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Films from the country "egypte", sorted by revenue

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Warda (2008)
, 6minutes
Origin Egypte
Genres Animation

Does every creature feel content with what God meant for him? The answer to this question is seen through a flower's point of view, a flower whose ambition pushes her to change her destiny. What will be the consequences?
The Yacoubian Building, 2h45
Directed by Marwan Hamed
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Adel Imam, Nour El-Sherif, Hend Sabri, Youssra, Mohamed Imam, Ahmed Rateb

The film opens with a montage tracing the building's history, as wealthy expatriate and Egyptian residents give way, after the 1952 coup that overthrew King Farouk and eventually resulted in the installation of Gamal Abdel Nasser as President of Egypt, to new families, and as the rooftop storage rooms are converted into living space for lower-class families. The rooftop community, effectively a slum neighborhood, is symbolic of the urbanization of Egypt and of the burgeoning population growth in its large cities in recent decades, especially among the poor and working classes. In the faded apartments of the main floors and on the building's teeming roof, the films's principal characters are introduced:
Dunia (2006)
, 1h52
Directed by Jocelyne Saab
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Dance films, Feminist films, Medical-themed films, Politique, Films about disabilities, Political films, La cécité
Actors Hanan Tork, Sawsan Badr, Mohamed Mounir محمد منير

Student of Sufi poetry and belly dance in Cairo, Dunia is looking for herself and wishes to become a professional dancer. During a casting for a dance contest, she meets the illustrious and charming Dr Bechir, a Sufi thinker and writer. With him, Dunia will discover not only the pleasure of words through Sufi poetry, but also the pleasure of the senses. However, she will have to confront tradition, which destroyed her capacity to feel pleasure, in order to free her body and dance with her soul.
Alexandria... New York, 2h8
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama
Actors Youssra, Yosra El Lozy, Lebleba, Bushra, Nelly Karim, Suad Nasr

À l'occasion d'un hommage qui lui est rendu à New York, Yéhié, réalisateur égyptien, retrouve Ginger, son amour de jeunesse.
The Other
The Other (1999)
, 1h45
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Hanan Tork, Lebleba, Amr Saad

Hanane, jeune journaliste d'origine modeste, rencontre Adam, jeune homme appartenant a l'élite arrogante et corrompue qui s'enrichit aux dépens du peuple. C'est le coup de foudre. Ils se marient. Margaret, la mère d'Adam, nourrit pour son fils un amour exclusif. Elle veut éliminer Hanane, sa rivale. Mais l'amour d'Adam pour sa femme est plus fort que ses complots. Peu à peu Adam prend conscience des méfaits commis par sa classe et par ceux de la mondialisation. Hanane et Adam résistent côte à côte, mais ils devront payer un lourd tribut au nouvel ordre mondial.
Destiny (1997)
, 2h15
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical, Musical
Themes Philosophie, Politique, Films about religion, Political films, Films about Islam
Actors Nour El-Sherif, Laila Elwi, Safia El Emari, Mohamed Mounir محمد منير, Khaled El nabawy, Mohamed Malas

À travers la vie du savant et philosophe Averroès, est évoquée l'Andalousie du XII siècle, lieu d'affrontements entre extrémistes musulmans et savants soucieux de la diffusion des connaissances.
Alexandria Again and Forever, 1h40
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama
Actors Youssra, Youssef Chahine, Hussein Fahmy, Tahia Carioca, Hoda Soltane, Tawfiq Saleh

À la suite d'une rupture avec Amr, son acteur fétiche, le cinéaste Yehia Eskandarany remet en cause son vécu et évoque leurs relations, les problèmes qu'a connu la profession avec l'infiltration du pétrodollar, mais aussi l'amour qu'il éprouve pour ses acteurs, cet amour dont la nature pourrait bien le transformer parfois en dictateur.
Adieu Bonaparte, 1h55
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Themes Films set in Africa, French war films, Political films, Histoire de France, Napoleonic Wars films
Actors Patrice Chéreau, Michel Piccoli, Tahia Carioca, Gamil Ratib, Hoda Soltane, Salah Zulfikar

En 1798, Bonaparte envahit l’Égypte et se pose en libérateur face à l’oppression turque. Il est accompagné du général Caffarelli, homme de cœur et d’esprit, qui se lie d’amitié avec deux jeunes Égyptiens. Au fur et à mesure, Bonaparte se révèle un conquérant sans scrupules et la résistance s’organise. Le général Caffarelli et ses deux disciples en feront partie.
I Want a Solution, 1h55
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama
Actors Faten Hamama, Rushdy Abaza, Amina Rizk

Dourria est une femme en conflit constant avec son mari. Quand elle demande le divorce, son mari n'accepte pas de se faire rejeter et refuse ce divorce.
The Sparrow, 1h45
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Actors Mahmoud el-Meliguy, Salah Mansour, Mariem Fakhr El Dine, Sid Ali Kouiret

June, 1967, on the eve of the Six-Day War. The Sparrow follows a young police officer stationed in a small village in Upper Egypt whose inhabitants suffer the harassment of a corrupt businessman. The police officer crosses paths with a journalist who is investigating what appears to be a scandal involving the theft of weapons and war machinery by high officials. Youssef Chahine offers us a portrait of the “sparrows”, the simple people of his country whom others use to get rich.
Saladin the Victorious, 2h55
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, War, Action, Adventure, Historical
Themes Politique, Films about religion, Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Ahmed Mazhar, Nadia Lutfi, Salah Zulfikar, Mahmoud el-Meliguy

The story of Saladin (Ahmed Mazhar) portrays the title character, ruler of the kingdoms surrounding Jerusalem, during the events of the Third Crusade. The film starts with Jerusalem, which is under the authority of the Christians of Europe, having its Muslim pilgrims slaughtered by the Christians in the holy lands. Saladin upon hearing this news seeks the reclamation of the holy lands in a short, almost impossible campaign. He succeeds in taking back Jerusalem, which leads the powers of Europe to organize the Third Crusade with the combined forces of the French king (Omar El-Hariri) and German emperor under the leadership of Richard the Lionheart of England. Saladin succeeds in preventing the recapture of Jerusalem, and in the end negotiations between himself and Richard (whom Saladin admires as the only honorable infidel leader) leave the Holy Land in Muslim hands.
The Mother of the Bride, 1h42
Directed by Atif Salem
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Emad Hamdy, Tahia Carioca, Hassan Youssef, Madiha Salem

Zeinab and Hussein are the hard-working parents of a family in Cairo. One day, their daughter announces that she is getting married. When Zeinab and Hussein meet the groom's parents, the latter make a series of over-the-top demands for the wedding.
Dark Waters
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime, Romance
Actors Faten Hamama, Omar Sharif, Ahmad Ramzy, Ferdoos Mohammed

The film takes place in a port in Alexandria and focuses on the lives of some sailors. Hamidah (Faten Hamama) works in a ship and plans to marry her cousin, Ragab (Omar Sharif), but Ragab is forced to leave for a long period. While he was away, Hamidah falls in love with Mamdouh, a wealthy man. Ragab returns three years later to find her in a relationship with someone else. He fights for her and wins her back again and marries her.
The Blazing Sun, 1h45
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Crime, Romance
Actors Faten Hamama, Omar Sharif, Zaki Rostom زكي رستم, Farid Shawki

Omar Sharif plays Ahmed, an engineer whose father (played by Abdel Waress Assar) is a farmer and a farm owner. His father succeeds in improving and increasing the production of sugar cane in his farm. Taher Pasha, a wealthy land owner, who runs a competing sugar cane production facility, feels threatened by his recent production prosperity. Ahmed is in a love relationship with the pasha's daughter, Amal, but as a consequence to the rivalry between both their fathers, he is compelled to hide their relationship.
Son of the Nile, 2h5
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Faten Hamama, Yehia Chahine, Mahmoud el-Meliguy, Ferdoos Mohammed

Hemaidah (shokry sarhan) is a farmer who hates country life. He hates working in fields and taking care of the animals in his farm. Though unsatisfied with her, he marries Zebeidah (Faten Hamama), a woman in the same village. He is determined to leave the village, move and live in the city. He plans for his travel and asks his brother to look after his farm and family. In Cairo, Hemaidah falls in the hands of a gang, headed by a ruthless gangster. Not wishing to risk his life, he is forced to work with the gang and help them in their crimes. He is introduced to theft and harlotry, and one day the police arrest the gang. Hemaidah spends his time in prison and returns to his village after his release, regretting that he had left it.