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Hunter Will Get You, 1h41
Directed by Philippe Labro
Origin France
Genres Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Serial killer films
Actors Jean-Paul Belmondo, Bruno Cremer, Patrick Fierry, Jean Négroni, Claude Brosset, Marcel Imhoff

As one of the character is saying at the beginning of the movie: L'alpagueur c'est un chasseur de tête, c'est un mercenaire, un marginal. L'alpagueur c'est l'astuce qu'a trouvé un haut fonctionnaire pour passer au-dessus de la routine policière.
1900 (1976)
, 5h20
Directed by Bernardo Bertolucci
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Historical, Romance
Themes Politique, Films about sexuality, Films about the labor movement, Political films, Children's films
Actors Robert De Niro, Gérard Depardieu, Dominique Sanda, Donald Sutherland, Alida Valli, Burt Lancaster

Born on the day of the death of renowned composer Giuseppe Verdi—27 January 1901—Alfredo Berlinghieri and Olmo Dalcò come from opposite ends of the social spectrum. Alfredo is from a family of landowners led by his populist grandfather (also called Alfredo), while Olmo is an illegitimate peasant. Olmo's grandfather, Leo, is the foreman and peasants' strong man who verbally and spiritually carries out a duel of wits with grandfather Alfredo. As Alfredo is somewhat rebellious and despises the falseness of his family, in particular his weak but abusive and cynical father Giovanni, he befriends Olmo, who was raised as a socialist.
The Old Gun, 1h43
Directed by Robert Enrico
Origin France
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes French war films, Films about sexuality, Rape in fiction, Erotic films, Rape and revenge films, Political films, Auto-justice, Histoire de France, L'Occupation allemande en France
Actors Philippe Noiret, Romy Schneider, Jean Bouise, Joachim Hansen, Karl Michael Vogler, Robert Hoffmann

In Montauban in 1944, during the German retreat from France, Julien Dandieu is an ageing, embittered surgeon in the local hospital. Frightened by the German army entering Montauban, Dandieu asks his friend Francois to drive his wife and his daughter to the remote village where he owns a chateau. One week later, Dandieu sets off to meet them for the weekend, but the Germans have now occupied the village. He finds that all the villagers have been herded into the church and shot. In the château, he finds his daughter shot and his wife immolated by a flame-thrower.
A Bag of Marbles, 1h45
Directed by Jacques Doillon
Origin France
Genres Drama
Themes Films about children, Histoire de France, L'Occupation allemande en France, La condition juive en France sous l'Occupation allemande
Actors Richard Constantini, Hubert Drac, Gilles Laurent, Michel Robin, Marc Eyraud, Bernadette Le Saché

En 1942, les lois antisémites du gouvernement de Vichy contraignent les deux ainés d’un coiffeur juif de Paris à fuir vers la zone libre. Un peu plus tard, les deux autres frères s’enfuient également pour gagner le Sud de la France. Ils réussissent à passer la ligne de démarcation et rejoignent Menton où ils vont retrouver leurs frères et bientôt leurs parents.
The Sunshine Boys, 1h51
Directed by Herbert Ross
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about television, Musical films, Films based on plays
Actors Walter Matthau, George Burns, Richard Benjamin, Carol Arthur, Rosetta LeNoire, F. Murray Abraham

Al Lewis (George Burns) and Willy Clark (Walter Matthau) are two old comedians who were once a popular vaudeville comedy act known as "Lewis and Clark" and also called the Sunshine Boys. After 43 years together, they parted ways 11 years ago on unfriendly terms and have not spoken to each other since then. The break-up was due, in part, to Al's intent to retire and Willy's desire to continue performing. Willy's nephew, Ben (Richard Benjamin), a talent agent, tries finding work for Willy, which proves difficult due to Willy's age and blustery temperament.
Fear Over the City, 2h
Directed by Henri Verneuil
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Transport films, Transport en Île-de-France, Serial killer films, Gangster films, Métro parisien dans la culture populaire
Actors Jean-Paul Belmondo, Charles Denner, Lea Massari, Adalberto Maria Merli, Giovanni Cianfriglia, Jean Martin

Policeman Jean Letellier is under pressure because the infamous gangster Marcucci escaped him publicly. Moreover during the pursuit an innocent bystander was killed by a stray bullet. Letellier is investigated for having fired the deadly bullet.
On a retrouvé la septième compagnie, 1h20
Directed by Robert Lamoureux
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Military humor in film, Histoire de France, L'Occupation allemande en France
Actors Pierre Mondy, Jean Lefebvre, Henri Guybet, Robert Lamoureux, Pierre Tornade, Bernard Dhéran

La suite des aventures du trio de la septième compagnie lors de la Débâcle de juin 1940 : Tassin, Chaudard et Pithivier échappent aux Allemands et sont recueillis en caleçon par la mère Crouzy qui leur fournit des uniformes d'officiers français abandonnés par leurs détenteurs pendant la débâcle. Nos trois héros se font arrêter à nouveau et sont conduits dans un château où une grande partie de l'état-major français est détenue. Les trois bidasses, devenus officiers malgré eux, sont sur le point de faire évader tous ces officiers quand, malencontreusement, alors qu'ils referment la porte derrière eux à la sortie des souterrains, le sol de la forêt s'écroule avec des arbres et bloque la sortie, obligeant les officiers à rebrousser chemin dans les galeries communicant avec le château. Quant aux trois soldats, ils se retrouvent enfin libres. S'ensuit une petite série d'évasions à chaque fois sous l'œil médusé de leur supérieur le capitaine Dumont (Pierre Tornade) qui ne comprend pas comment font ces trois tocards pour s'évader.
Incorrigible, 1h35
Directed by Philippe de Broca
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Crime
Themes Heist films
Actors Jean-Paul Belmondo, Geneviève Bujold, Julien Guiomar, Capucine, Charles Gérard, Andréa Ferréol

Victor Vauthier, un voyou sympathique et ne se laissant pas désarçonner par les imprudences auxquelles le conduit sa mythomanie, sort de prison, à la grande tristesse de ses gardiens, qui s'étaient attachés à lui, durant les trois mois de son incarcération. Il recommence immédiatement la série de ses vols et escroqueries. Cependant, il doit composer avec Marie-Charlotte Pontalec, déléguée permanente d'assistance post-pénale nommée par le juge d'application des peines. Victor et Marie-Charlotte ne tardent pas à éprouver une attirance réciproque, ce qui n'empêche pas Victor de chercher, à l'instigation de son oncle Camille, son père spirituel, à profiter de sa proximité avec Marie-Charlotte pour dérober un triptyque signé du Greco, après l'avoir vu au musée de Senlis, dont le père de Marie-Charlotte est conservateur. Mais la jeune femme finira par découvrir la vérité et le plus filou ne sera pas forcément celui auquel on pense de prime abord.
That Most Important Thing: Love, 1h49
Directed by Andrzej Żuławski, Philippe Lopes-Curval, Laurent Ferrier
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller, Romance
Themes Films about films, Films about television, Photographie
Actors Romy Schneider, Jacques Dutronc, Fabio Testi, Klaus Kinski, Claude Dauphin, Roger Blin

Servais Mont, a photographer, meets Nadine Chevalier who earns her money starring in cheap soft-core movies. Trying to help her, he borrows the money from the loan sharks to finance the theatrical production of Richard III and gives Nadine a part. Nadine is torn between Servais, with whom she is falling in love, and her husband Jacques, to whom she has moral obligations.
Tarzoon: Shame of the Jungle!, 1h25
Directed by Picha, Boris Szulzinger
Origin Belgique
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Musical, Crime, Animation, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films
Actors Georges Aminel, John Belushi, Arlette Thomas, Bill Murray, Paule Emanuele, Claude Bertrand

The film takes place in the deepest part of Africa - "Bush Country". The evil, bald, and multi-breasted Queen Bazonga, who resides in a blimp, inside a cave shaped like a women's legs spread open revealing her vagina, plans to conquer the earth. Before she can do that, however, she wishes to have a full set of hair so people can take her seriously. Her two-headed assistant, The Charles Of The Pits, suggest a "scalp transplant", an experiment where someone else's hair is transplanted to another person's head. Bazonga demands that she wants the hair of June, the maid of Shame, ruler of the jungle. Bazonga sends out her penis soldiers to kidnap June. Meanwhile, that night, June kicks out Shame from their home after another night of unsuccessful sex. She ends up sleeping with Flicka, Shame's monkey pal. The next morning, Bazonga's soldiers barge in and kidnap June, but only after they have an orgy with her. Shame hears June's screams and comes to her rescue, but he is too late. Shame eventually decides to save his mate and immediately sets out on his quest with Flicka.
The Story of O, 1h45
Directed by Just Jaeckin
Origin France
Genres Drama, Erotic, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, BDSM in films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Corinne Cléry, Udo Kier, Anthony Steel, Gabriel Cattand, Jean Gaven, Christiane Minazzoli

A young woman fashion photographer known only as O is taken by her lover René to Château Roissy, where she is subject to various sexual and/or sadomasochistic rituals. O is taught to be constantly available for oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse. She is regularly stripped, blindfolded, chained and whipped;her labium is pierced and her buttocks are branded. She leaves wearing a ring as a sign of her initiation.
The Common Man, 1h40
Directed by Yves Boisset
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Films about racism
Actors Jean Carmet, Jean Bouise, Pierre Tornade, Pascale Roberts, Ginette Garcin, Jean-Pierre Marielle

Georges Lajoie (Jean Carmet) est cafetier à Paris (place d'Aligre). Les Lajoie, avec leur fils Léon (Jacques Chailleux), bachelier, partent avec leur nouvelle caravane passer leurs vacances, comme chaque été, sur la côte provençale, au « Camping Caravaning Beau-soleil », tenu par Loulou (Robert Castel), un Pied-Noir.
Cousin, Cousine, 1h35
Directed by Jean-Charles Tacchella
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality
Actors Marie-Christine Barrault, Victor Lanoux, Marie-France Pisier, Guy Marchand, Ginette Garcin, Popeck

Two cousins related by marriage, Marthe (Marie-Christine Barrault) and Ludovic (Victor Lanoux), meet at a family wedding for the first time. Marthe is the bride's daughter and Ludovic is the groom's nephew. After a raucous wedding reception with plenty of dancing and drinking, Marthe and Ludovic are left waiting for their respective spouses, Pascal (Guy Marchand) and Karine (Marie-France Pisier), who are off having sex. While they wait, they get to know each other: Marthe is a secretary and Ludovic is a dance instructor who changes his occupation every three years. Later they dance together, even after the lights are turned off. Eventually Pascal and Karine show up, slightly disheveled, and the couples part.
From Hong Kong with Love, 1h37
Directed by Yvan Chiffre
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Spy
Themes Spy films
Actors Gérard Rinaldi, Jean-Guy Fechner, Jean Sarrus, Gérard Filippelli, Clifton James, Mickey Rooney

La reine Élisabeth II est enlevée par un riche américain mégalomane (Mickey Rooney) : les services secrets britanniques demandent l'aide de leurs homologues français. Le SDECE confie alors l'affaire à quatre agents gaffeurs (les Charlots) et, pour cacher la disparition de la reine, font tenir le rôle de cette dernière par une femme de chambre qui se trouve être son sosie. L'enquête se poursuit jusqu'à Hong Kong...
Vincent, Francois, Paul and the Others, 1h58
Directed by Claude Sautet
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Themes Sports films, Boxing films, Le boxe anglaise
Actors Yves Montand, Michel Piccoli, Serge Reggiani, Gérard Depardieu, Stéphane Audran, Antonella Lualdi

Three friends face mid-life crises. Paul is a writer who's blocked. François has lost his ideals and practices medicine for the money; his wife grows distant, even hostile. The charming Vincent, everyone's favorite, faces bankruptcy, his mistress leaves him, and his wife, from whom he's separated, wants a divorce.