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Shooting Dogs is a British film of genre Drama directed by Michael Caton-Jones released in USA on 9 march 2007 with John Hurt

Shooting Dogs (2006)

Shooting Dogs
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Released in USA 9 march 2007
Length 1h55
Genres Drama,    War,    Historical
Rating75% 3.797763.797763.797763.797763.79776

Shooting Dogs, released in the United States as Beyond the Gates, is a 2005 film, directed by Michael Caton-Jones and starring John Hurt, Hugh Dancy and Clare-Hope Ashitey. It is based on the experiences of BBC news producer David Belton, who worked in Rwanda during the Rwandan Genocide. Belton is the film's co-writer and one of its producers.

The setting of the film is the École Technique Officielle (ETO) in Kigali, Rwanda, in 1994, during the Rwandan Genocide. Hurt plays a Catholic priest (loosely based on Vjekoslav Ćurić) and Dancy an English teacher, both Europeans, who are caught up in the events of the genocide.

Unlike Hotel Rwanda, which was filmed in South Africa using South African actors, the film was shot in the original location of the scenes it portrays. Also, many survivors of the massacre were employed as part of the production crew and minor acting roles.

The film's title refers to the actions of UN soldiers in shooting at the stray dogs that scavenged the bodies of dead. Since the UN soldiers were not allowed to shoot at the Hutu extremists who had caused the deaths in the first place, the shooting of dogs is symbolic of the madness of the situation that the film attempts to capture.


En 1994, Joe Connor, jeune instituteur anglais, enseigne à l'École Technique Officielle de Kigali, tenue par Christopher, prêtre catholique anglais lui aussi. Dans la nuit du 6 au 7 avril, alors que le président Juvénal Habyarimana vient de mourir dans un attentat, 2 000 Tutsis, sentant le génocide au Rwanda approcher, viennent se réfugier dans l'école. Les jours suivants, Joe et Christopher assisteront impuissants à l'évacuation des Occidentaux par les soldats français, puis au départ des casques bleus dont des soldats belges, laissant la voie libre aux tueurs Hutus.


John Hurt

Hugh Dancy

(Joe Connor)
Claire-Hope Ashitey

Dominique Horwitz

(Capitaine Charles Delon)
David Gyasi

Trailer of Shooting Dogs

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Source : Wikidata


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