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War of the Buttons is a french film of genre Drama directed by Christophe Barratier released in USA on 12 october 2012 with Guillaume Canet

War of the Buttons (2011)

War of the Buttons
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Released in USA 12 october 2012
Length 1h40
Genres Drama,    War,    Comedy,    Adventure
Rating61% 3.0813.0813.0813.0813.081

La nouvelle guerre des boutons (War of the Buttons) is a 2011 French film directed by Christophe Barratier.


The story takes place in March 1944 in a small French village. The children from the neighbouring villages of Longeverne and Velrans have been waging this merciless war as long as anyone can remember: the buttons of all the little prisoners' clothes are removed so that they head home almost naked, vanquished and humiliated. Consequently, this conflict is known as the "War of the Buttons." The village that collects the most buttons will be declared the winner. Meanwhile, Violette, a young Jewish girl, has caught the eye of Lebrac, the chief of the Longeverne kids.


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