Kaka Ferskur (Fresh Rolls) or The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking is a 1988 film written and directed by Todd Hughes. Kaka Ferskur satirizes coming of age from a "Pippi Longstockings" view. The movie shows the characters either as young adults or real adults who won't grow up. In this film, men often play female roles, with squeaky voices dubbed over the men's voices. Pippi Longstocking is played by comic Walter Barnett.Synopsis
In Kaka Ferskur, Pippi meets Age, a Swedish ghost at the beach. He challenges her by saying if she can prove to him that she isn't growing up, she may remain a child, living with her pets in her grand mansion "Villa Villekulla". But if she loses the bet, she must admit to Age in the end that she is coming of age and must leave childish things behind.