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Films from the country "espagne", sorted by revenue

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The Sea Inside, 2h5
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Biography
Themes Films about euthanasia, Medical-themed films, Films about suicide, Films about disabilities
Actors Javier Bardem, Belén Rueda, Lola Dueñas, María Isabel Rivera Torres, Marta Larralde

This is the life story of Spaniard Ramón Sampedro, who fought a 28-year campaign to win the right to end his own life with dignity. The film explores Ramón's relationships with two women: Julia, a lawyer suffering from Cadasil syndrome, who supports his cause, and Rosa, a local woman who wants to convince him that life is worth living. Through the gift of his love, these two women are inspired to accomplish things they never previously thought possible.
Pain and Glory, 1h53
Directed by Pedro Almodóvar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Actors Antonio Banderas, Penélope Cruz, Asier Etxeandia, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Nora Navas, Julieta Serrano

Salvador Mallo est un réalisateur qui a connu le succès mais qui ne réalise plus de films à cause de nombreuses douleurs physiques dont il souffre. Par hasard, il retrouve Alberto Crespo, un acteur avec qui il s'est fâché trente ans auparavant. Il se remémore son enfance avec sa mère à Paterna.
Tad, the Lost Explorer, and the Secret of King Midas, 1h21
Directed by Enrique Gato
Origin Espagne
Genres Comedy, Adventure, Animation
Actors Michelle Jenner, Adriana Ugarte, Gemma Whelan, Marie-Eugénie Maréchal, Guillaume Lebon

Tad et son amie découvrent l'un des trois anneaux d'or appartenant au collier du Roi Midas.
The Skin I Live In, 1h57
Directed by Pedro Almodóvar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Themes Psychologie, Films about sexuality, Films about suicide, Rape in fiction, Erotic films, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, Rape and revenge films, Auto-justice, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Antonio Banderas, Elena Anaya, Marisa Paredes, Jan Cornet, Blanca Suárez, Eduard Fernández

Plastic surgeon Robert Ledgard was successful in cultivating an artificial skin resistant to burns and insect bites, which he calls "GAL", that he says he has been testing on athymic mice. He presents his results in a medical symposium but when he privately discloses he has also conducted illegal transgenic experiments on humans, he is forbidden to continue with his research.
REC (2007)
, 1h18
Directed by Jaume Balagueró, Paco Plaza
Origin Espagne
Genres Fantastic, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about religion, Demons in film, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Disaster films
Actors Manuela Velasco, Javier Botet, Pablo Rosso

Ángela Vidal (Manuela Velasco), and her cameraman, Pablo, are covering the night shift in one of Barcelona's local fire stations for the documentary television series While You're Sleeping. While they are recording, the firehouse receives a call about an old woman, Mrs. Izquierdo, who is trapped in her apartment and screaming. Ángela and Pablo accompany two of the firefighters, Álex and Manu, to the apartment building, where two police officers are waiting. As they approach the old woman, she becomes aggressive and attacks one of the officers, biting his neck.
Broken Embraces, 2h9
Directed by Pedro Almodóvar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Thriller, Romance
Themes Films about films, Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Films about disabilities, La cécité, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Penélope Cruz, Lluís Homar, Blanca Portillo, Lola Dueñas, José Luis Gómez, Ángela Molina

"Harry Caine" is a blind writer who shares his life with his agent Judit and her adult son, Diego. Slowly, events in the present begin to bring back memories of the past. Harry hears that millionaire Ernesto Martel has died; a young filmmaker, Ray X, appears and turns out to be Martel's son, Ernesto, Jr. After Diego is hospitalized for an accidental drug overdose in a Madrid nightclub, Harry collects Diego from the hospital and looks after him to avoid worrying his traveling mother. The main storyline is told in flashback as Harry reluctantly tells Diego a tragic tale of fate, jealousy, abuse of power, betrayal, and guilt.
The Invisible Guest, 1h46
Directed by Oriol Paulo
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Thriller, Crime
Actors Mario Casas, Ana Wagener, José Coronado, Bárbara Lennie, Paco Tous

Le jeune homme d'affaires Adrián Doria se réveille à l’hôtel à côté du cadavre de sa maîtresse, Laura. Accusé d'assassinat, il va passer en procès. Afin d'éviter un conflit d'intérêt, son ami avocat, Felix Leiva, lui trouve une avocate qui le coache pour son procès. Le temps presse car l'accusation a appelé un invité surprise dont l'identité est tenue secrète à témoigner contre Adrián...
I Want You
I Want You (2012)
, 2h10
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Mario Casas, Clara Lago, María Valverde, Nerea Camacho, Cristina Plazas, Jordi Bosch

Hache Mario Casas flies back to Barcelona after spending two years in London, away from friends and family, and trying to forget his first love and Pollo's Alvaro Cervantes death, his best friend. His brother picks him up from the airport and lets him stay with him. After he settles himself in, he sees his bike covered with a sheet. While looking at it, he reminisces on the past. Hache takes his bike for a spin and lands in the port where he used to race illegally. As soon as he gets there he receives a call, turns out Katina Marina Salas found out through Alex (Hache's brother) that he just got back; they both agree to meet at a park. When he arrives at the park, Hache sees Chino Lucho Fernandez who tells him that things have changed. Chino invites him to a get-together in a restaurant with their other friends, Hache tells him he'll go in a while. While waiting sitting on a bench, Katina surprises him and they both sit down for some catch up. Katina asks Hache if he has missed Babi and tells him that she's seen her, but that she has changed. Hache invites her to the get-together, but Katina declines the invitation and they part ways promising to keep in touch. Hache gets on his motorcycle and is seen been followed by Gin Clara Lago a photographer.
Captain Alatriste: The Spanish Musketeer, 2h25
Directed by Agustín Díaz Yanes
Origin Espagne
Genres Swashbuckler, Action, Adventure
Actors Viggo Mortensen, Elena Anaya, Unax Ugalde, Eduard Fernández, Ariadna Gil, Juan Echanove

The story takes place during the 17th century in the Spanish Empire. Diego Alatriste is a soldier in the service of King Philip IV of Spain, during the Eighty Years War. The story begins in the Netherlands, where the tercio of Diego Alatriste fights against the Dutch during the Dutch Revolt. Lope Balboa (father of Íñigo and friend of the captain) is killed here. Diego decides to return to Madrid where he receives the young Íñigo Balboa in his care.
Tad, the Lost Explorer, 1h31
Directed by Enrique Gato
Origin Espagne
Genres Comedy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about dogs, Films about birds, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Fiona Glascott, Cheech Marin, Ariel Winter, Belinda, Kerry Shale, Lewis MacLeod

Tadeo Jones (voiced in English by Kerry Shale) is a bricklayer from Spain who lives in Chicago, working on the construction of the city's subway. Ever since he was five years, he has dreamed of being a professional archaeologist. After being fired from his job as a bricklayer for daydreaming and for his dog urinating on the construction foreman, Tad visits his friend Professor Humbert (voiced by Mac McDonald), asking for the professor's help in investigating an apparently vintage bottle of Coca-Cola Tad found on the construction site. The professor receives a letter from his friend Professor Lavrof summoning him to Peru to re-unite his half of a stone "key" that will unlock the legendary Incan city of Paititi. Arriving at the airport, Professor Humbert suffers an accident after taking the wrong pills and is taken to the hospital. Meanwhile, a member of the nefarious firm Odysseus Inc. is spying on them and sends the photo to the other members who are in the Sechura Desert.
Silencio (2016)
, 1h36
Directed by Pedro Almodóvar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Adriana Ugarte, Emma Suárez, Rossy de Palma, Darío Grandinetti, Inma Cuesta, Pilar Castro

À la veille de quitter Madrid pour s'installer au Portugal avec son amant Lorenzo, Julieta rencontre fortuitement Beatriz, amie d'enfance de sa fille Antía. Elle apprend ainsi que cette fille qui est partie sans donner de nouvelles il y a plus de douze ans vit encore, en Suisse, avec trois enfants.
Champions (2018)
, 2h5
Directed by Javier Fesser
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Medical-themed films, Sports films, Basketball films, Films about disabilities
Actors Daniel Freire

Marco Montes est l'entraîneur adjoint de l'équipe de basket de l'Estudiantes Madrid en Liga ACB. Personnage arrogant et de mauvaises manières, il finit par être licencié de son travail après une altercation en plein match avec l'entraineur principal de l'équipe. Parallèlement, son couple bat de l'aile car Sonia, sa compagne, désire un enfant, mais lui tergiverse et fuit cette responsabilité. Un soir, il s'enivre de dépit dans un bar et prend le volant. Il est alors responsable d'un accident de la route. Arrêté en état d'ivresse avancée, il se voit puni d'une lourde amende. Il doit alors choisir entre deux années de prison ou 90 jours de travail d'intérêt général au sein d'une équipe de basket appelée "Les Amis" et constituée de sportifs débutants handicapés. Après un premier rejet de l'idée, il finit par s'y plier à contrecœur, jusqu'à découvrir qu'il peut beaucoup apprendre du monde du handicap. Peu à peu, l'équipe devient de plus en plus compétitive et se qualifie pour le championnat national.
Torrente 3: The Protector, 1h37
Directed by Santiago Segura
Origin Espagne
Genres Comedy, Crime
Actors Santiago Segura, José Mota, Tony Leblanc, Yvonne Sciò, Oliver Stone, Fabio Testi

L'eurodéputé italienne Giannina Ricci (célèbre pour sa lutte contre les entreprises polluantes) vient en Espagne pour dénoncer publiquement une multinationale espagnole. La direction de l'entreprise s'inquiète et suborne quelques hauts responsables de la police pour que la protection de l'eurodéputé ne soit pas la meilleure possible. C'est ainsi que Jose Luis Torrente, récemment réincorporé dans la police, a la tâche de protéger l'italienne.
Justin and the Knights of Valour, 1h30
Origin Espagne
Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Children's films
Actors Saoirse Ronan, Freddie Highmore, Mark Strong, Antonio Banderas, Julie Walters, Olivia Williams

Justin (Freddie Highmore) lives in the kingdom of Gabylonia, where bureaucrats rule and knights have been ousted. His dream is to become one of the Knights of Valour, like his grandfather, Sir Roland. But his father Reginald (Alfred Molina), a widower and the chief counsel to the Queen (Olivia Williams), wants his son to follow in his footsteps and become a lawyer. After an argument with his father, Justin seeks comfort from his grandmother (Julie Walters), a friend of the Queen, who encourages him to follow his dreams. Justin notices that his grandfather's sword is missing. He decides to go and find his grandfather's sword as his quest. His grandmother gives him a key which originally belonged to his grandfather and tells him to go to an abbey where three wise monks would train him. Before Justin leaves on his quest, he visits his crush Lara (Tamsin Egerton) who is a spoilt brat and the daughter of the kingdom's greatest economic. He wants to say farewell to her, though she is not really listening.
Cell 211
Cell 211 (2009)
, 1h53
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action
Themes Prison films
Actors Luis Tosar, Alberto Ammann, Antonio Resines, Marta Etura, Carlos Bardem, Fernando Soto

Juan Oliver wants to make a good impression at his new job as a prison officer and reports to work a day early, leaving his pregnant wife, Elena, at home. During his tour of the prison, an accident occurs that knocks him unconscious. He is rushed to the empty but visibly haunted walls of cell 211. As this diversion unfolds, convicts break free and hijack control of the penitentiary. Aware of the violence that is to come, the prison officers flee, leaving Juan stranded and unconscious in the heart of the riot. When Juan awakens, he immediately takes stock of the situation; in order to survive, he must pretend to be a prisoner.