Nurse.Fighter.Boy is a Canadian drama film, originally released in 2008.
The film stars Karen LeBlanc as Jude, a widowed single mother undergoing treatment for sickle cell disease. While working as a night-shift nurse to support her son Ciel (Daniel J. Gordon), she meets and enters into a relationship with Silence (Clark Johnson), a troubled and brooding boxer who becomes a father figure for the young boy. The film's cast also includes Walter Borden and Ndidi Onukwulu.
The film was directed by Charles Officer and written by Officer and Ingrid Veninger. It was the first feature film released through the Canadian Film Centre's training program for emerging film directors since David Weaver's Siblings in 2005.Synopsis
Jude (Karen LeBlanc) est une mère veuve et célibataire suivant un traitement contre la drépanocytose. Tout en travaillant comme infirmière de nuit pour élever son fils Ciel, elle rencontre et entre en relation avec Silence (Clark Johnson), un boxeur sombre et en difficulté qui devient une figure paternelle pour le jeune garçon.