)
, 1h44
Directed by Kenneth Branagh
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantastic, Fantasy, Adventure, Romance
Themes Films about children, Monde imaginaire, Films about the labor movement, Musical films, Children's films
Actors Lily James, Richard Madden, Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter, Holliday Grainger, Sophie McShera

Ella lives with her wealthy, loving parents on a beautiful estate in a peaceful kingdom. From a young age, she is taught by her mother to believe in the existence of magic, allowing her to befriend many animals on the estate, particularly the mice. Everything is perfect until her mother falls ill and dies. On her deathbed, she asks Ella to make her a promise that she will always have courage and show kindness to others. Some time later, her father marries Lady Tremaine, the widow of an old friend, who has two daughters of her own: Drisella and Anastasia. Ella welcomes her new stepfamily, despite the stepsisters' unpleasant attitudes and her need to protect her mouse friends from her stepmother's cat, Lucifer.
Despicable Me, 1h35
Directed by Chris Renaud, Pierre Coffin
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Action, Crime, Animation, Comic science fiction
Themes Films about children, Space adventure films, Sur la Lune, Comedy science fiction films, Space opera, Sur la Lune
Actors Steve Carell, Jason Segel, Miranda Cosgrove, Russell Brand, Gad Elmaleh, Kristen Wiig

Gru, a supervillain, has his pride injured when an unknown supervillain steals the Great Pyramid of Giza, an action that is described by his colleague Dr. Nefario as "making all other villains look lame." Gru decides to do better, with the assistance of Dr. Nefario, by shrinking and stealing the Moon, an idea based on his childhood dream of being an astronaut, which was always disparaged by his mother Marlena. The plan is expensive and Gru seeks a loan from the Bank of Evil, where the president Mr. Perkins is impressed by the plan, but will only provide the money if Gru can obtain the necessary shrink ray first.
The Empire Strikes Back, 2h4
Directed by Irvin Kershner
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Action, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Dans l'espace, Sur une planète fictive, Films about extraterrestrial life, Films about disabilities, Space opera, Children's films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Robot films
Actors Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, David Prowse

Three years after the destruction of the Death Star, the Rebel Alliance has been driven from their former base on Yavin IV by the Galactic Empire. Princess Leia leads a contingent including Han Solo and Luke Skywalker in a new base on the icy planet Hoth. The Imperial Fleet, led by Darth Vader, continues to hunt for Rebels’ new base by dispatching probe droids across the galaxy.
World War Z, 1h56
Directed by Marc Forster
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction
Themes Films about children, La fin du monde, Medical-themed films, Seafaring films, Films about religion, Transport films, Films set in the future, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Catastrophe épidémiologique, Political films, Dystopian films, Arme nucléaire, Disaster films
Actors Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, James Badge Dale, Matthew Fox, Ludi Boeken, David Andrews

A zombie outbreak erupts in metropolitan areas around the world; those bitten by the creatures become zombies themselves within twelve seconds. Retired UN investigator Gerry Lane, his wife Karen, and their two daughters manage to escape the outbreak in Philadelphia and take shelter with a family in Newark while waiting for special evacuation the next day, thanks to Gerry's friend UN Deputy Secretary-General Thierry Umuntoni. They find a shelter for the night while waiting for a rescue helicopter. Their hosts choose not to accompany them when they flee the next day, and are subsequently bitten and changed by zombies. Their son, Tommy, manages to escape, and Gerry's family takes him in. They are flown to an offshore U.S. Navy carrier group near New York where Umuntoni is overseeing the remaining worldwide governments' reactions.
The Meg
The Meg (2018)
, 1h53
Directed by Jon Turteltaub
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Films about sharks, Natural horror films, Mise en scène d'un poisson
Actors Jason Statham, Li Bingbing (李冰冰), Ruby Rose, Rainn Wilson, Winston Chao, Cliff Curtis

Jonas Taylor est un ancien capitaine de la Marine et un plongeur spécialisé dans les eaux profondes. Il est recruté pour plonger dans l'océan Pacifique, pour sauver une équipe de scientifiques coincée dans l'épave d'un submersible attaqué et endommagé par un requin préhistorique de vingt mètres de long, connu sous le nom de Mégalodon. Engagé par un océanographe chinois, Taylor devra surmonter ses peurs et affronter une deuxième fois le prédateur qu'il a auparavant rencontré lors d'une expédition pour sauver des hommes et des femmes piégés dans les profondeurs de l'océan.
Godzilla (2014)
, 2h3
Directed by Gareth Edwards
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Action, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Dinosaur films, La fin du monde, Kaiju films, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, La préhistoire, Films about religion, Transport films, Films set in the future, Animaux préhistoriques, Giant monster films, Political films, Dystopian films, Alternate history films, Godzilla films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Arme nucléaire, Disaster films, United States Armed Forces in films
Actors Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Bryan Cranston, Elizabeth Olsen, David Strathairn, Juliette Binoche, Richard T. Jones

In 1954, a nuclear bomb is detonated at the moment a giant creature emerges from the ocean. In 1999, Project Monarch scientists Ishiro Serizawa and Vivienne Graham investigate a colossal skeleton unearthed in a collapsed mine in the Philippines. They find two spores; one dormant and one hatched that made a trail into the sea. In Japan, the Janjira Nuclear Power Plant experiences unusual seismic activity and Supervisor Joe Brody sends his wife Sandra and a team of technicians into the reactor. A tremor breaches the reactor, leaving Sandra and her team unable to escape while the plant collapses.
WALL·E (2008)
, 1h38
Directed by Andrew Stanton
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Social science fiction, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Adventure, Animation, Romance, Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, Comic science fiction
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Space adventure films, Medical-themed films, Obésité, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Dans l'espace, Comedy science fiction films, Films set in the future, Films about insects, Films about disabilities, Political films, Dystopian films, Space opera, Children's films, Robot films, Disaster films, Mise en scène d'une plante
Actors Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight, Jeff Garlin, Fred Willard, John Ratzenberger, Kathy Najimy

In 2805, Earth is long-abandoned and covered in heaps of garbage leftover from decades of mass consumerism, facilitated by the megacorporation Buy 'n' Large (BnL). Seven hundred years earlier, BnL evacuated Earth's population in fully automated starliners, leaving behind WALL-E trash compactor robots to clean the planet for humanity's eventual return, however the plan failed and all the bots were shut off. Only one WALL-E robot remains active, and has developed sentience after so many years of life-experience. He manages to remain active by repairing himself using parts from other inactive units.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 2h17
Directed by James Cameron
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Social science fiction, Action
Themes Films about computing, Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Transport films, Time travel films, Films about automobiles, Aviation films, Motocyclette, Films set in the future, Films about psychiatry, Political films, Road movies, Cyberpunk films, Dystopian films, Alternate history films, Films set in psychiatric hospitals, Chase films, Anticipation, Robot films, Disaster films
Actors Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Robert Patrick, Edward Furlong, Earl Boen, Joe Morton

In 1995, John Connor is ten years old and living in Los Angeles with foster parents. His mother Sarah Connor had been preparing him throughout his childhood for his future role as the leader of the Human Resistance against Skynet, but was arrested after attempting to bomb a computer factory and imprisoned at a mental hospital under the supervision of Dr. Silberman. Skynet sends a new Terminator, designated as T-1000, back in time to kill John. The T-1000 is an advanced prototype composed of a mimetic polyalloy that allows it to take on the shape and appearance of almost anything it touches, and transform parts of its anatomy into knives and other stabbing weapons. The T-1000 arrives under a freeway, kills a policeman and assumes his identity. Meanwhile, the future John Connor has sent back a reprogrammed T-800 (Model 101) Terminator to protect his younger self.