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Bernard Borderie is a Director, Scriptwriter, Producer, Assistant Director and Assistant Art Director French born on 10 june 1924 at Paris (France)

Bernard Borderie

Bernard Borderie
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Nationality France
Birth 10 june 1924 at Paris (France)
Death 28 may 1978 (at 53 years) at Paris (France)

Bernard Borderie est un réalisateur français né le 10 juin 1924 à Lyon (France) et mort le 28 mai 1978 dans la même ville.


Fils du producteur Raymond Borderie, il devient assistant réalisateur et tourne quelques courts-métrages.

Il connaît le succès au cours des années 1950 en mettant en scène Eddie Constantine dans le rôle d'un agent de la CIA, Lemmy Caution, et Lino Ventura dans celui du « Gorille ». Les années 1960 le voient se tourner vers les films de cape et d'épée, mettant en scène Gérard Barray dans les rôles de d'Artagnan et Pardaillan, et réalisant avec Michèle Mercier les cinq films de la série Angélique qui deviendront des classiques multi-diffusés. Sa carrière s'achève dans les années 1970 au cours desquelles il se consacre à la télévision avec des feuilletons historiques tels que Salvator et les Mohicans de Paris ou Gaston Phébus.

Il décède d'un cancer à 53 ans. Son père lui survit de quatre ans.

Best films

The Boss (1960)
Angelique (1964)
Dames Don't Care (1954)
Sky Battalion (1947)
Ladies' Man (1962)
Angelique and the Sultan (1968)

Usually with

Robert Berri
Robert Berri
(14 films)
Francis Cosne
Francis Cosne
(6 films)
Henri Cogan
Henri Cogan
(11 films)
Jacques Hilling
Jacques Hilling
(10 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Bernard Borderie (34 films)

Display filmography as list


The Gallant Lords of Bois-Doré, 7h20
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Actors Georges Marchal, Michel Creton, Marion Game, Philippe Lemaire, François Maistre, Jean Martinelli
Rating68% 3.416593.416593.416593.416593.41659
The film consists of 5 parts. The first part introduces Sylvain, Marquis of Bois-Doré, a companion-in-arms of late king Henry IV of France. Following his sovereign the marquis had to abjure his Calvinist faith and adopt Catholicism though he secretly sympathizes with Protestants. After the king's death he retired and went to his castle of Bois-Doré. The marquis feels deep love for Lauriane de Beuvre, a daughter of his friend and neighbour, 30 years younger than him. Guillaume d'Ars, Sylvain's cousin, introduces to him a certain Villaréal, a Spanish nobleman. The second part concentrates on relations between Bois-Doré, Lauriane, and Villaréal. The latter has found out that the marquis hides in the castle treasures of Protestants and begins to search for them. Besides Villareal pays his addresses to Lauriane. Bois-Doré challengs him to a duel and kills him. The third part tells about Mario, an 18 old youth whom the marquis saved from mercenaries. Mario has striking resemblance to marquis's brother who was lost 18 years ago. Bois-Doré finds evidence of Mario being his nephew and proclaims him an heir to his title and estate. The handsome boy wins Lauriane's affection. The fourth part focuses on relations between Bois-Doré, Lauriane, and Mario. The latter falls in love with Lauriane whose heart is torn by sincere respect for noble, generous but elderly Sylvain and affection to young Mario. The fifth part tells about hostilities between France and Spain, in which Sylvain and Mario take an active part. Mario has been severely wounded in action and Lauriane realizes that she cannot live without him.
War Is War
War Is War (1972)
, 1h30
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Adventure
Actors Leonard Whiting, Curd Jürgens, Sylvie Fennec, Silvia Dionisio, Herbert Fux, Ivo Garrani
Rating53% 2.654982.654982.654982.654982.65498
Les aventures amoureuses et guerrières de Franz, un jeune officier de hussards, au début de la Première Guerre mondiale.
Catherine (1969)
, 1h50
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Adventure
Actors Olga Georges-Picot, Francine Bergé, Claude Brasseur, Roger Van Hool, Roger Pigaut, André Pousse
Rating52% 2.633232.633232.633232.633232.63323
Les mésaventures de Catherine, prise dans les tourments du conflit entre Armagnacs et Bourguignons, et objet de la convoitise de plusieurs hommes…
Angelique and the Sultan, 1h35
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Adventure, Historical, Romance
Themes Films about slavery
Actors Michèle Mercier, Robert Hossein, Jean-Claude Pascal, Helmuth Schneider, Ettore Manni, Aly Ben Ayed
Rating63% 3.154333.154333.154333.154333.15433
Une fois que Joffrey a sauvé son navire des flammes, il poursuit d'Escrainville, qui a enlevé Angélique, sur la Méditerranée. Mais quand il arraisonne son navire, Angélique n'est plus à bord. À Alger, Escrainville l'a vendue à Mezzo Morte, qui compte la proposer pour le harem du sultan de Mikenez. Pour sauver Angélique, Joffrey se fait abandonner dans une barque par son équipage, et se fait volontairement prendre par un navire à destination d'Alger, où il est contraint à l'esclavage. Il parvient à s'échapper de la prison où il est conduit, à l'aide de complicités.
Untamable Angelique, 1h25
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Adventure, Historical
Themes Films about slavery, Seafaring films, Transport films, Pirate films
Actors Michèle Mercier, Robert Hossein, Roger Pigaut, Ettore Manni, Sieghardt Rupp, Arturo Dominici
Rating65% 3.250253.250253.250253.250253.25025
Angélique ayant appris que son premier mari, Joffrey de Peyrac, est toujours en vie, elle part à sa recherche dans le Sud de la France, en compagnie de son fidèle alchimiste Savary. Ils pensent l'avoir trouvé sur une île où un lépreux évoque un pirate appelé le Rescator, avant de se suicider pour échapper aux hommes du duc de Vivonne. Angélique contraint ce dernier, qui veut la ramener au roi de France Louis XIV, de la conduire en bateau en Sardaigne, sous la menace de révéler que la sœur du duc, madame de Montespan, est en relation avec des cercles occultistes (voir Angélique et le Roy).
Seven Guys and a Gal, 1h30
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Adventure, Romance
Themes Political films, Histoire de France, Napoleonic Wars films, French Revolution films
Actors Jean Marais, Guy Bedos, Marilù Tolo, Sydney Chaplin, Florin Piersic, Ettore Manni
Rating63% 3.1841853.1841853.1841853.1841853.184185
Les péripéties de deux capitaines de l'armée de Napoléon et d'une comtesse italienne, accompagnés de quelques soldats français, en pleine guerre avec les Autrichiens.
Brigade Anti Gangs, 1h35
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Crime
Themes Gangster films
Actors Robert Hossein, Raymond Pellegrin, Pierre Clémenti, Gabriele Tinti, Amidou, Ilaria Occhini
Rating52% 2.6101852.6101852.6101852.6101852.610185
Restaurateur Sartet is investigated over being behind a great many robberies.
Angelique and the King, 1h40
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Swashbuckler, Adventure, Historical, Romance
Themes Politique, Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Michèle Mercier, Robert Hossein, Jean Rochefort, Estella Blain, Sami Frey, Jean-Louis Trintignant
Rating65% 3.2973553.2973553.2973553.2973553.297355
In the third film of the Angelique series, the title character is sent on a mission by King Louis XIV of France. Later she learns that rumors are spreading that she is the King's mistress. In addition, she learns a secret.
Angelique: The Road To Versailles, 1h40
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Adventure, Historical, Romance
Themes Politique, Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Michèle Mercier, Claude Giraud, Jean Rochefort, Robert Hossein, Sami Frey, Noël Roquevert
Rating66% 3.3001453.3001453.3001453.3001453.300145
After the execution of Jeoffrey de Peyrac, Angélique finds refuge at the Cour des Miracles and the boss Calembredaine, he turns out to be her childhood friend and first love Nicolas. With his help she finds back her children. After a fight between two rivalling gangs, Nicolas is shot and Angélique is arrested and sent to the Châtelet. She asks the captain to let her go rescue her children, he agrees but she has to come back to spend the night with him. Angélique goes to the headquarters of the Grand Coërse and rescues her children. She brings them to Barbe and asks her to take care of them because she has a debt to pay. Angélique returns to the Châtelet where the captain is waiting for her. He tries to kiss her but they struggle and he falls down. She escapes and flees to Barbe who now works in an old run-down inn called "Le coq Hardi".
The Gallant Musketeer, 1h32
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Swashbuckler, Adventure, Romance
Actors Philippe Lemaire, Valérie Lagrange, Gérard Barray, Guy Delorme, Jean Topart, Robert Berri
Rating56% 2.8255852.8255852.8255852.8255852.825585
Le chevalier de Pardaillan est chargé par le roi Henri III, assiégé à Chartres par les troupes du Duc de Guise, d’aller solliciter l’aide des troupes d’Henri de Béarn. Il doit, pour cela, traverser les lignes ennemies. On lui confie Maurevert comme guide tandis que le duc Charles d’Angoulême l’escorte. Pardaillan va devoir déjouer les perfidies du Duc de Guise qui va mettre sur son chemin ses dangereux espions et belles intrigantes. Ainsi, Maurevert s’avère être un agent du duc de Guise comme, un peu plus tard, la belle et séduisante Bianca Farnèse qui ne laisse pas Pardaillan insensible. Mais grâce à sa vaillance et à l’amour, Pardaillan arrivera à mener sa mission à bien…
Angelique (1964)
, 1h55
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Adventure, Historical, Romance
Themes Politique, Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Michèle Mercier, Robert Hossein, Jean Rochefort, Giuliano Gemma, Charles Régnier, Jean-Louis Trintignant
Rating67% 3.350983.350983.350983.350983.35098
In Mid-17th century France: young Louis XIV is struggling for his throne, beggars and thieves haunt Paris and brigands roam the countryside. Fifth child of an impoverished country nobleman, Angélique de Sancé de Monteloup grows up in the Poitou marshlands. Her logical destiny would be to marry a poor country nobleman, have children and spend her life fighting for a meagre subsistence. Destiny has other plans in store for her. At 17, on returning from her education in a convent, she finds herself betrothed to the rich count Jeoffrey de Peyrac (Jeoffrey Comte de Peyrac de Morens, Lord of Toulouse), 12 years her senior, lame, scarred and reputed to be a wizard. For the sake of her family, Angélique reluctantly agrees to the match but refuses the advances of her husband. Peyrac respects her decision and does not pursue his claim to conjugal rights, wishing rather to seduce than use force.
Rocambole contre services secrets, 1h30
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Adventure, Spy
Themes Spy films
Actors Guy Delorme, Edy Vessel, Nadia Gray, Alberto Lupo, Nando Angelini, Rik Battaglia
Rating53% 2.677572.677572.677572.677572.67757
Rocambole, que l'on croyait mort au bagne, réapparaît à Londres où il ridiculise un diplomate allemand, puis à Paris où il se joue d'un marchand d'armes.
Your Turn, Darling, 1h33
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Action, Spy, Crime
Themes Spy films
Actors Eddie Constantine, Philippe Lemaire, Guy Delorme, Gaia Germani, Christiane Minazzoli, Noël Roquevert
Rating57% 2.859722.859722.859722.859722.85972
Dr. Whitaker has disappeared after working hard on an innovation which could give either the West or the East an edge in the Cold War. Lemmy Caution, although currently otherwise busy, is assigned to return the scientist.
Clash of Steel, 1h25
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Drama, Swashbuckler, Action, Adventure
Actors Gérard Barray, Gianna Maria Canale, Michèle Grellier, Philippe Lemaire, Jean Topart, Guy Delorme
Rating56% 2.8305552.8305552.8305552.8305552.830555
Dans la France du XVI siècle, les prouesses du chevalier de Pardaillan au secours de la belle bohémienne « Violetta », en réalité Isabelle, fille du comte d'Entraigues et proie de l’ennemi juré de celui-ci, le duc Henri de Guise. Pardaillan et Isabelle tombent amoureux et le preux chevalier n’aura de cesse de soustraire sa bien-aimée aux hommes du duc de Guise jusqu’à l’avènement du bon roi Henri IV.
Ladies' Man, 1h37
Directed by Bernard Borderie
Origin France
Genres Spy, Crime
Themes Spy films
Actors Eddie Constantine, Françoise Brion, Éliane d'Almeida, Yvonne Monlaur, Jacques Berthier, Robert Berri
Rating56% 2.8243252.8243252.8243252.8243252.824325
Lemmy Caution is on holidays. While he seeks recreation he happens to get entangled in a murder investigation. Soon it is revealed that the female victim had been blackmailed by a foreign secret service. Her husband works for the government and is in possession of national secrets. Her friends are likewise blackmailed and forced into spying on their husbands. Lemmy takes care of this matter.