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Films with theme "Documentary films about animal rights", sorted by revenue

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Dealing Dogs, 1h15
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about cities, Films about dogs, Political films, Documentary films about nature

The film involves an undercover investigation by LCA's special investigations unit of Martin Creek Kennel in Williford, Arkansas, an alleged "Class B" dealer. A member of the unit obtains a job at the kennel and documents deplorable conditions: dead dogs, dying dogs, starving dogs, dogs covered with wounds, dogs with missing ears. Partially as a result of the documentation, the kennel was permanently shut down by federal authorities.
An American Opera, 1h17
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about historical events, Documentary films about cities, Political films, Documentary films about nature, Disaster films

Interviewing leaders of animal organizations and volunteers who went to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, it is revealed that at the beginning, everyone had different ideas about how things should be done, but no one was willing to take charge because the problem was bigger than anyone could have imagined. The film champions the volunteers whose only concern was saving animals, unlike the animal organizations who were more concerned with the chain of command.
I Am an Animal: The Story of Ingrid Newkirk and PETA
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentary films about law, Political films, Documentary films about nature
Actors Pamela Anderson, Bill Maher, Pink

Un regard candide et introspectif sur les croyances et les motivations d'Ingrid Newkirk, la cofondatrice d'origine britannique et force motrice de People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), la plus grande organisation de défense des droits des animaux au monde.
A Sacred Duty, 1h
Origin USA
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Films about religion, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about religion, Documentary films about health care, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism, Documentary films about nature
Actors Theodore Bikel

The film opens with footage of a NASA rocket launch, an animation of our solar system, and a quote from Deuteronomy 30:19 about choosing between life and death (illustrated with images of the planet Earth as seen from space, contrasted with an exploding atom bomb). This is followed by a statement that humanity has not been caring for the Earth properly according to Jewish teachings. Next comes a section about ancient Jewish texts and "sacred words" that provide "specific instructions on how to be custodians of the world in which we live." Throughout the film, quotes from the Torah, illustrated with closeups of Hebrew scrolls, Jews praying, and nature scenes, will be contrasted with the various environmental threats facing humanity today.
Your Mommy Kills Animals, 1h45
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Politique, Films about terrorism, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentaire animalier, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Documentary films about politics, Documentary films about terrorism, Political films, Documentary films about nature

The film reports on controversies concerning and within the animal rights movement. These include external conflicts between animal rights advocates and medical researchers and restaurant operators, and internal disagreements within the animal rights movement between the animal shelter operators and the confrontationalists who demonstrate outside homes of corporate opponents. The film also discusses the comparison between animal liberation activists and political terrorists, including the FBI's ranking of animal-rights activists as the nation's No. 1 domestic terrorism threat.
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days, 1h28
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about health care, Political films, Documentary films about nature
Actors Morgan Spurlock, Woody Harrelson

The film follows six diabetics, who eat nothing but raw vegan food for a period of 30 days. Their progress and health are monitored by a team of medics. The film shows all six participants demonstrating reduced insulin dependence and blood-sugar levels. Interviews with celebrities such as Woody Harrelson, Morgan Spurlock and Tony Robbins, discussing a raw food diet, also feature in the documentary.
At the Edge of the World, 1h30
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentary films about law, Political films, Documentary films about nature

The documentary follows the events that took place during Operation Leviathan in early 2007. The RV Farley Mowat, captained by Paul Watson and the newly acquired MY Robert Hunter, captained by Alex Cornelissen meet in the Southern Ocean. As they are docked side to side, material is transferred from the Farley Mowat to the Robert Hunter to build a new helicopter deck. After some time the Robert Hunter is able to find the Nisshin Maru and engages it. In the course, one of the Sea Shepherd's small boats with two men on board gets lost. Both Sea Shepherd vessels must abandon the Nisshin Maru, which later takes part in the search for them. Finally after 9 hours, they are able to locate them and they are saved. Having lost the Nisshin Maru, the Robert Hunter later finds the Kaiko Maru, a spotter vessel for the Japanese whaling fleet. They engage the ship and during maneuvering through an ice field collide with each other, damaging both ships. As the Farley Mowat approaches, the Japanese vessel calls out a Mayday, stopping the Sea Shepherds from further engagement. As the film ends, we find out that there was a fire on the Nisshin Maru, killing one worker and ending the whaling season early due to damage to the ship.
The Tiger Next Door, 1h26
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentary films about law, Political films, Documentary films about nature

The film is a character-driven documentary, which also reveals and explores a subculture of large wild animal keeping and breeding across the United States. The film starts from the premise that there are more tigers in private hands in the United States than there are roaming wild in the world. And, that it is legal in half of the United States to keep a tiger or other big cat. The Tiger Next Door follows the story of a man named Dennis Hill who has been keeping and breeding tigers from his backyard in Flat Rock, Indiana for over 15 years. When the film begins, Hill has recently lost his federal USDA license to keep and breed tigers, bears and cougars and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources is threatening to shut him down citing dangerous and inhumane conditions. Hill has five days remaining to upgrade his facilities and place all but three of his 24 tigers, three bears, six leopards and one cougar in alternate homes—before the Indiana DNR will consider issuing licenses for the remaining three animals.
The Eyes of Thailand
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentary films about law, Political films, Documentary films about nature
Actors Ashley Judd

The Eyes of Thailand tells the true story of Soraida Salwala's 10-year quest to help two elephant landmine survivors, Motala and Baby Mosha, walk again after losing their legs in landmine accidents. Along with Soraida's efforts to care for the injured elephants and ultimately help them to walk again, the film also highlights the dangers posed by landmines.