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The Student is a french film of genre Drama directed by Claude Pinoteau released in USA on 11 november 1988 with Sophie Marceau

The Student (1988)

The Student
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Released in USA 11 november 1988
Length 1h43
Genres Drama,    Comedy,    Romantic comedy,    Romance
Rating57% 2.8610352.8610352.8610352.8610352.861035

L'Étudiante (English: The Student) is a 1988 French romantic comedy film directed by Claude Pinoteau and starring Sophie Marceau, Vincent Lindon and Élisabeth Vitali. Written by Claude Pinoteau and Danièle Thompson, the film is about an ambitious teaching student, busy preparing for her final exams, whose studies are interrupted by a passionate affair with a jazz musician. The film was released to French theaters on October 10th, 1988 and sold 1,583,067 admissions in France.


Twenty-one-year-old Valentine (Sophie Marceau) is a part-time teacher preparing for her all-important final teacher examinations. She meets Edouard (Vincent Lindon), a jazz musician who aspires to be a composer. Despite the fact that the two have different schedules and career agendas, they engage in a passionate affair. Valentine compares her relationship with Edouard to the dry dissertation of Molière's The Misanthrope during her oral exams at the Sorbonne.


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The Slap
The Slap (1974)
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