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Films with the genre "Kung fu", sorted by revenue

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Circle of Iron
Directed by Richard Moore
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Martial arts, Fantastic, Fantasy, Kung fu, Action, Adventure, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors David Carradine, Christopher Lee, Roddy McDowall, Eli Wallach, Anthony De Longis, Vincent Di Paolo

The movie begins with a martial arts tournament, in which fighters are competing for the right to begin a quest to challenge Zetan, who possesses a special book of enlightenment that is supposed to contain all the world's wisdom. Arrogant brawler Cord (Jeff Cooper) defeats every opponent, but is disqualified for fighting dishonorably. Cord decides to follow the eventual winner Morthond (Anthony de Longis), hoping that he can lead him to Zetan.
Martial Arts of Shaolin, 1h30
Directed by Liu Chia-liang
Origin Hong kong
Genres Martial arts, Comedy, Kung fu, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Jet Li, Xiong Xin-xin

Le film raconte l'histoire de deux orphelins dont les parents ont été tués par le même assassin, l'un est envoyé à l'école de shaolin du nord et l'autre à celle du sud. Une fois la date de l'anniversaire du meurtrier arrivée, ils essaient de se venger.
Vengeance! (1970)
, 1h38
Directed by Chang Cheh
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Thriller, Martial arts, Kung fu, Action, Martial arts
Themes Films about music and musicians, Sports films, Martial arts films, Musical films, Kung fu films
Actors Ti Lung, David Chiang, Lily Li Li-li, Wang Ping, Lau Kar Wing, Ku Feng

Dans la Chine des années 1920, Kuan Yu-lo, un acteur d'opéra, se rend compte que sa femme lui est infidèle. Furieux, il se rend chez Feng Kai-shan, l'amant de cette dernière, et le défie. Peu après, il est attaqué dans un restaurant et meurt dans d'atroces souffrances. Plus tard, un mystérieux jeune homme arrive en ville. Il s'agit de Kuan Hsiao-lo, le frère de Yu-lo, qui est venu pour le venger.
The Super Inframan, 1h25
Origin Hong kong
Genres Science fiction, Martial arts, Kung fu, Action, Adventure
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Superhero films, Kung fu films
Actors Danny Lee, Bruce Le, Wang Hsieh, Bruce Lee, Yuen Woo-ping, Yuen Cheung-Yan

In 2015, Demon Princess Elzebub plots to conquer the Earth. She destroys a few major cities in China to prove her power to a terror-stricken humanity. Returning to her lair in Inner-Earth, she awakens her army of Skeleton Ghosts and various ferocious mutant humanoids to wreak havoc on the surface.
Shaolin Mantis, 1h36
Directed by Liu Chia-liang
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Kung fu, Action, Historical
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors David Chiang, Lily Li Li-li, Lau Kar Wing, Gordon Liu

Wei Fung (David Chiang), a young scholar recruited by the Emperor to infiltrate a group of rebels in the Tien Clan in order to get evidence of the clan's connection to Ming loyalists, the rebel spy network and anti-Ching activities. If Wei fails in his mission, his own well-connected family will be punished.
Spiritual Kung Fu, 1h30
Directed by Lo Wei
Origin Hong kong
Genres Martial arts, Comedy, Kung fu, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Ghost films, Kung fu films
Actors Jackie Chan, James Tien, Dean Shek, Yuen Biao, Lee Kwan

Yi-Lang est un jeune orphelin élevé dans un temple de Shaolin. Une nuit, le livre des "7 Commandements", un manuscrit ancestral dans lequel sont décrites des techniques de combat très puissantes gardées secrètes, a été dérobé. Un moine aveugle demande à Yi-Lang de découvrir qui est le voleur car lui seul peut rivaliser avec lui en utilisant la technique des "5 Forces"...
Five Shaolin Masters, 1h45
Directed by Chang Cheh
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Kung fu, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films, Wuxia films
Actors David Chiang, Ti Lung, Alexander Fu Sheng, Chi Kuan-chun, Gordon Liu, Bryan Leung

Hu Te et al. escape the burning Shaolin temple after the Qing soldiers destroyed it in Shaolin Temple. The group of 5 decide to develop secret codes to identify fellow patriots, enlist those patriots and eventually meet up again to escape to the south away from the Qings, and also identify the traitor who sold out Shaolin temple. Ma Fu Yi (the traitor, played by Wang Lung Wei), joins the Qing top fighters to eliminate the rebels but is exposed by Ma Chao-Tsing who gets captured by Ma Fu Yi. Hu meets up with a group of Shaolin men secretly posing as bandits to rescue Ma as their leader is killed in the process, thus the bandits join the rest of the Shaolin patriots.
Shaolin Temple, 1h57
Directed by Chang Cheh, Wu Ma
Origin Hong kong
Genres Martial arts, Kung fu, Action, Adventure, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Chi Kuan-chun, Ti Lung, David Chiang, Alexander Fu Sheng, Philip Kwok, Lo Mang

The film opens with the chief Shaolin Monks realizing that time is not on their side and they must train more fighters to fight the Qings. The monk Hai Hsien (Shan Mao) opposes this as he is secretly working for the court. Outside many men are sitting in front of the temple waiting to be accepted in, Fang Shih Yu (Fu Sheng), Ma Chao-hsing (Tony Liu) and others, as the temple tests the will of potential students by making them wait outside for days, eventually the two are accepted in for "training". Fang Shih Yu becomes frustrated immediately as Shaolin methods of teaching martial arts are rather obscure, although Ma Chao-hsing begins learning the five animal styles from the start.
Executioners from Shaolin, 1h38
Directed by Liu Chia-liang
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Kung fu, Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Chen Kuan-tai, Lily Li Li-li, Lo Lieh, Gordon Liu, Liu Chia-liang, Hsiao Ho

The title scene is a battle between Pai Mei and a master of the Shaolin temple in an empty red backdrop (this type of opening is a trademark of director Lau Kar-leung). Here we get the first display of Pai Mei's mastery of internal kung-fu techniques that allow him to retract his privates into his groin. After using his body protection techniques to ward off a clawing attack to the face, he traps a kick to the groin from Master Zhishan and delivers his own coup de grâce.
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, 1h55
Directed by Liu Chia-liang
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Kung fu, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about religion, Sports films, Martial arts films, Films about Buddhism, Kung fu films
Actors Gordon Liu, Lo Lieh, Lau Kar Wing, Chan Shen, Hsiao Ho, Mars

A young student named Liu Yude, later known as San Te, is drawn by his activist teacher into the local rebellion against the Manchu government. The government officials suppress the uprising and liquidate the school, killing friends and family members as well. San Te then decides to seek vengeance. Wounded in an attack by Manchu henchmen, he flees to the Shaolin temple and seeks training in kung fu. Initially the Buddhist monks reject him, since he is an outsider, but the chief abbot takes mercy on the young man and lets him stay. One year later, he begins his martial arts training in the temple's 35 chambers and advances more rapidly than any previous student. Along the way, he is depicted as inventing the three section staff.
Clan of the White Lotus, 1h35
Directed by Lo Lieh
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Comedy, Kung fu, Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Lo Lieh, Gordon Liu, Kara Hui, Hsiao Ho

À la suite de la mort de son frère Pai Mei, Lotus Blanc cherche vengeance avec une seule idée en tête : tuer les assassins de son frère. Une nuit, il décide de leur rendre une visite surprise et assassine un des deux. Mais le survivant de cette nuit, va se retirer du monde et, avec l'aide de la veuve du défunt, va perfectionner sa technique pour prendre sa revanche...
Dreadnaught, 1h31
Directed by Yuen Woo-ping
Origin Hong kong
Genres Thriller, Martial arts, Comedy, Kung fu, Action, Horror, Crime, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Yuen Biao, Bryan Leung, Kwan Tak-hing, Fan Mei-sheng, Yuen Woo-ping, Yuen Cheung-Yan

A short-tempered, violent criminal named the "White Tiger" is on the run from the police and joins a theater troupe to hide out, killing anyone who angers him or who suspects his identity. One person he unsuccessfully tries to kill several times is a cowardly laundry man named "Mousy" who manages to escape by fleeing. When a very close friend of Mousy's is killed by the White Tiger, Mousy overcomes his cowardliness enough to seek revenge.
Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin, 1h36
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Kung fu, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Jackie Chan, Nora Miao

Hsu Ying Fung quickly makes it known (with some help) that he possesses the "Eight Steps of the Snake and Crane", a martial arts manual illustrating the ultimate fighting style. The book was written by eight Shaolin masters shortly before their disappearance, and Hsu is suspected of killing them, or at least knowing what happened. In reality, Hsu is looking for the man responsible for the masters' disappearance, whom he will know by a certain mark.
Dirty Ho
Dirty Ho (1979)
, 1h37
Directed by Liu Chia-liang
Origin Hong kong
Genres Martial arts, Comedy, Kung fu, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Gordon Liu, Lo Lieh, Kara Hui, Hsiao Ho

Master Wang is actually the 11th prince of Manchuria in disguise. Posing as a sophisticated jewellery dealer and connoisseur of fine art and wine, the prince is trying to determine which of the other 14 heirs to the throne is trying to assassinate him. A jewel thief, Dirty Ho (Wong Yue) runs afoul of the prince, who uses Wong Yue to help him flush out his enemies.
Dragon Fist, 1h34
Directed by Lo Wei
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Kung fu, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Jackie Chan, Nora Miao, James Tien, Eagle Han-ying

Tang How-yuen (Jackie Chan) is a disciple of kung fu master San-thye. San-thye wins a martial arts tournament, only to be killed by evil kung fu master, Master Li (Yen Shi-kwan). Tang tries unsuccessfully to fight Chung, and leaves the evil master unharmed. Tang, along with San-thye's wife and daughter head after the killer to seek revenge. When they find him, Chung has repented and has cut off his own leg as penance. The master's widow becomes ill, so Tang goes to work for a gang in order to get her medicine. However, whilst in their employ, he is blamed for the death of a young boy, and San-Thye's widow is poisoned. Tang and the one-legged master join forces to defeat the evil lord who poisoned San-thye's widow.