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The Fighting Fists of Shanghai Joe is a film of genre Action directed by Mario Caiano released in USA on 12 december 1974 with Klaus Kinski

The Fighting Fists of Shanghai Joe (1973)

The Fighting Fists of Shanghai Joe
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Released in USA 12 december 1974
Length 1h38
Directed by
Genres Action,    Western
Rating56% 2.844172.844172.844172.844172.84417

My Name Is Shanghai Joe is a 1973 spaghetti western about a Chinese immigrant, recently arrived in America, who fights to free Mexican slaves from their cruel master. The film was released in a number of alternate titles in the United States, including The Fighting Fists of Shanghai Joe, To Kill or to Die and The Dragon Strikes Back. The film was directed by Mario Caiano and starred Chen Lee as Shanghai Joe.


En 1882, le chinois Shangai Joe, maître en arts martiaux, voyage à travers l'ouest américain pour rejoindre San Francisco. Cherchant une vie meilleure en Amérique, il ne trouve que racisme, violence et préjugés et décide de combattre ses opposants dont le redoutable Scalper Jack.


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