Red Dog is a 2011 Australian comedy-drama family film written by Daniel Taplitz, directed by Kriv Stenders and produced by Nelson Woss and Julie Ryan. It stars Koko as the title character, Josh Lucas, Rachael Taylor, John Batchelor, Noah Taylor, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Loene Carmen, Luke Ford, Neil Pigot, Rohan Nichol, Tiffany Lyndall-Knight, Costa Ronin with Eamon Farren and Arthur Angel. The film is based on a true story from the novel Red Dog by Louis de Bernieres about Red Dog. At the 2011 Inside Film Awards, Red Dog was nominated in nine categories and won seven, including best feature film. The film was also nominated for seven AACTA Awards and won for Best Film. The film was theatrically released on August 4, 2011 by Roadshow Film Distributors.Synopsis
In 1979, a truck driver Thomas (Luke Ford) arrives in Dampier, Western Australia, late one night. Upon entering the town pub he sees the silhouettes of a group of men, one of whom is holding a gun. Believing it is a murder, he rushes into the next room, where he sees that the men are trying to put down an apparently sick dog (Koko). Unable to bring themselves to carry out the euthanasia, the men, with Thomas, retreat to the bar.