Magdalena: Released from Shame (also known as Magdalena: Freed From Guilt and Magdalena: Through Her Eyes) is a 2007 religious family film directed by Charlie Jordan Brookins. The film was first released on March 7, 2007 as part of the Jesus Film Project of Campus Crusade for Christ, and utilizes footage from the 1979 film Jesus. Since premiering at the United Nations for the International Day of the Woman, the film has been made available in over 110 languages via DVD and The Jesus Film Media website [1] and app.Synopsis
The film comprises four separate stories, all of which show Jesus through the viewpoint of a different woman. Each woman was impacted by Jesus in different ways. It begins with Jesus's birth as told through the perspective of the Virgin Mary, and then shifts to biblical figures of Elizabeth (mother of John the Baptist), the Samaritan woman at the well, and Mary Magdalene.