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Alberto Negrin is a Director and Scriptwriter born on 2 january 1940

Alberto Negrin

Alberto Negrin
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Birth 2 january 1940 (84 years)

Alberto Negrin, né le 2 janvier 1940 à Casablanca, est un réalisateur italien.


Ses parents avaient quitté l'Italie pour le Maroc afin de fuir le fascisme mais retournèrent dans leur pays d'origine après la fin de la guerre. Alberto Negrin fait ses études en philosophie à l'Université de Milan après avoir passé un baccalauréat classique. En même temps il fréquente l'école d'interprètes et avec quelques camarades d'études met en scène au Centro Pavoniano, le 28 mars 1962, "Chicken Soup with Barley" en langue originale, et obtient un bon succès. Passionné de photographie il collabore dans cette fonction à diverses magazines (dont Storia Illustrata, Panorama, L'espresso, L'Europeo). En 1962, après diverses expériences théâtrales il entre au Piccolo Teatro de Milan, où il est assistant à la régie de Giorgio Strehler, Orazio Costa, et Virginio Puecher.

À partir de 1966 il signe plusieurs régies pour le Piccolo Teatro où en 1969 il se lance dans la réalisation du film-enquête Operai (Ouvriers). À partir de 1968 il se consacre aussi au cinéma et à la télévision, avec la réalisation d'enquêtes, de feuilletons télévisés
et de fictions tirées d'œuvres littéraires à caractère biographique. Parmi ses premiers travaux télévisuels il y a le Feuilleton télévisé pour enfants Il gatto con gli stivali (le chat botté) (1969), Racket, une enquête de 1972 sur le recrutement de main d'œuvre clandestine par la mafia, Il Picciotto (1973), La promessa, tiré du livre de Dürrenmatt.

Dans les années 80 il réalise d'autres feuilletons télévisés, comme La Cinquième Femme tiré du roman de Maria Fagyas, la série La Chute de Mussolini (1985), sur Benito Mussolini, et Le Secret du Sahara, inspiré du roman d'Emilio Salgari. En 1990 il tourne une co-production italo-américaine Il viaggio del terrore: la vera storia dell'Achille Lauro avec Burt Lancaster.

Dans les années 1990 et 2000 il continue de faire des réalisations de miniséries TV dédiées à des personnages illustres come Perlasca - Un eroe italiano, Gino Bartali - L'intramontabile et Pane e libertà, portrait des aventures humaines et politiques du syndicaliste Giuseppe Di Vittorio; il y a aussi les séries Una questione privata (adaptée du roman de Beppe Fenoglio), I guardiani del cielo, série de Rai Uno située au Moyen-Orient, Il cuore nel pozzo (2005) et L'ultimo dei Corleonesi (2007), toujours pour Rai Uno.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Alberto Negrin (7 films)

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Memories of Anne Frank
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Emilio Solfrizzi, Rosabell Laurenti Sellers
Rating60% 3.035693.035693.035693.035693.03569
The film is about diarist Anne Frank and her friendship with Hanneli Goslar. In 1935, Anne and Hanneli, both of whom were little children, meet at their first day of the school. From that moment, they become very good friends and their friendship continues until 1942, when Anne and her family go to hiding. A few months after Anne and her family go to hiding, the Goslars are arrested by the Nazis. Hanneli, after being deported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, is reunited with Anne, who is a more unprivileged prisoner of the camp imprisoned in the other side of the camp, which is separated by an electric-wired fence from the side where Hanneli is imprisoned.
The Heart in the Well
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Themes Political films
Actors Giuseppe Fiorello, Leo Gullotta, Antonia Liskova, Dragan Bjelogrlić, Alfredo Pea, Sonia Aquino
Rating33% 1.6529751.6529751.6529751.6529751.652975
People Returning April 1945. The Nazi army is losing the war and Tito's Yugoslav partisans are rapidly gaining ground.
Perlasca: The Courage of a Just Man, 2h6
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Genres Drama
Themes Films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Luca Zingaretti, Amanda Sandrelli, Jérôme Anger, Giuliana Lojodice, Mathilda May, György Cserhalmi
Rating71% 3.583063.583063.583063.583063.58306
The film starts in a Budapest Hotel with a narrative introduction by Perlasca. His chambermaid warns him of a raid of Hungarian Arrow Cross storm troopers coming to arrest him. He escapes and manages gets to the railway station, where he tries to sneak onto a sheep transport wagon. Discovered by a local officer named Glückmar he is arrested (as Italy has surrendered to the Alllies, Italian citizens in Hungary are considered enemies). While he is being taken away, an Allied air strike hits the station and Perlasca escapes.
Tower of the First Born
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure, Historical
Actors Ben Cross, Peter Weller, Ione Skye, Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu, Romina Mondello, Alexander Kerst
Rating44% 2.2380352.2380352.2380352.2380352.238035
Deux frères ennemis vont se mener une lutte acharnée au beau milieu du désert du Sahara à la recherche d'un trésor...
Voyage of Terror: The Achille Lauro Affair, 3h
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Genres Drama, Thriller, Documentary, Action, Historical
Themes Seafaring films, Films about terrorism, Transport films, Films about hijackings
Actors Burt Lancaster, Eva Marie Saint, Robert Culp, Renzo Montagnani, Dominique Sanda, Rebecca Schaeffer
Rating60% 3.0005653.0005653.0005653.0005653.000565
One day, all are waiting for a ride of twelve days of quietness and relaxation aboard the Italian luxury cruise ship Achille Lauro. Everyone seems happy and content. No members of the passengers suspect that four Palestinian terrorists are among them. The most dangerous of all is their leader Molqi (Joseph Nasser). Among the hostages are Mr. Leon Klinghoffer (Burt Lancaster), and his wife Mrs Marilyn Klinghoffer.
Mussolini and I, 2h10
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Biography, Historical
Themes Political films
Actors Susan Sarandon, Anthony Hopkins, Bob Hoskins, Annie Girardot, Barbara De Rossi, Dietlinde Turban Maazel
Rating62% 3.122393.122393.122393.122393.12239
The film starts just before World War II and shows the political and personal side of Benito Mussolini aka Il Duce's fall from power until his death and the end of the war. It delves into Il Duce's relationship with his son in-law, daughter, wife, mistress, and admiration of Hitler.
Rings of Fear
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Genres Thriller, Horror, Crime
Actors Fabio Testi, Christine Kaufmann, Jack Taylor, Ivan Desny, Helga Liné, María Asquerino
Rating56% 2.804742.804742.804742.804742.80474
Le cadavre d'une lycéenne de seize ans est retrouvé dans une rivière, dans une bâche en plastique transparent. Elle s'appelait Angela Russo et fréquentait le pensionnat de jeunes filles Sainte Teresa. L'inspecteur Gianni Di Salvo (Fabio Testi) est chargé de l'enquête. Il apprend, grâce au témoignage d'Emily, la petite sœur d'Angela, que cette dernière était très proche de Franca, Paola et Virginia, copines de classe, et complices au point d'avoir créé le clan des « Inséparables ». Toujours grâce à l'aide précieuse d'Emily, Di Salvo réalise, en lisant le journal secret d'Angela, que le quatuor fuguait régulièrement du pensionnat afin de participer à des soirées spéciales au cours desquelles elles monnayaient leurs charmes...


Memories of Anne Frank
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Emilio Solfrizzi, Rosabell Laurenti Sellers
Rating60% 3.035693.035693.035693.035693.03569
The film is about diarist Anne Frank and her friendship with Hanneli Goslar. In 1935, Anne and Hanneli, both of whom were little children, meet at their first day of the school. From that moment, they become very good friends and their friendship continues until 1942, when Anne and her family go to hiding. A few months after Anne and her family go to hiding, the Goslars are arrested by the Nazis. Hanneli, after being deported to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, is reunited with Anne, who is a more unprivileged prisoner of the camp imprisoned in the other side of the camp, which is separated by an electric-wired fence from the side where Hanneli is imprisoned.
Tower of the First Born
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure, Historical
Actors Ben Cross, Peter Weller, Ione Skye, Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu, Romina Mondello, Alexander Kerst
Roles Writer
Rating44% 2.2380352.2380352.2380352.2380352.238035
Deux frères ennemis vont se mener une lutte acharnée au beau milieu du désert du Sahara à la recherche d'un trésor...
Voyage of Terror: The Achille Lauro Affair, 3h
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Genres Drama, Thriller, Documentary, Action, Historical
Themes Seafaring films, Films about terrorism, Transport films, Films about hijackings
Actors Burt Lancaster, Eva Marie Saint, Robert Culp, Renzo Montagnani, Dominique Sanda, Rebecca Schaeffer
Roles Writer
Rating60% 3.0005653.0005653.0005653.0005653.000565
One day, all are waiting for a ride of twelve days of quietness and relaxation aboard the Italian luxury cruise ship Achille Lauro. Everyone seems happy and content. No members of the passengers suspect that four Palestinian terrorists are among them. The most dangerous of all is their leader Molqi (Joseph Nasser). Among the hostages are Mr. Leon Klinghoffer (Burt Lancaster), and his wife Mrs Marilyn Klinghoffer.
Mussolini and I, 2h10
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Biography, Historical
Themes Political films
Actors Susan Sarandon, Anthony Hopkins, Bob Hoskins, Annie Girardot, Barbara De Rossi, Dietlinde Turban Maazel
Rating62% 3.122393.122393.122393.122393.12239
The film starts just before World War II and shows the political and personal side of Benito Mussolini aka Il Duce's fall from power until his death and the end of the war. It delves into Il Duce's relationship with his son in-law, daughter, wife, mistress, and admiration of Hitler.
Rings of Fear
Directed by Alberto Negrin
Genres Thriller, Horror, Crime
Actors Fabio Testi, Christine Kaufmann, Jack Taylor, Ivan Desny, Helga Liné, María Asquerino
Rating56% 2.804742.804742.804742.804742.80474
Le cadavre d'une lycéenne de seize ans est retrouvé dans une rivière, dans une bâche en plastique transparent. Elle s'appelait Angela Russo et fréquentait le pensionnat de jeunes filles Sainte Teresa. L'inspecteur Gianni Di Salvo (Fabio Testi) est chargé de l'enquête. Il apprend, grâce au témoignage d'Emily, la petite sœur d'Angela, que cette dernière était très proche de Franca, Paola et Virginia, copines de classe, et complices au point d'avoir créé le clan des « Inséparables ». Toujours grâce à l'aide précieuse d'Emily, Di Salvo réalise, en lisant le journal secret d'Angela, que le quatuor fuguait régulièrement du pensionnat afin de participer à des soirées spéciales au cours desquelles elles monnayaient leurs charmes...