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Jarhead is a american film of genre Drama directed by Sam Mendes released in USA on 4 november 2005 with Jake Gyllenhaal

Jarhead (2005)

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Anthony Swofford

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Four days, four hours, one minute. That was my war.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Sir, I got lost on the way to college, sir!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook (yelling enthusiastically) FIELD FUCK!!!

Staff Sgt. Sykes

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the baddest motherfucker in the goddamn valley.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook I could be working with my brother right now. He's got a dry-wall business in Compton. Does the inside of office buildings — you know, the metal studs. I could be his partner. Said he'd give me that brand new Dodge Ram Charger — you know, the 318 Magnum? The beast? All indoor work, too, lots of AC. I could sleep with my wife every night, fuck her, maybe; take my kids to school every morning. And I'd run his crews, too, probably increase productivity 40 to 50%. Make $100K a year. Do you know why I don't? Because I love this job. I thank God for every fucking day he gives me in the Corps. Oorah.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook You are a Marine. There is no such thing as speech that is free. You must pay for everything that you say.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook You laugh, you die. Scratch your nose, you die. You shift your weight to take a piss, you will die. You want to shit, you better shit in your pants.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook (to a reporter who heard Swofford say 'field fuck') He said 'field fun!'

PFC Dave Fowler

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Fucker's fucked now.


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Desk Clerk: Swofford. What kind of fucking name is that?
Swofford: It's English. My great-grandfather came over here in the 19th century.
Desk Clerk: Whatever. I'm putting you in Golf Company. It's full of retards and fuck-ups. Maybe you can elevate the sons-of-bitches a little. [looks up] Or maybe not. Next!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Cpl Alan Troy: [wearing a gas mask, mimicking Darth Vader.] Luke.
[Swofford looks up at Troy]
Cpl Alan Troy: Come over to the dark side, Luke.