Set in 1905, the film follows the exploits of the likable but raffish Boon Hoggenbeck (Steve McQueen), who takes an interest in a new car, a new 1905 Winton Flyer that is the property of a man named Boss (Will Geer), the patriarch of the McCaslin family, who live in the Mississippi area where Boon lives. When the taking of the car first by Boon and then by Ned (Rupert Crosse) (they show themselves to be reivers, or thieves, in the film's start, hence the title) leads to a public brawl, the local magistrate lets them off by a bond that Boss pays on the condition both men stay out of trouble and further away from the car while he is away with family to tend to a funeral. That is soon changed by Boon, who takes the car again to go up to Memphis to see his woman Corrie (Sharon Farrell) and talks his young friend Lucius (Mitch Vogel) into going for the ride. Ned stows away as well, but Boon grudgingly allows him to come. Other characters include a horse that loves sardines and races for them, a friendly bordello madam and her amiable employees, and a man with a horse who lives near an impassable sinkhole full of mud for which he charges expensive rates to get both carts and cars through.
En mai 1968, Jean-Philippe Duroc, un avocat taxé de gauchisme, rend visite à son client, Martial Gaulard, condamné à mort pour un meurtre qu'il n'a pas commis. À ce moment, une mutinerie éclate à la prison. Gaulard en profite et, subtilisant les habits de son avocat, parvient à s'échapper. La police est persuadée que Duroc a contribué à l'évasion et les deux hommes sont alors recherchés par toutes les polices de France.
Johnny Dark and his pal Duke Benson work for Fielding Motors, where owner James Fielding manufactures family-friendly automobiles. Chief engineer Scotty overhears the guys complaining about the company and spots a sports-car design Johnny and Duke have done.
Après avoir conduit son patron et sa famille à l'aéroport d'Orly, Dany, sa secrétaire, doit ramener la voiture à Paris. Au moment de rentrer à Paris, elle emprunte par erreur une mauvaise bretelle d'autoroute et s'embranche malencontreusement sur l'autoroute du sud. Elle décide alors et néanmoins, ce qui fait l'élément initiateur du film, de continuer. Elle ignore alors que ce voyage ne lui sera guère agréable et que la rencontre de certaines personnes va la rendre folle...
Harry Garmes (George C. Scott) is an aging American career criminal who was once a driver for Chicago’s organized crime rings. He is living in self-imposed exile in Albufeira, a fishing village in southern Portugal, where he seeks occasional companionship from a local prostitute Monique (Colleen Dewhurst). Unexpectedly, Harry receives a job, his first in nine years, to drive an escaped killer Paul Rickard (Tony Musante) and the man’s girlfriend Claudie Scherrer (Trish Van Devere) across Portugal and Spain into France. He accepts the job, despite premonitions that it will end badly for him. In the course of the trip, Harry and his passengers are pursued by both the police and Harry’s former mobster cronies. Upon returning to Portugal, Harry gets shot on the beach in Albufeira, moments away from escaping.
In Trafic, Hulot is a bumbling automobile designer who works for Altra, a Paris auto plant. He, along with a truck driver and a publicity agent, Maria, takes a new camper-car (designed by Hulot) to an auto show in Amsterdam. On the way there, they encounter various obstacles on the road. Some of the obstacles that Hulot and his companions encounter are getting impounded by Dutch customs guards, a car accident (meticulously choreographed by the filmmakers), and an inefficient mechanic. In the film, “Tati leaves no element of the auto scene unexplored, whether it is the after-battle recovery moments of a traffic-circle chain-reaction accident, whether it a study of drivers in repose or garage-attendants in slow-motion, the gas-station give-away (where the busts of historical figures seem to find their appropriate owners) or the police station bureaucracy.”
Charley Varrick (Matthau) is a crop-duster and former stunt pilot. The aging trailer-park dweller has clearly not been too successful. Together with his wife Nadine and co-conspirators Al Dutcher and Harman Sullivan (Andrew Robinson), a heavily disguised Varrick robs a bank in the rural crossroads community of Tres Cruces, New Mexico. During the robbery, two policemen and Dutcher are killed. Nadine drives the get-away car and eludes the police, but she, too, has been mortally wounded. Varrick distracts the police by blowing up the getaway car with black powder and gasoline, with his wife's body inside. He and Sullivan escape.
Le cinéaste Roman Polanski, passionné de sport automobile, s'est lié d'amitié avec le pilote automobile écossais Jackie Stewart, champion du monde de Formule 1 en 1969 et, en route pour son second titre. Il obtient l'autorisation de suivre le champion pendant un week-end de Grand Prix. Lors du Grand Prix de Monaco 1971, que Stewart va d'ailleurs remporter, la caméra du cinéaste se glisse dans l'intimité du champion alors au faîte de sa gloire, tant sur le circuit qu'en dehors, aux côtés de son épouse Helen.
Zerf, un soldat extraterrestre à forme humaine originaire de la planète Kryptalon, a été envoyé en reconnaissance sur la Terre, mais y a échoué à la suite d'une fausse manœuvre du robot pilotant son vaisseau spatial. Deux androïdes de Praton, une planète avec laquelle Kryptalon est en guerre depuis 130 ans, sont à sa poursuite dans le but de le tuer.
La rivalité entre deux frères, tous deux pilotes automobiles, et que l'alcool et l'amour dressent l'un contre l'autre, prend fin le jour où ils sont tous les deux blessés lors d'une compétition.
Jacques, a 40-year-old citizen of Brussels, meets the fakir Abracadabra who, before dying, gives him a special power. Jacques then meets Gabriel, a generous man, who dresses up as Davy Crockett, and who follows Jacques without asking questions. The two companions and other new friends set out to conquer the Far West, their childhood—just as Voltaire sought Eldorado, and Saint-Exupéry the unknown planet. The Far West they seek cannot be found, because it is an imaginary place, a piece of happiness buried in our hearts.