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Films with theme "Cétacé", sorted by revenue

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Free Willy 3: The Rescue, 1h25
Directed by Sam Pillsbury
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Films about children, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Mise en scène d'un cétacé
Actors Jason James Richter, August Schellenberg, August Schellenberg, Patrick Kilpatrick, Annie Corley, Ian Tracey

Jesse is sixteen years old and works as an orca-researcher on a research ship called the Noah alongside his old friend Randolph and moved away from Glen and Annie who were promised by Randolph to keep Jesse out of trouble. They suspect that Willy and his pod are being illegally hunted by whalers posing as commercial fishermen. Aboard just such a ship, the Botany Bay, Max Wesley, who is ten years old, takes his first trip to sea with his father, John, a whaler from a long line of whalers, and learns the true unlawful nature of the family business. During his first hunt, Max is thrown overboard and comes face to face with Willy. From this point on, Max is working against his own father, teaming with Jesse and Randolph to save Willy from becoming $200-per-pound sushi. Jesse introduces Max to Willy properly after learning of Max's experience and how Max likes whales. Jesse goes to his and Randolph's head boss about the threat to the whales, but he refuses to take action until Jesse manages to get proof with help from Max.
The Cove
The Cove (2009)
, 1h27
Origin USA
Genres Documentary, Crime
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about environmental issues, Political films, Documentary films about nature, Mise en scène d'un cétacé
Actors Hayden Panettiere, Isabel Lucas, Louie Psihoyos

The film follows former dolphin trainer and activist Ric O'Barry's quest to document the dolphin hunting operations in Taiji, Wakayama, Japan. In the 1960s, O'Barry helped capture and train the five wild dolphins who shared the role of "Flipper" in the hit television series of the same name. The show, very popular, fueled widespread public adoration of dolphins, influencing the development of marine parks that included dolphins in their attractions. After one of the dolphins, in O'Barry's opinion, committed a form of suicide in his arms by closing her blowhole voluntarily in order to suffocate, O'Barry came to see the dolphin's captivity and the dolphin capture industry as a curse, not a blessing. Days later, he was arrested off the island of Bimini, attempting to cut a hole in the sea pen in order to set free a captured dolphin. Since then, according to the film, O'Barry has dedicated himself full-time as an advocate on behalf of dolphins around the world.
Eye of the Dolphin, 1h42
Directed by Michael Sellers
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Mise en scène d'un cétacé
Actors Carly Schroeder, Adrian Dunbar, George Harris, Katharine Ross, Christine Adams, Andrea Bowen

A troubled fourteen-year-old girl named Alyssa (Carly Schroeder) has been living with her grandmother Lucy (Katharine Ross) since the death of her mother a year before. After being suspended from school for smoking, Alyssa is brought to the Bahamas to live with Hawk (Adrian Dunbar), the father she never knew she had. Alyssa's arrival on the island comes at a decisively inconvenient time for Hawk, a dolphin researcher, whose prickly personality puts him at odds with local politicians, who feel that the local economy needs good relations with tourists. It is a difficult relationship at first between Alyssa and her father, but Tamika (Christine Adams), Hawk's girlfriend, and Daniel (George Harris), Tamika's father, smooth the way. Alyssa soon adjusts to island life, and she discovers the gift that she shares with her father for communicating with dolphins, a skill which leads her into a powerful relationship with a wild dolphin which her father, for legitimate scientific reasons, cannot condone. But when the powers-that-be threaten to close down her father's research station, it is Alyssa and her wild friend who hold the key, and they have the power to bring all parties together.
Mind Game
Mind Game (2004)
, 1h43
Directed by Masaaki Yuasa
Origin Japon
Genres Drama, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Animation, Romance
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Films about religion, Transport films, Time travel films, Cétacé, Mise en scène d'un cétacé
Actors Kōji Morimoto, Tomomitsu Yamaguchi, Shin'ichirō Watanabe, Rintarō Nishi

Nishi is a 20-year-old loser with dreams of becoming a comic book artist. One late evening he runs into his childhood crush, Myon, on the subway. Nishi declares he has always loved her, but she tells him she is due to marry someone else.
Moby Dick
Moby Dick (1930)
, 1h20
Directed by Lloyd Bacon
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Adventure, Romance
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Films about disabilities, Mise en scène d'un cétacé
Actors John Barrymore, Joan Bennett, Walter Long, Lloyd Hughes, Noble Johnson, Nigel De Brulier

The film tells of a sea captain's maniacal quest for revenge on a great white whale who has bitten off his leg. Ahab meets and falls in love with the daughter of the local minister, after disembarking in New Bedford. She falls in love with Barrymore and is heartbroken when he leaves on another voyage. During his next voyage, Ahab loses his leg to a large white whale. When he returns to New Bedford, he mistakenly believes that the woman he loves no longer wants to see him due to his disfigurement. He vows revenge against the whale, and to kill it or be killed in the process, and returns to sea.
Tadpole and the Whale, 1h32
Directed by Jean-Claude Lord
Origin Canada
Genres Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un cétacé
Actors Denis Forest, Marina Orsini, Lise Thouin, Louise Richer, Claude Grisé

En arrivant à Mingan, sur la Côte-Nord du Saint-Laurent, un couple de visiteurs aperçoit une jeune fille flottant sur la mer. Croyant venir à son secours, ils découvrent que Daphné, 24 ans, est en train d’enregistrer le chant des baleines pour un spectacle. Daphné connaît une relation exceptionnelle avec les baleines et les dauphins qu’elle comprend bien grâce à son ouïe très développée. Mais sa vie risque de basculer quand son grand-père prend la décision de vendre l’auberge du bord de mer.
Of Whales, the Moon, and Men, 1h45
Directed by Michel Brault, Pierre Perrault, Marcel Carrière
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Mise en scène d'un cétacé

Pour la suite du monde traite de la vie des habitants de l'Isle-aux-Coudres et de leur traditionnelle pêche au « marsouin » (le nom local pour désigner le béluga). Les cinéastes ont amené les personnages du film à reconstituer une véritable chasse au marsouin, abandonnée depuis 1924, en mobilisant toutes les générations. Les évènements qui se déroulent dans le film sont donc à la fois joués (bien que chaque séquence n'est tournée qu'une seule fois) et vécus.
Africa a.F.r.I.c.A, 10minutes
Origin Coree du sud
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Mise en scène d'un cétacé

Dans le sud du Sahara, près d'un village dévasté par la famine et la pénurie d'eau potable, une petite fille revient chez elle avec son seau d'eau. Mais par accident elle renverse le seau, dont la précieuse eau se répand sur le sol. Il lui semble alors voir apparaître en l'air l'œil d'une gigantesque créature, une baleine. En versant pour elle la dernière goutte d'eau, la créature prend forme et sillonne le ciel, redonnant vie au paysage qui verdit et se repeuple d'animaux. La petite fille, entraînée sur le dos de la baleine, monte jusqu'au ciel où elle voit bondir dans les nuages des troupeaux d'animaux africains, girafes, éléphants, rhinocéros, gazelles. La baleine redescend progressivement, puis disparaît, laissant de nouveau place au soleil aveuglant sur la steppe aride. Ce n'était qu'une apparition. La petite fille ramasse son seau vide et poursuit son trajet dans la steppe, où se dessine en creux l'image du corps d'une baleine.
The White Planet, 1h20
Directed by Thierry Ragobert
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about nature, Mise en scène d'un cétacé

Sous la poussée de forces invisibles, la banquise se brise. Les bœufs musqués courbent l'échine sous le blizzard. Les caribous galopent par milliers dans la toundra. Les ours blancs se défient. Les baleines boréales défoncent la banquise. Le narval dresse hors de l'eau son incroyable dent torsadée.
Down to the Sea in Ships, 2h
Directed by Henry Hathaway
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un cétacé
Actors Richard Widmark, Lionel Barrymore, Dean Stockwell, Cecil Kellaway, Gene Lockhart, Berry Kroeger

Whaling ship captain Bering Joy (Lionel Barrymore) takes his grandson Jed (Dean Stockwell) on a whaling expedition in order to teach the young boy real life values such as honesty, courage, wisdom, fairness and hard work.
The Day of the Dolphin, 1h44
Directed by Mike Nichols
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Crime
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Films based on science fiction novels, Political films, Mise en scène d'un cétacé
Actors George C. Scott, Trish Van Devere, Paul Sorvino, Edward Herrmann, Jon Korkes, Fritz Weaver

A brilliant and driven scientist, Jake Terrell, and his young and beautiful wife, Maggie, train dolphins to communicate with humans. This is done by teaching the dolphins to speak English in dolphin-like voices. Two of his dolphins, Alpha ("Fa") and Beta ("Bea"), are stolen by officials of the shadowy Franklin Foundation headed by Harold DeMilo (Fritz Weaver), the supportive backer of the Terrells' research. After the dolphins are kidnapped, an investigation by an undercover government agent for hire, Curtis Mahoney (Paul Sorvino), reveals that the Institute is planning to further train the dolphins to carry out a political assassination by having them place a magnetic limpet mine on the hull of the yacht of the President of the United States.
Capitaine Achab, 25minutes
Directed by Philippe Ramos
Origin France
Genres Drama
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Films about disabilities, Mise en scène d'un cétacé
Actors Bernard Blancan, Valérie Crunchant, Frédéric Bonpart, Carlo Brandt, Denis Lavant, Dominique Blanc

Ce film est une évocation du personnage d'Achab issu du roman d'Herman Melville : Moby Dick. Dans ce film, Achab est amoureux de Louise. L'image du corps de cette femme, objet de son désir, le hante jusque dans ses rêves, y devenant représentation du fantasme de la baleine.
Alice the Whaler, 6minutes
Directed by Walt Disney
Origin USA
Genres Animation
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un cétacé

Alice et Julius font partie de l'équipage d'un bateau de chasse à la baleine. Ils doivent non seulement lutter avec une baleine mais aussi avec un cuisinier au caractère difficile.
The Whalers, 8minutes
Directed by Dave Hand, Dick Huemer
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Films about birds, Mise en scène d'un rongeur, Mise en scène d'un canard, Mise en scène d'une souris, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un cétacé, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Clarence Nash, Walt Disney, Pinto Colvig

Mickey, Donald et Dingo sont des chasseurs de baleines. Donald cherche en vain une baleine et n'en trouve pas. Il sort alors un casse-croûte, qui risque d'être chapardé par de nombreux oiseaux. De son côté, Mickey essaye de vider un seau d'eau, mais l'eau revient toujours dans le seau. Donald remarque finalement une baleine. Dingo essaye de la harponner plusieurs fois, mais n'y arrive pas et prend une ancre comme harpon, qui avec sa corde, emporte Dingo. Le harpon arrive dans la glace. Dingo est au-dessus de la baleine, retenu par sa botte. Donald court à son secours, mais trop tard. Dingo tombe dans la baleine. Donald se retrouve le bec coincé dans la botte.
Willie the Operatic Whale, 15minutes
Directed by Clyde Geronimi, Hamilton Luske
Origin USA
Genres Animation
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Cétacé, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un cétacé
Actors Nelson Eddy

C'est le triste destin d'une baleine, chanteuse d'opéra, depuis sa découverte dans les mers jusqu'à sa chute le succès passé, qui tombe sous les coups de harpons d'hommes bien mal intentionnés.