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Assi Dayan (אסי דיין) is a Actor, Director and Scriptwriter Israelien born on 23 november 1945 at Nahalal (Israel)

Assi Dayan (אסי דיין)

Assi Dayan (אסי דיין)
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Birth name Assaf Dayan (אסף דיין)
Nationality Israel
Birth 23 november 1945 at Nahalal (Israel)
Death 1 may 2014 (at 68 years) at Tel Aviv (Israel)

Asaf "Assi" Dayan (Hebrew: אסף "אסי" דיין‎; 23 November 1945 – 1 May 2014) was an Israeli film director, actor, screenwriter and producer.


Assi Dayan is the youngest son of Israeli general and minister of defence Moshe Dayan and peace activist Ruth Dayan (née Schwartz). He has two siblings: politician and author Yael Dayan, born 1939, and sculptor Ehud (Udi) Dayan, born 1942. After military service and studying philosophy and English literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he embarked on a career as film actor, which eventually also lead to directing.

He has been married three times and has four children: New York gallery owner Amalia Dayan and Avner Dayan with first wife Aharona Melkind; writer Lior Dayan with second wife, actress Caroline Langford, daughter of Barry Langford, and Assia Neumann Dayan after a short affair with Augusta Neumann. In 1999, his third wife, ceramic artist Vered Tandler Dayan, made a documentary film about him, Living, Period.

In March 2009, Dayan was indicted on suspicion of drug use and beating his girlfriend. In the wake of an earlier conviction for possession of drugs, he received a suspended sentence and 200 hours of community work as part of a plea bargain. Dayan admitted at the time that he was in possession of cocaine for personal use.

In November 2009, Dayan suffered a massive heart attack and underwent angioplasty at Tel Aviv's Ichilov hospital.

Best films

Beyond the Walls (1984)

Usually with

Menahem Golan
Menahem Golan
(4 films)
Gila Almagor
Gila Almagor
(3 films)
Joseph Cedar
Joseph Cedar
(2 films)
Jules Dassin
Jules Dassin
(1 films)
Shira Geffen
Shira Geffen
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Assi Dayan (אסי דיין) (22 films)

Display filmography as list


My Father My Lord, 1h12
Directed by David Volach
Origin Israel
Genres Drama
Themes Films about religion, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Assi Dayan (אסי דיין)
Roles Rabbi Abraham Eidelmann
Rating66% 3.339623.339623.339623.339623.33962
Rabbi Avraham and his wife Esther have one son, Menachem, whose birth they regard as miraculous. Menachem's curiosity about the world is repeatedly stymied by his father, who in one instance forces him to rip up an "idolatrous" picture. Foreshadowed by an instance of Shiluach haken a trip to the Dead Sea, the eponymous "summer vacation.
Jellyfish (2007)
, 1h18
Directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Shira Geffen
Origin Israel
Genres Drama, Comedy, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about religion, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Sarah Adler, Joe Odagiri, Tadanobu Asano, Tatsuya Fuji, Assi Dayan (אסי דיין), Shira Geffen
Roles Eldad
Rating69% 3.497033.497033.497033.497033.49703
Le jour de son mariage, Keren se casse la jambe et doit renoncer à sa lune de miel aux Caraïbes... Une mystérieuse petite fille sortie de la mer change la vie de Batya, la jeune femme qui la recueille et qu'elle suit comme son ombre... Joy, une employée de maison en exil va, sans le vouloir, renouer les liens entre une vieille femme sévère et sa fille... Bouteilles jetées à la mer, fragments d'humanités qui flirtent avec l'absurde... Dans un joyeux désordre chacun cherche sa place, l'amour, l'oubli ou sa mémoire, car telle est la vie à Tel-Aviv...
Out of Sight, 1h25
Directed by Daniel Syrkin
Origin Israel
Genres Drama
Actors Assi Dayan (אסי דיין), Tali Sharon, Yisrael Poliakov, Hadas Yaron
Roles Rephael
Rating70% 3.506383.506383.506383.506383.50638
Ya'ara, 24 ans, est belle, indépendante et intelligente. Malgré son handicap, elle est aveugle, elle vient de commencer son doctorat de mathématiques à l'université de Princeton. À la suite du suicide de sa cousine Talia, elle rentre précipitamment en Israël partager le deuil de la famille. Talia et elle, élevées ensembles, ont tout partagé de leur enfance et de leur adolescence, Talia soutenant à Ya'ara qu'elle pouvait tout voir en dépit de sa cécité. Sans le vouloir, Ya'ara est amenée à découvrir les mensonges, les failles, les secrets de la vie de Talia et de leur famille commune. C'est elle, la jeune aveugle, qui finira par mettre au jour le secret à l'origine du suicide de sa cousine, situation que la famille a toujours refusé de voir ou d'admettre.
Time of Favor, 1h42
Directed by Joseph Cedar
Origin Israel
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Aki Avni, Assi Dayan (אסי דיין), Yigal Naor
Roles Rabbi Meltzer
Rating66% 3.3425853.3425853.3425853.3425853.342585
In Time of Favor Manachem, a handsome, stoic soldier in the Israeli Defense Force, is offered his own unit, made up of fellow students from Rabbi Meltzer’s West Bank Yeshiva. At the same time, Rabbi Meltzer plays matchmaker with his daughter, Michal, and star student Pini. It’s no surprise that Michal, strong-willed and independent, prefers Manachem’s silent strength to Pini’s over excitement. The love triangle knots up and the political tension raises throughout the film until everyone’s allegiances are tested in the end.
No Names on the Doors, 1h24
Directed by Nadav Levitan
Origin Israel
Genres Drama
Themes Films about religion, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Chava Alberstein, Mosko Alkalai, Assi Dayan (אסי דיין), Dan Wolman
Roles Uzi
Rating67% 3.3575553.3575553.3575553.3575553.357555
The film is set on a modern kibbutz as the spectre of an Arab invasion lurks in the background and financial pressures are breaking down traditional communal values. A series of fragile, interwoven stories mirror this disintegration of collective ideals: a longstanding friendship between two 40-year-old bachelors (Danni Bassan and Meir Swissa) ends tragically when one decides to get married; a bereaved father is embarrassed to find himself attracted to his dead son's girlfriend (Dorit Lev-Ari); and a mother (Chava Alberstein) perpetuates the memory of her dead son by tending to his room as a memorial. At the same time, an elderly man (Mosko Alkalai) discovers a new, more loving relationship with his intellectually-disabled adult son (Avi Pnini).
Things (1995)

Directed by Amos Gitaï
Origin Israel
Genres Drama
Actors Lea Koenig, Assi Dayan (אסי דיין), Amos Gitaï, Menahem Golan
Roles Caesar
Rating54% 2.7133152.7133152.7133152.7133152.713315
C'est le premier volet d'une trilogie sur les villes israéliennes. Il est consacré à la ville de Tel-Aviv.
The Delta Force, 2h5
Directed by Menahem Golan
Origin USA
Genres War, Thriller, Action, Adventure
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about terrorism, Transport films, Aviation films, Motocyclette, Political films, Dans un avion, Films about hijackings
Actors Chuck Norris, Lee Marvin, Martin Balsam, Joey Bishop, Kim Delaney, Robert Forster
Roles Raffi Amir
Rating56% 2.8027652.8027652.8027652.8027652.802765
The film opens up on Operation Eagle Claw, the American operation to rescue American hostages being held at the U.S. embassy to Tehran. The operation is being aborted after a fatal helicopter crash, with the U.S. Delta Force evacuating to their C-130 transports. Among them is Captain Scott McCoy, who, against orders, rescues his wounded comrade Pete Peterson from the burning helicopter before the team finally evacuates. McCoy expresses his disgust for the politicians and military hierarchy that forced the mission to launch despite the risks, and announces he is resigning his commission.
Beyond the Walls, 1h43
Directed by Uri Barbash
Origin Israel
Genres Drama
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Mohammad Bakri, Assi Dayan (אסי דיין)
Roles Assaf
Rating66% 3.329483.329483.329483.329483.32948
The story takes place in the high-security block of the central Israel Prison Service jail. Uri and Issam are the leaders of the Israeli and Palestinian prisoner groups, respectively. After a musical performance in the prison, a row breaks out between Hoffman, a Jewish inmate, and a Palestinian. When Hoffman is killed, the security officer initiates a fight between the sides, pinning the blame for the murder on Issam's cell. Doron, the only Jewish prisoner in the Arab cell, is asked to sign a document implicating Issam in the crime, but refuses and commits suicide. He leaves a note saying that his cell was not responsible for the crime. As a result, Uri and Issam begin a general hunger strike, and make personal sacrifices in order not to break it.
Operation Thunderbolt, 2h4
Directed by Menahem Golan
Origin Israel
Genres Drama, Thriller, Documentary, Action, Historical
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about religion, Films about terrorism, Transport films, Aviation films, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism, Dans un avion, Films about hijackings
Actors Yehoram Gaon, Gila Almagor, Assi Dayan (אסי דיין), Sybil Danning, Klaus Kinski, Shaike Ophir
Roles Shuki
Rating65% 3.294383.294383.294383.294383.29438
In July 1976, Air France flight 139 from Tel Aviv to Paris via Athens was hijacked by four terrorists, two of whom are West Germans named Wilfried Boese (Klaus Kinski) and Halima (Sybil Danning), and the other two are Palestinians. After landing to refuel in Libya, the four hijackers force the plane to take off and to land thousands of miles away at the airport in Entebbe, Uganda, at the invitation of the Ugandan leader Idi Amin (Mark Heath). The two Germans and two Arab hijackers are joined at the Entebbe Airport by at least three more Palestinian terrorists. The Jewish passengers are separated and held hostage in demand to release many terrorists held in Israeli prisons. After much debate, the Israeli government sent an elite commando unit, under the command of Colonel Yonatan Netanyahu (Yehoram Gaon), to raid the airfield and release the hostages. The film is based on fact and follows the events following the flight's takeoff until the hostages' return to Israel.