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Legions of the Nile is a italien film of genre Drama directed by Vittorio Cottafavi released in USA on 1 december 1960 with Linda Cristal

Legions of the Nile (1959)

Le Legioni di Cleopatra

Legions of the Nile
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Released in USA 1 december 1960
Length 1h38
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Adventure,    Historical,    Peplum
Rating53% 2.6670552.6670552.6670552.6670552.667055

Legions of the Nile (Italian: Le legioni di Cleopatra, French: Les légions de Cléopâtre, Spanish: Las legiones de Cleopatra) is a 1959 Italian-French-Spanish historical epic adventure film written and directed by Vittorio Cottafavi.


Vaincu par Octave à la bataille navale d'Actium, Marc-Antoine se réfugie à Alexandrie. Il espère que ses légions, alliées à celle de Cléopâtre, pourront rétablir la république à Rome.


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