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Films from the country "colombie", sorted by revenue

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Alias Maria, 1h31
Origin Colombie
Genres Drama, War

Maria a treize ans et combat avec une guérilla colombienne. Le commandant de son groupe lui confie son enfant nouveau né pour qu'elle le mette en sécurité avec l'aide de trois autres guérilleros tout aussi jeunes qu'elle. Pour éviter qu'on ne l'oblige à avorter, elle a caché à tous qu'elle est enceinte, mais son secret est découvert au cours du trajet et elle s'enfuit à travers la jungle. Elle est alors témoins des destructions, incendies, meurtres et autres violences provoquées par les exactions et affrontements entre les forces armées, les guérilleros, les paramilitaires et les narcotrafiquants qui dévastent la Colombie.
Land and Shade, 1h37
Origin Colombie
Genres Drama

Dix-sept ans après avoir divorcé, un vieux paysan revient chez lui pour soutenir les siens lors d'une grave maladie de son fils. Il retrouve sa ferme noyée au milieu de champs de cannes à sucre, dont l'exploitation génère de permanentes retombées de cendres. Lors de ces retrouvailles, il découvre dans le même temps les difficiles conditions de vie et les luttes des paysans surexploités dans ces champs.
Los hongos
Los hongos (2014)

Directed by Óscar Ruiz Navia
Origin Colombie
Genres Drama

Los Hongos suit le quotidien de jeunes de Cali, notamment dans leur attrait pour le street art.
A Paper Tiger, 1h54
Directed by Luis Ospina
Origin Colombie
Genres Documentary
Actors Carlos Mayolo

Documentaire sur la vie de Pedro Manrique Figueroa, artiste mystérieusement disparu en 1981, qui mélange vérité et fiction.
Pure Blood
Pure Blood (1982)
, 1h30
Directed by Luis Ospina
Origin Colombie
Genres Horror, Crime
Actors Carlos Mayolo

Un homme d'affaire, âgé et malade, est relié au monde par deux canaux principaux : celui de ses intraveineuses, et celui de la télévision...
Gente de bien, 1h37
Directed by Franco Lolli
Origin Colombie
Genres Drama
Themes Films about children, Films about families

Éric est un garçon de 10 ans, buté et timide, dont la mère, qui ne peut plus matériellement s’occuper de lui, se décharge subitement de lui sur son père, Gabriel, que l'enfant a très peu connu. L'homme vit pauvrement à Bogota dans un minuscule appartement, travaillant au noir comme menuisier au jour le jour. Les premiers temps sont difficiles entre le garçon et son père, l'un et l'autre n'ayant que peu de points communs, ils se découvrent peu à peu. Mais leur situation matérielle est précaire.
Paraíso travel, 1h57
Directed by Simon Brand
Origin Colombie
Genres Drama, Adventure, Romance
Actors Margarita Rosa de Francisco, Raúl Castillo, John Leguizamo, Ana de la Reguera, Jesús Ochoa

Le film est une adaptation cinématographique du roman homonyme de l'écrivain colombien Jorge Franco Ramos, publié en 2002. Deux amoureux, Marlon et Reina, décident de quitter la Colombie pour les États-Unis. Mais leur voyage en tant que clandestins leur réserve de mauvaises surprises.
The Tragedy of Silence
Directed by Arturo Acevedo Vallarino
Origin Colombie
Genres Drama, Melodrama, Romance

La tragedia del silenco is a romantic melodrama. The 22 minute 45 second excerpt of La tragedia del silencio that remains shows that the film centres on a man suffering from leprosy. He is an engineer working for Ferrocarril Central, and in his spare time develops plans for an orphanage with a family friend, Father Alberto. After being informed that he has leprosy, he tells his wife and daughter of his fatal illness. A student then courts his wife. As the engineer is about to commit suicide, he learns that his diagnosis is incorrect, as a medical worker confused his test results with those of someone else. The engineer overcomes adversity and saves his marriage.
María (1922)
, 3h
Directed by Alfredo del Diestro, Máximo Calvo Olmedo
Origin Colombie
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Alfredo del Diestro, Emma Roldán

Ce film est une adaptation du roman du même nom de Jorge Isaacs, qui relate l'histoire d'amour entre Efraín et María. Dans la mesure où il ne reste qu'un fragment de 25 secondes du film, l'adaptation ne peut être suffisamment analysée, mais il est très probable qu'elle ne soit pas très différente de l'œuvre littéraire. En effet, le fait que le roman soit un best-seller, donc familier du public, est censé garantir un certain succès au film à sa sortie.
The Drama of October 15th
Directed by Francesco et Vincenzo Di Domenico
Origin Colombie
Genres Drama, Documentary

The film begins with a portrait of Uribe, and continues with footage of him while he was alive. Scenes shot by Vincenzo Di Domenico then follow, starting with Uribe's funeral. His coffin is carried from the Primary Cathedral of Bogotá to the cemetery, followed by a large crowd, and cars with wreaths on them. The police and army are present at the ceremony.
Wandering Shadows, 1h30
Directed by Ciro Guerra
Origin Colombie
Genres Drama, Comedy

Mañe habite les quartiers pauvres de Bogota. Il traverse une période difficile après avoir perdu l'utilisation de ses jambes. Mane ne parvient plus à retrouver du travail et à payer son loyer. Alors que sa situation semble désespérée, il rencontre un personnage étrange qui arpente les rues de la cité en portant des gens sur son dos pour 500 pesos (20 centimes d'euros). Mane va retrouver espoir en se liant d'amitié avec le mystérieux porteur.
Bloody Flesh, 1h26
Directed by Carlos Mayolo
Origin Colombie
Genres Drama, Horror, Romance
Actors Carlos Mayolo, Luis Ospina

On August 6, 1956 the Grandmother dies of a major upper-class family in Cali. The descendants are called to hear the will of the grandmother, two of the heirs are Andres Alfonso and his half sister Margaret. At dawn on August 7 of that year the infamous explosion occurs several truckloads of dynamite that were to be transported to Bogotá. No light, no water and with the roof partially fallen's family as well as others head into the field. Andres and Margaret are asked to go to the farm-out "La Emma" to go for supplies and give the news to the great-uncle Enrique of the death of his sister and his share of the inheritance. Both come to be greeted by the caretaker of the farm and later directed where Enrique is known as the black sheep of the family for being different from them. Both being dirty clothes are changed while Henry tells of its history and let them see both photos and memories. From there it develops a Gothic story of love between Andres and Margaret that slowly develop a strong attraction resulting in an incestuous relationship in which little by little Andres and Margaret are the ghosts of their ancestors who are taking possession of both. The lovers disappear and appear in both the farm and in other murdering and spreading terror in the region. A historical realism magic to resurrect become symbols of power - the matron pride, the bloodthirsty general, ethereal nuns and the doctor vampire.
The Wind Journeys, 2h
Directed by Ciro Guerra
Origin Colombie
Genres Drama, Adventure, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Transport films, Musical films, Road movies
Actors Carmen Molina

Ignacio Carrillo (Marciano Martínez) is a vallenato singer from Majagual, Sucre, who decides, after his wife's sudden death, to stop playing and return his accordion, which is said to be cursed, to his master. He is joined by Fermín Morales (Yull Núñez), a teenage boy who admires Ignacio and wishes to become a juglar like him. Carrillo reluctantly accepts, given his loneliness. On Ash Wednesday 1968, Carrillo, Morales and their donkey start a journey throughout several towns in the Caribbean region in Northern Colombia, until Taroa (a small caserío in Uribia jurisdiction), in La Guajira desert, where Carrillo's maestro supposedly lives. During their journey, Carrillo participates in the first version of the Vallenato Legend Festival in Valledupar.