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Yosra El Lozy is a Actor Egyptienne born on 8 august 1985 at Cairo (Egypte)

Yosra El Lozy

Yosra El Lozy
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Birth name Yosra Mahmoud El Lozy
Nationality Egypte
Birth 8 august 1985 (38 years) at Cairo (Egypte)

Yosra El Lozy (Arabic: يسرا اللوزى‎, [ˈjosɾˤɑ lˈloːzi]) (Various spellings include Yousra Ellozi, Youssra El Lozy, and Yusra El Lawzi, is a film actress. She has received many awards from regional and international film festivals.


Yosra was born in Cairo in 1985. She is Egyptian actress . Her father, Mahmoud El Lozy, is a Theatre Professor at the American University in Cairo. Yosra is majoring in Political Science at AUC and minoring in Theatre and Modern History. Her first experience in professional acting was in Youssef Chahine's "Alexandria... New York" where she played the role of young Ginger. Yosra loves playing the piano and dancing ballet. She also likes to play football (soccer) with her father. She is highly talented when it comes to singing. She has acted in many AUC Theatre productions such as "A Silly Goose", "The Sultan's Dilemma", "Sulayman EL Halabi" and "Reader". She hopes to pursue her studies in International Law.

Usually with

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Filmography of Yosra El Lozy (4 films)

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Heliopolis (2010)
, 1h38
Directed by Ahmad Abdalla
Genres Drama, Documentary
Actors Khaled Abol Naga, Yosra El Lozy, Hend Sabri, Christine Solomon
Rating65% 3.2968253.2968253.2968253.2968253.296825
The events of one day in the lives of a number of Cairo residents is a portrayal of unfulfilled dreams and frustrating details of life in the overpopulated Metropolis. Their paths cross and their stories overlap but they are caught up in their struggle and are oblivious to one another against the background of what used to be one of Cairo's most glamorous neighborhoods. The City's vanishing glory and fading history is documented through the characters strife to make it through one day in Heliopolis.... The one thing they all share is the knowledge that they will probably have to confront the City again and again over the following days.
Microphone (2010)
, 2h2
Directed by Ahmad Abdalla
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama
Actors Khaled Abol Naga, Menna Shalabi, Yosra El Lozy
Rating72% 3.6455653.6455653.6455653.6455653.645565
When Khaled returns to Alexandria after years of travel he discovers that it is too late to rekindle a relationship with his old love because she is about to immigrate and that his relationship with his aging father is broken beyond repair. Self-absorbed, he roams the city and stumbles over the underground art scene: hip-hop singers who perform on sidewalks, female rock musicians on rooftops, skateboarders cruising all over the city, graffiti artists who confront the city with their shocking murals in the darkness of the night. He is mesmerized by the discovery of this world and his life gradually changes. With his limited resources and connections, he tries to support this movement and draw attention to the diverse facets of his city. Details of his private life and events of this movement overlap. He awaits an inevitable change that he believes will come from the dynamic and unique art scene in Alexandria rather than from Cairo, Egypt's overpopulated capital.
To Each His Own Cinema, 1h40
Directed by Claude Lelouch, Abbas Kiarostami, Amos Gitaï, Elia Suleiman, Nanni Moretti, Takeshi Kitano, Andreï Kontchalovski, Youssef Chahine, Roman Polanski, Wim Wenders, Chen Kaige, Raoul Ruiz, Olivier Assayas, Theo Angelopoulos, Michael Cimino, Wong Kar-wai, Manoel de Oliveira, Jane Campion, Alejandro González Iñárritu, David Lynch, Gus Van Sant, Atom Egoyan, Lars von Trier, Ken Loach, Walter Salles, David Cronenberg, Zhang Yimou, Bille August, Aki Kaurismäki, Hou Hsiao-hsien, Tsai Ming-liang, Raymond Depardon
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Isabelle Adjani, Anouk Aimée, Antoine Chappey, David Cronenberg, Yosra El Lozy, Taraneh Allidousti
Rating67% 3.395573.395573.395573.395573.39557
35 réalisateurs d'origines très variées (25 pays différents) ont tous mis en scène un court métrage de 3 minutes, sur le thème de la salle de cinéma. Le film en regroupe 33 puisque les frères Coen et les frères Dardenne travaillent ensemble. Celui de David Lynch ne faisait pas partie du film mais a été présenté en ouverture du festival.
Alexandria... New York, 2h8
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama
Actors Youssra, Yosra El Lozy, Lebleba, Bushra, Nelly Karim, Suad Nasr
Roles Ginger (young)
Rating56% 2.809852.809852.809852.809852.80985
À l'occasion d'un hommage qui lui est rendu à New York, Yéhié, réalisateur égyptien, retrouve Ginger, son amour de jeunesse.