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I Want You is a espagnol film of genre Drama released in france in DVD on 6 november 2013 with Mario Casas

I Want You (2012)

Tengo ganas de ti

I Want You
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Release in DVD in france 6 november 2013
Length 2h10
Genres Drama,    Romance
Rating68% 3.4300253.4300253.4300253.4300253.430025

I Want You (Spanish: Tengo ganas de ti, ‘I Want You’) is a 2012 Spanish drama film directed by Fernando González Molina, starring Mario Casas, the sequel to Tres metros sobre el cielo (Spanish: Tres metros sobre el cielo, ‘Three metres above heaven / the sky’). Based on the novel by Federico Moccia, was produced by Zeta Cinema, Antena 3 Films, Crab Films and Globomedia film and distributed by Warner Bros., Pictures International Spain. It was shot in Barcelona between October 28 and December 30, 2012.


Hache Mario Casas flies back to Barcelona after spending two years in London, away from friends and family, and trying to forget his first love and Pollo's Alvaro Cervantes death, his best friend. His brother picks him up from the airport and lets him stay with him. After he settles himself in, he sees his bike covered with a sheet. While looking at it, he reminisces on the past. Hache takes his bike for a spin and lands in the port where he used to race illegally. As soon as he gets there he receives a call, turns out Katina Marina Salas found out through Alex (Hache's brother) that he just got back; they both agree to meet at a park. When he arrives at the park, Hache sees Chino Lucho Fernandez who tells him that things have changed. Chino invites him to a get-together in a restaurant with their other friends, Hache tells him he'll go in a while. While waiting sitting on a bench, Katina surprises him and they both sit down for some catch up. Katina asks Hache if he has missed Babi and tells him that she's seen her, but that she has changed. Hache invites her to the get-together, but Katina declines the invitation and they part ways promising to keep in touch. Hache gets on his motorcycle and is seen been followed by Gin Clara Lago a photographer.


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