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Real name Victor Shade, la Torche humaine, le Spectre de Pierre, Manikin

The Vision is the name of multiple fictional superheroes appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The first Vision was an alien created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby that first appeared in Marvel Mystery Comics # 13 (November 1940). The second Vision is an android and a member of the Avengers that first appeared in The Avengers #57 (October 1968) by Roy Thomas, Stan Lee and John Buscema. The third Vision was the time traveler previously known as Iron Lad, who was fused with the operating system of the second Vision. The second Vision was portrayed by Paul Bettany in the 2015 film Avengers: Age of Ultron; he will reprise the role in the 2016 film Captain America: Civil War.


Golden Age Vision/"Aarkus"

During the 1940s, Marvel predecessor Timely Comics published stories featuring an unrelated superhero called the Vision, who was an alien from an alternate dimension.

Silver Age Vision/"Victor Shade"

The robot Ultron is the creator of the Vision, a type of android he calls a "synthezoid", for use against Ultron's own creator, Dr. Hank Pym (Ant-Man/Giant Man/Goliath/Yellowjacket) and Pym's wife, Janet van Dyne (the Wasp) of the superhero team the Avengers. Ultron sends his new servant to lead the Avengers into a trap. The Wasp is the first to encounter the synthezoid, and describes it as a "vision" while trying to escape. Adopting the name, the Vision is convinced by the Avengers to turn against Ultron. After learning how Ultron created him, using the brain patterns of then-deceased Simon Williams (Wonder Man), the Vision becomes a member of the team. The team initially believes the Vision's body was created from that of the android original Human Torch. The Avengers later are told that the time lord Immortus used the power of the Forever Crystal to split the original Human Torch into two entities – one body remained the original Torch while Ultron rebuilt the other as the Vision. This was part of his plan to nurture a relationship for the Scarlet Witch that would prevent her from having any children, as her power level meant that any offspring she might have could threaten the cosmic beings of the Marvel Universe.

Not long after joining the team, the Vision is temporarily controlled by Ultron, and rebuilds Ultron of adamantium, battling the Avengers before regaining control of himself. Shortly after that, the Vision first meets Wanda Maximoff, the mutant Scarlet Witch, with whom he later becomes romantically involved. The two eventually marry and, via the Scarlet Witch's hex powers, they have twin boys named Thomas and William.

When the Vision attempts to penetrate an energy field erected by the villain Annihilus, he "shuts down", and even after regaining consciousness weeks later, remains paralyzed and assumes a holographic form. He eventually regains control of his body and becomes team leader. Having become unbalanced by these events, he attempts to take control of the world's computers. With the aid of the Avengers, the Vision is restored to his normal self, but now closely monitored by a coalition of governments.

In a storyline called "Vision Quest", rogue agents of the United States government, manipulated by the time traveler Immortus, abduct the Vision and dismantle him. The Avengers recover the parts, and Dr. Pym rebuilds the Vision, but with a chalk-white complexion. However, the revived Simon Williams does not allow his brain patterns to be used again to provide a matrix for Vision's emotions, explaining that the original process, done without his consent, had "ripped out his soul". This, along with damage to the Vision's synthetic skin when he was dismantled, results in the synthezoid's resurrection as a colorless and emotionless artificial human.

The original Human Torch also returns from his own apparent demise, casting doubt on the Vision's identity. The Vision and the Scarlet Witch's children are then revealed to be fragments of the soul of the demon Mephisto, who had been broken apart by Franklin Richards shortly before the birth of the twins. The twins are absorbed back into Mephisto, which temporarily drives Wanda insane. Although she recovers, Wanda and the Vision separate, each operating on a different Avengers team.

The Vision gradually regains his emotions, by adopting new brain patterns from deceased scientist Alex Lipton, and gains a new body that resembles his original. In addition, Simon Williams' brain patterns gradually reemerge and meld with Lipton's patterns, restoring the Vision's full capacity for emotion.

Shortly after a reformation of the Avengers, the Vision sustains massive damage in the final battle with the sorceress Morgan Le Fey, and although incapacitated for several weeks, is eventually rebuilt and recovers. While recovering, the Vision gives up his attempt to reconcile with his wife, although he is revealed to retain a fondness for her culture, such as visiting a restaurant that specifically caters to Wanda's childhood community simply because he enjoys the ambience. Remaining a member of the Avengers, he briefly becomes romantically involved with teammates Carol Danvers (a.k.a. Warbird/Ms. Marvel) and Mantis before attempting again to reconcile with the Scarlet Witch. Grief over the loss of the twins, however, drives Wanda insane again, and she attempts to alter reality to recreate them. This causes a series of catastrophic events that includes the Vision crashing an Avengers Quinjet into Avengers Mansion. The Vision advises his teammates that he is no longer in control of his body, and then expels several spheres that form into five Ultrons. The Avengers destroy them, and an enraged She-Hulk tears apart the remains of the Vision, having been driven to a breaking point by the rapid slew of attacks against the Avengers. The Avengers later believed that Ultron may have put a command in the Vision that would have been activated by the Avengers' Code White alert during one of the many periods in which Vision was held prisoner by Ultron, though this was never confirmed. The Vision's operating system and program files are later used in the creation of Iron Lad's armor. In Mighty Avengers the original Vision is briefly separated from Iron Lad by the power of the Cosmic Cube.

During the Chaos War storyline, the Vision is one of many deceased heroes restored to life after the events in the death realms. Vision joins with the other resurrected Avengers in their fight against Grim Reaper and Nekra. During the fight, Vision blows himself up while in battle with Grim Reaper, killing them both.

Following the Fear Itself storyline, Tony Stark is able to rebuild Vision who once again joins the Avengers. After being informed about what happened after his destruction, the Vision sees She-Hulk, telling her he does not blame her for what happened. He then goes to Utopia to confront Magneto, threatening Magneto to tell him where Wanda is. Magneto uses his powers to subdue the Vision but spares him, saying he believes Wanda still cares for the Vision and that Magneto does not want to hurt her more. Captain America talks to the Vision afterward, telling him he needs to move forward.

During a subsequent confrontation with the returned Wanda at the start of the Avengers vs. X-Men storyline, Vision claims that her use of his body to attack his friends is something that he cannot forgive and, while he banishes her from the mansion, he also sheds tears after her departure.

During the Marvel NOW! relaunch, Vision leaves the Avengers in order to find himself following a battle with Sunturion. After departing the team, he is shown visiting Billy Kaplan, the teenage reincarnation of one of his sons.

Following the Age of Ultron storyline, Vision joins Hank Pym's Avengers A.I. alongside Monica Chang, Victor Mancha, and a reprogrammed Doombot.

Modern Age Vision/"Jonas"

The second incarnation of the Vision is a fusion of the old Vision's operating systems and the armor of adventurer Iron Lad, a teenage version of Kang the Conqueror who arrives in the present. Through this merger, Iron Lad is able to access plans the Vision had created in the event of the Avengers' defeat. He uses these plans to assemble a new team of "Young Avengers". When Iron Lad is forced to remove his armor to stop Kang the Conqueror from tracking him, the Vision's operating system causes the armor to become a sentient being.

When Iron Lad leaves the time period, he leaves the armor behind with the Vision's operating system activated. The exact details of the new Vision's personality and mental make-up varies from writer to writer. Some writers like Brian Michael Bendis (during the "Collective" storyline) and Ed Brubaker (during "Captain America Reborn") write him as if he was the original Vision in a new body, while other writers such as Allan Heinberg and Dan Slott write him as an entirely new character.

The new Vision opts to stay with the Young Avengers and serve as a mentor for them, though it is later revealed that (due to Heinberg's portrayal of him as having Iron Lad's brainwave pattern be the basis for his personality) he is with the group due to his growing feelings of affection towards Cassie Lang, the super-heroine known as Stature (daughter of Scott Lang). After the events of the superhero "Civil War" over federal registration, the Vision travels the world posing as different people in order to gain a better understanding of who he is. He then finds Cassie and declares his love, and states he has adopted the name "Jonas". During a later battle between the alien Skrulls and the Avengers, the Vision is shot through the head. He survives and joins with Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. alongside the other Young Avengers.

He joins the new lineup of the Mighty Avengers, along with Stature. They opt to keep their dual memberships in the Avengers and the Young Avengers a secret, in order to hunt for the Scarlet Witch (really Loki in disguise), who arranged for the roster to form. They ultimately tell their teammates this when Loki reveals his impersonation of Wanda and confront him. When the group ultimately disbands following the events of the "Siege", both rejoin the Young Avengers full-time.

In Avengers: Children's Crusade, Cassie is killed by Doctor Doom, and Iron Lad decides to take her body into the future to be revived. "Jonas" protests, reasoning that such an action is more in line with Kang's manipulation of time than what Cassie would want, and Iron Lad murders him in a fit of jealous anger. Although his teammates contemplate rebuilding him, they decide against it, both because they lack the 30th-century technology to do so and because, even with their access to his back-ups, the lack of a back-up immediately prior to his death would mean that they would have to tell him about Cassie's death all over again. Kate, Cassie's best friend, prefers to believe that he and Cassie are somehow together wherever they are now.

Best films

Played by the actor

Paul Bettany
Paul Bettany
(6 films)
See more : Wikipedia

Filmography of Vision (6 films)

Display filmography as list
Avengers: Endgame, 3h1
Directed by Martin Scorsese, Anthony Russo et Joe Russo
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Action, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Time travel films, Sur une planète fictive, Films set in the future, Hulk (comics) films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Hugh Jackman, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Holland
Rating82% 4.129194.129194.129194.129194.12919
Le Titan Thanos ayant réussi à s'approprier les six Pierres d'Infinité et à les réunir sur le Gantelet doré, a pu réaliser son objectif de pulvériser la moitié de la population de l'Univers d'un claquement de doigts. Les quelques Avengers et Gardiens de la Galaxie ayant survécu, Captain America, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, War Machine, Nébula et Rocket, espèrent réparer le méfait de Thanos. Ils le retrouvent mais il s'avère que ce dernier a détruit les pierres et Thor le décapite. Cinq ans plus tard, alors que chacun essaie de continuer sa vie et d'oublier les nombreuses pertes dramatiques, Scott Lang, alias Ant-Man, parvient à s'échapper de la dimension subatomique où il était coincé depuis la disparition du Docteur Hank Pym, de sa femme Janet Van Dyne et de sa fille Hope Van Dyne. Lang propose aux Avengers une solution pour faire revenir à la vie tous les êtres disparus, dont leurs alliés et coéquipiers : récupérer les Pierres d'Infinité dans le passé grâce à l'univers quantique.
Spider-Man: Far from Home, 2h9
Directed by Jon Watts
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Films set in the future, Films about spiders, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Tom Holland, Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, Jake Gyllenhaal, Cobie Smulders
Rating74% 3.700353.700353.700353.700353.70035
Dévasté par la disparition d'Iron Man, son mentor, Peter Parker a pour projet de laisser son costume de super-héros derrière lui pendant quelques semaines afin de partir en vacances en Europe avec ses camarades lycéens, mais cette escapade est rapidement compromise quand il accepte à contrecœur d'aider Nick Fury à découvrir le mystère de plusieurs attaques de créatures, qui ravagent le continent.
Avengers: Infinity War, 2h29
Directed by Martin Scorsese, Anthony Russo et Joe Russo
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Dans l'espace, Films about spiders, Hulk (comics) films, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pratt, Scarlett Johansson
Rating82% 4.125334.125334.125334.125334.12533
Père adoptif de Gamora et Nébula, Thanos a commencé à recueillir les six Pierres d'Infinité : la Pierre du Pouvoir, la Pierre de l'Espace, la Pierre de Réalité, la Pierre de l'Âme, la Pierre du Temps et la Pierre de l'Esprit. Son objectif est de réunir ces six gemmes sur un gantelet doré, forgé par le nain Eitri sur Nidavellir, afin d'utiliser leur immense puissance pour détruire la moitié de la population de l'Univers et rétablir ainsi un certain équilibre. Dans sa quête le menant sur diverses planètes, la Terre, Knowhere et Vormir, Thanos est aidé par ses enfants adoptifs : Ebony Maw , Cull Obsidian , Corvus Glaive et Proxima Midnight . Face à cette nouvelle menace qui concerne l'Univers entier, le groupe de super-héros des Avengers, divisé depuis 2 ans, doit se reformer, et s'associer au Docteur Strange, aux Gardiens de la Galaxie et au peuple du Wakanda.
Spider-Man: Homecoming, 2h13
Directed by Jon Watts
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Films about spiders, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr., Marisa Tomei, Zendaya, Bokeem Woodbine, Michael Keaton
Rating73% 3.699083.699083.699083.699083.69908
À la suite de sa participation à l'affrontement entre Iron Man et Captain America, Peter Parker, un jeune lycéen fréquentant le lycée de Midtown, continue à se servir de ses pouvoirs sous le masque de Spider-Man pour lutter contre la criminalité qui ronge la ville de New York, tout en essayant de trouver un équilibre entre sa vie de lycéen, son amour secret pour Liz, son ami Ned Leeds, et sa carrière de super-héros masqué. Mais avec la venue d'un nouveau super-vilain nommé le Vautour équipé d'un exosquelette créé à partir de technologie Chitauri (récupérée après la bataille de New York), Peter devra faire ses preuves en affrontant ce dernier pour prouver à Tony Stark qu'il peut être un atout pour l'équipe des Avengers.
Captain America: Civil War, 2h27
Directed by Anthony Russo et Joe Russo
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Fantastic, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Monde imaginaire, Films about spiders, Spider-Man films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films
Actors Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Chadwick Boseman, Daniel Brühl, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson
Rating77% 3.89543.89543.89543.89543.8954
Le Soldat de l'Hiver (alias Bucky Barnes) a autrefois été reconditionné dans une base militaire soviétique sibérienne et hypnotisé à l'aide de certains mots. Quiconque prononce ces mots en russe plonge le Soldat de l'Hiver en transe et peut lui donner n'importe quel ordre sans qu'il puisse désobéir. C'est ainsi qu'en 1991, le Soldat de l'Hiver a provoqué l'arrêt brutal d'une voiture pour s'emparer dans son coffre d'une valise avec un étrange contenu.
Avengers: Age of Ultron, 2h22
Directed by Joss Whedon
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films set in Africa, Monde imaginaire, Transport films, Aviation films, Hulk (comics) films, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Children's films, Robot films
Actors Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Lee Renner, Chris Evans
Rating72% 3.6496653.6496653.6496653.6496653.649665
In the Eastern European country of Sokovia, the Avengers – Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, Bruce Banner (Hulk), Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton – raid a Hydra outpost led by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, who has been experimenting on humans using the scepter previously wielded by Loki. They encounter two of Strucker's experiments – twins Pietro, who has superhuman speed, and Wanda Maximoff, who can manipulate minds and project energy – and apprehend Strucker, while Stark retrieves Loki's scepter.