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Death Laid an Egg is a italien film of genre Drama directed by Giulio Questi with Ewa Aulin

Death Laid an Egg (1968)

La morte ha fatto l'uovo

Death Laid an Egg
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Length 1h26
Directed by
Genres Drama,    Thriller,    Horror,    Crime
Rating58% 2.9483952.9483952.9483952.9483952.948395

La morte ha fatto l'uovo, internationally released as Death Laid an Egg and Plucked, is a 1968 giallo film directed by Giulio Questi. Written by Questi and Franco Arcalli, the film stars Ewa Aulin, Gina Lollobrigida and Jean-Louis Trintignant.

The film concerns a farming couple, Anna (Lollobrigida) and Marco (Trintignant), whose marriage suffers when Anna's sister Gabri (Aulin) visits them. Marco and Gabri embark on an affair, but Gabri has discovered Marco's secret obsession with killing prostitutes, and plans to frame him for murder in order to inherit his farm.


Married couple Anna (Gina Lollobrigida) and Marco (Jean-Louis Trintignant) run a hi-tech automated poultry farm, breeding boneless chickens. Unbeknownst to Anna, Marco is a serial killer, who lures prostitutes to motel rooms before stabbing them. The arrival of Anna's cousin Gabri (Ewa Aulin) further fragments the troubled marriage, as she and Marco begin an affair and conspire to run away together. However, Gabri is actually planning, with her husband Mondaini (Jean Sobieski), to kill Anna and frame Marco, as they have discovered Marco's secret. What Gabri and Mondaini do not know is that Marco's fixation is not with killing prostitutes, but simply hiring them to role-play murders, letting them go safely and handsomely paid. As such, when Anna's murder is discovered, the police focus their attention on Gabri, suspecting her of committing the murder out of sibling jealousy. Marco and Mondaini struggle at the farm, Marco falling into a machine used to grind chicken feed. Gabri and Mondaini are eventually arrested for Anna's murder, as the farm chickens feed on Marco's ground corpse.


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