Out of the Blue is a 2006 New Zealand crime drama film directed by Robert Sarkies and starring Karl Urban. The film premiered at the 2006 Toronto Film Festival in Canada and was released in New Zealand on 12 October 2006 to minor controversy. The film has since grossed well over $1 million at the New Zealand box-office taking it into the top ten highest grossing local films.
The film is based on the Aramoana massacre that occurred over a period of two days in mid November 1990 in a small seaside settlement in the Otago Region of New Zealand. The small coastal community of Aramoana (Māori for "pathway to the sea") lies on the edge of the Pacific Ocean at the base of a narrow sandy spit which juts into the mouth of Otago Harbour, 27 kilometres northeast of the city of Dunedin. The settlement is normally a peaceful, idyllic locale, but in 1990 the community was turned upside down as a result of the country's worst massacre. Resident David Gray, an unemployed gun enthusiast, went on a shooting spree, killing 13 people before being killed by police.Synopsis
Aramoana, Tuesday 13 November 1990. David Gray, an unemployed man in his 30s who lives in his parent’s small holiday home, cycles into town where he has an argument with staff at a bank over a minor issue. Unstable & angry, he returns home where he has a cache of fire-arms, including a semi-automatic rifle.