Air Force One Is Down is a 2013 television film in two parts based on a story by Alistair MacLean that was based on a 1981 novel by John Denis. The film stars Jeremy Sisto, Jamie Thomas King, Emilie de Ravin, Rupert Graves, Ken Duken and Linda Hamilton.
The project was first conceived for TV in the late 1970s. MacLean wrote up the story as a 120 page novella about Air Force One being hijacked while hosting a number of oil company executives. The project was turned down by NBC who did not want to make something about terrorism at the time. After The Hostage Tower was made it was revived as a proposed telemovie in 1980 but production was postponed.Synopsis
Markey, capitaine dans l'armée américaine, est envoyé en Serbie pour arrêter un criminel de guerre, Dragutin. Au même moment, la présidente Rowntree s'envole à bord de l'avion présidentiel Air Force One avec une jeune journaliste, Romero. Mais l'avion est piégé et doit atterrir d'urgence en Serbie, où se trouve le bras droit de Dragutin, un certain Petrovic. Markey ignore que Petrovic est en fait un agent britannique du MI5…