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Alexander Held is a Actor Allemand born on 19 october 1958 at Munich (German)

Alexander Held

Alexander Held
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Nationality German
Birth 19 october 1958 (65 years) at Munich (German)

Gerald Alexander Held, né le 19 octobre 1958 à Munich, est un acteur allemand.

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Filmography of Alexander Held (20 films)

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Sanctuary (2015)
, 1h44
Genres Drama
Actors Louis Hofmann, Alexander Held, Jonas Berg, Max Riemelt, Uwe Bohm, Megan Gay
Roles Hausvater Brockmann
Rating71% 3.598053.598053.598053.598053.59805
Au coeur de l'été 1968, il souffle un vent de liberté sur Osnabrück, dans le Nord de l'Allemagne. Wolfgang, 14 ans, poussé par cet esprit de révolte, répond par l'insolence à l'éducation stricte prodiguée par sa mère et son beau-père. Ceux-ci décident de le placer dans un internat religieux pour jeunes garçons difficiles. Wolfgang découvre ainsi la vie de caserne sous couvert d'éducation religieuse, faite de portes fermées à clé, de barreaux aux fenêtres, de châtiments corporels et de travaux dans une tourbière. Les durs conflits entre les pensionnaires s'ajoutent aux brimades des frères. Loin d'étouffer la volonté d'émancipation du jeune homme, ce quotidien exacerbe sa révolte contre l'ordre établi et contre les adultes.
Haute Trahison, 1h38
Directed by Roland Suso Richter
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Sebastian Rudolph, Francis Fulton-Smith, Johann von Bülow, Alexander Held, André Hennicke, Henning Baum
Roles Siegfried Buback
Rating66% 3.3158653.3158653.3158653.3158653.315865
En octobre 1962, la jeune République fédérale allemande connaît sa première crise d’État. Au coeur de la tourmente : le patron du magazine Spiegel et le ministre de la Défense, Franz Josef Strauss. Un thriller politique au rythme soutenu.
The Girl with Nine Wigs
Directed by Marc Rothemund
Origin German
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about cancer
Actors Alice Dwyer, Lisa Tomaschewsky, Jasmin Gerat, Alexander Held
Roles Dr. Friedrich Leonhard
Rating67% 3.3931853.3931853.3931853.3931853.393185
À Anvers, en Flandre belge, au début du mois de février 2012, Sophie est une étudiante de 21 ans, refusant d'avoir un seul partenaire, changeant d'homme en homme non sérieux.
4 Days in May, 1h38
Directed by Achim von Borries
Origin German
Genres Drama, War
Themes Films about children, Politique, Political films
Actors Andreï Merzlikine, Aleksei Guskov, Ivan Shvedoff, Merab Ninidze, Alexander Held, Grigoriy Dobrygin
Roles Oberstleutnant
Rating63% 3.195463.195463.195463.195463.19546
It is one of the last days before the capitulation of the German army in May 1945. The setting is the Baltic coast in Pomerania. A unit of the Soviet army, comprising seven people and led by a captain nicknamed "Gorynych" ("dragon") (Alexei Guskov) by his companions, has left for reconnaissance and observation of the movements of the retreating Germans. The group is housed in a large building, a shelter for orphaned girls. A German Army Wehrmacht detachment was situated close by, waiting transport for evacuation by sea to Denmark, where surrender to the British was planned. Both parties understand that the war is almost over; they do not want to engage each other and choose to wait things out. But resistance is not over for a teenage orphan Peter (Paul Wenzel), who was indoctrinated in the "no surrender" tradition of National Socialism. Soviet intelligence officers disarm him and patiently try to neutralize his youthful aggression.
Nanga Parbat, 1h44
Directed by Joseph Vilsmaier
Genres Drama, Adventure
Themes Films about families, Sports films
Actors Karl Markovics, Volker Bruch, Lena Stolze, Matthias Habich, Alexander Held, Sunnyi Melles
Roles Dr. Franz Burda
Rating64% 3.2491753.2491753.2491753.2491753.249175
Drama about the tragic Nanga Parbat expedition by the two Messner brothers in 1970, on which Reinhold Messner's younger brother Günther died.
Allemagne 1918, 3h
Origin German
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Alexander Held, Mathieu Carrière, Hans-Michael Rehberg, Rainer Basedow, Serge Avédikian, Holger Handtke
Roles Wilhelm Groener
Rating73% 3.667673.667673.667673.667673.66767
À l'automne 1918, après quatre ans de guerre, l'effondrement des alliés de l'Allemagne contraint l'état-major allemand à proposer à l'empereur Guillaume II la signature d'un armistice, pour éviter la rupture du front occidental et une probable invasion de l'Allemagne par ses adversaires. Le film relate les principaux évènements de la révolution qui en découle et la mise en place de la République de Weimar associée à la signature et à la promulgation du Traité de Versailles.
Pope Joan
Pope Joan (2009)
, 2h29
Directed by Sönke Wortmann
Origin German
Genres Drama, Historical, Romance
Themes Seafaring films, Films about religion, Films about sexuality, Transport films, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, Films set in the Viking Age, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Suzanne Bertish, Johanna Wokalek, David Wenham, John Goodman, Anatole Taubman, Alexander Held
Roles King Lothar
Rating67% 3.351533.351533.351533.351533.35153
Shortly after the death of Charlemagne, a woman called Joan is born in Ingelheim am Rhein. She is the daughter of a village priest (Iain Glen). He also rules his wife (Jördis Triebel) and family with a rod of iron, though his Saxon wife still secretly worships the pagan god Wotan. Even so, Joan grows up to be an articulate girl, who intensively studies the Bible, unbeknownst to her father. After her eldest brother's sudden death, their father wants to send his second son John to the cathedral school in Dorestad, but when the teacher Aesculapius (Edward Petherbridge) visits them in Ingelheim, Joan proves to be far more capable of dealing with the Scriptures than John. Against her father's wishes, Joan is taught by Aesculapius, who introduces her to literary works such as Homer's Odyssey.
Crash Point: Berlin, 1h32
Genres Drama, Thriller, Disaster, Action
Themes Disaster films
Actors Peter Haber, Hannes Jaenicke, Bernadette Heerwagen, Alexander Held, Ulrike C. Tscharre, Marie-Lou Sellem
Roles Zimmer, Leitung CESA
Rating53% 2.67952.67952.67952.67952.6795
Un avion commercial, transportant plus de 90 personnes, décolle de Nice à destination de Munich. Mais quelques minutes plus tard, il entre en collision avec un bimoteur, ce qui provoque une brèche sous le fuselage de l'appareil. Les autorités du transport aérien allemand se préparent au pire : en effet, dès que l'appareil aura les réservoirs vides, il peut provoquer une catastrophe : l'avion pourrait s'écraser sur le centre de Berlin, provoquant des centaines, voire des milliers de victimes.
Vision – From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen, 1h51
Directed by Margarethe von Trotta
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Films about religion, Films about classical music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Barbara Sukowa, Heino Ferch, Hannah Herzsprung, Sunnyi Melles, Lena Stolze, Alexander Held
Roles Abt Kuno
Rating64% 3.24513.24513.24513.24513.2451
In Vision, New German Cinema auteur Margarethe von Trotta (Marianne and Julianne, Rosa Luxemburg and Rosentrasse) tells the story of Hildegard of Bingen (Barbara Sukowa) the famed 12th century Benedictine nun, Christian mystic, composer, philosopher, playwright, physician, poet, naturalist, scientist and ecological activist. Hildegard was a multi-talented, fully grounded, highly intelligent woman who was forced to hide her light. The modern world's first female rebel who re-transmitted her visions to the world for the greater glory of God and mankind. Regine Pernoud has called Hildegard “the inspired conscience of the 12th century,” the “Prophetissa Teutonica” and the “Jewel of Bingen.” Pope John Paul II has called her “a light to her people and for her time, she continues to shine even more brightly today.
Vision – From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen, 1h50
Directed by Margarethe von Trotta
Origin German
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical
Themes Films about religion
Actors Barbara Sukowa, Heino Ferch, Hannah Herzsprung, Alexander Held, Lena Stolze, Paula Kalenberg
Roles Abt Kuno
Rating64% 3.24513.24513.24513.24513.2451
À huit ans, Hildegarde de Bingen est envoyée par ses parents à l'abbaye de Disibodenberg ; elle reçoit l'éducation de Jutta von Sponheim et est initiée à la médecine et à l'herboristerie. Lorsque Jutta meurt, elle lui succède comme abbesse et enseigne aux religieuses la théologie, la médecine et la botanique. Un jour, elle confesse au moine Volmar, qu'elle a eu des visions religieuses ; il en informe son abbé qui le rapporte à l'évêque de Mayence. Une commission vérifie l'exactitude des visions et se retire. Seul le pape peut juger. Il demande au grand théologien Bernard de Clairvaux de la rencontrer. Ce dernier croit aux visions et conseille le pape ; Hildegarde peut désormais écrire et publier ses visions.
The Baader Meinhof Complex, 2h25
Directed by Uli Edel
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Historical, Crime
Themes Films about terrorism, Political films
Actors Moritz Bleibtreu, Martina Gedeck, Johanna Wokalek, Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Lara Claudia Paolina, Nadja Uhl
Roles Siegfried Buback
Rating72% 3.647253.647253.647253.647253.64725
In 1967, the Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, visits West Berlin to attend a performance at the Deutsche Oper. Angered at the Shah's repressive policies in governing Iran, a number of young Germans show up to protest his appearance. The German police and the Shah's forces attack the German protesters and one of them, Benno Ohnesorg, is shot and killed without provocation by Karl-Heinz Kurras.
The Wave
The Wave (2008)
, 1h48
Directed by Dennis Gansel
Origin German
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Films about education, Psychologie
Actors Jürgen Vogel, Frederick Lau, Max Riemelt, Jennifer Ulrich, Christiane Paul, Elyas M'Barek
Roles Tim's Vater
Rating75% 3.798513.798513.798513.798513.79851
High school teacher Rainer Wenger is forced to teach a class on autocracy, despite being an anarchist. When his students, third generation after the Second World War, do not believe that a dictatorship could be established in modern Germany, he starts an experiment to demonstrate how easily the masses can be manipulated. He begins by demanding that all students address him as "Herr Wenger", as opposed to Rainer, and places students with poor grades beside students with good grades—purportedly so they can learn from one another and become better as a whole. When speaking, they must stand and give short, direct answers. Wenger shows his students the effect of marching together in the same rhythm, motivating them by suggesting that they could really annoy the anarchy class, which is below them. Wenger suggests a uniform, to remove class distinction and further unite the group. Mona argues it will remove individuality, as well. Karo shows up to class without the uniform and is ostracised. The students decide they need a name, deciding on "Die Welle" (The Wave). Karo suggests another name, which ends up with one single vote cast by herself.
Sophie Scholl: The Final Days, 1h56
Directed by Marc Rothemund
Origin German
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical
Themes Political films, Films about capital punishment
Actors Julia Jentsch, Fabian Hinrichs, Alexander Held, André Hennicke, Johanna Gastdorf, Maximilian Brückner
Roles Robert Mohr
Rating75% 3.796223.796223.796223.796223.79622
In wartime Munich, Sophie Scholl joins members of the White Rose student organization, including Sophie's brother Hans, who are preparing copies of their sixth leaflet. They have mimeographed more than they can distribute through the mail. Hans proposes distributing the extras at university the next day; despite Willi arguing that the risks are unacceptable, Hans says that he will take full responsibility, and Sophie volunteers to assist.
Downfall (2004)
, 2h28
Directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel
Origin German
Genres Drama, War, Biography, Historical
Themes Films about suicide, Hitler, Political films
Actors Bruno Ganz, Alexandra Maria Lara Claudia Paolina, Corinna Harfouch, Ulrich Matthes, Juliane Köhler, Thomas Kretschmann
Roles Walter Hewel
Rating81% 4.0982854.0982854.0982854.0982854.098285
Downfall begins with footage of the real Traudl Junge expressing guilt and shame for admiring Hitler in her youth. The film continues showing Hitler (Bruno Ganz) hiring Junge (Alexandra Maria Lara) as his secretary at the Wolf's Lair in East Prussia in November 1942.