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Bertrand Blier is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter and Assistant Director French born on 14 march 1939 at Boulogne-Billancourt (France)

Bertrand Blier

Bertrand Blier
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Nationality France
Birth 14 march 1939 (85 years) at Boulogne-Billancourt (France)

Bertrand Blier (born 14 March 1939) is a French screenwriter and film director. His 1978 film Get Out Your Handkerchiefs won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 51st Academy Awards.

Born in Boulogne-Billancourt, France. He is the son of famous French actor Bernard Blier. His 1996 film Mon Homme was entered into the 46th Berlin International Film Festival. His 2005 film How Much Do You Love Me? was entered into the 28th Moscow International Film Festival where he won the Silver George for Best Director.

A defence of Blier's work up until 2000 was written by Sue Harris, Queen Mary College, London and published in 2001 By Manchester University Press.


Vie privée
Il est le fils du comédien Bernard Blier.

Marié une première fois à l'âge de vingt ans, Bertrand Blier a eu une fille avec sa seconde épouse, un fils avec l'actrice Anouk Grinberg qui était sa compagne dans les années 1990, puis une fille avec sa compagne, l'actrice Farida Rahouadj.

Bertrand Blier se fait d'abord connaître en réalisant en 1963 le documentaire Hitler, connais pas. Il connaît son premier grand succès public en 1974, avec Les Valseuses, une comédie satirique à l'humour cru qui révèle Gérard Depardieu, Patrick Dewaere et Miou-Miou.

Globalement apprécié par la critique, la cassure se produit dès Merci la Vie, que Blier considère comme son meilleur film, à partir de là, il se fit éreinter. Même chose pour ses pièce de théâtre et son roman Existe en Blanc « irrespirable » pour L'Express.

Suit en 2000 Les Acteurs, grand fresque sur sa passion des acteurs en invitant une distribution de prestige et une mise en abyme sur un métier qui le fascine. Un hommage est rendu à Pierre Brasseur et Bernard Blier. Nouvel échec critique et commercial

Le pire reste Les Côtelettes (la pièce de théâtre ayant déjà eu une critique assassine) dont l'accueil au Festival de Cannes 2003 est très cinglant.

Son prochain film sera Existe en Blanc, d'après son roman, même si des problèmes de financement sont toujours à l'ordre du jour. Il déclara qu'il souhaitait faire ce film même s'il avait écrit 40 scénarios. Le tournage de ce film a commencé à Bruxelles en février 2018 avec Gérard Depardieu et Christian Clavier.

Best films

Too Beautiful for You (1989)
Dead Tired (1994)
The Clink of Ice (2010)
Thank You, Life (1991)
Beau Pere (1981)
My Best Friend's Girl (1983)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Bertrand Blier (34 films)

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Lola and Her Brothers, 1h45
Directed by Jean-Paul Rouve
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Actors Ludivine Sagnier, José Garcia, Jean-Paul Rouve, Ramzy Bedia, Aurore Broutin, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu
Rating64% 3.2442253.2442253.2442253.2442253.244225
Lola, Pierre et Benoît sont très différents mais forment une fratrie très soudée depuis le décès de leurs parents.
Belmondo, itinéraire..., 1h30
Directed by Vincent Perrot
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about films, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentaire sur une personnalité
Actors Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Becker, Luc Besson, Bertrand Blier, Nicole Calfan, Claudia Cardinale
Roles Self
Rating68% 3.446163.446163.446163.446163.44616
Jean-Paul Belmondo demeure depuis cinquante ans, un des acteurs français préférés du public. Depuis ses débuts éclatants dans "À bout de souffle" (1959) de Jean-Luc Godard révélant une personnalité atypique, jusqu’à ses grands succès populaires des années 70 et 80, Belmondo n’a cessé de se remettre en question. Dévorant la vie à pleins poumons grâce à un dynamisme hors-pair, cet homme lucide et avisé a géré sa carrière de producteur-comédien par des choix qui lui permirent d’alterner harmonieusement les genres, passant aisément de l’univers de Godard à celui de Verneuil, de Truffaut à Jean Becker, de Resnais à Lautner, de Malle à Philippe de Broca... Réfractaire à l’autosatisfaction et aux honneurs de pacotille, Jean-Paul Belmondo n’a jamais accepté qu’un film analyse sa carrière, visite sa famille et cerne la personnalité réelle de l’homme. "Belmondo, itinéraire...", s’annonce comme un docu-événement car pour la première fois, Jean-Paul Belmondo cautionne et s’implique dans l’écriture et la réalisation du "film de sa carrière". Il s’agit d’un long-métrage de 90 minutes non chronologique, dans lequel il accepte de nous livrer des scènes de sa vie quotidienne, preuve éclatante d’un homme vivant.
All About Actresses, 1h40
Directed by Maïwenn
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Jeanne Balibar, Romane Bohringer, Julie Depardieu, Mélanie Doutey, Marina Foïs, Estelle Lefébure
Roles Bertrand Blier
Rating64% 3.2276453.2276453.2276453.2276453.227645
Une réalisatrice veut faire un documentaire sur les actrices, toutes les actrices : les populaires, les inconnues, les intellos, les comiques, les oubliées... Filmant tout, tout, avec ou sans leur accord, la réalisatrice va se prendre au jeu et se laisser dévorer par ces femmes aussi fragiles que manipulatrices.
How Much Do You Love Me?, 1h35
Directed by Bertrand Blier
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films
Actors Monica Bellucci, Bernard Campan, Gérard Depardieu, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Sara Forestier, François Rollin
Roles Client de Muguet (cameo)
Rating56% 2.8034452.8034452.8034452.8034452.803445
François (Bernard Campan) is a bored office worker with health problems. He visits a brothel and claiming to have won the lottery and millions of euros, he propositions Daniela (Monica Bellucci), one of the prostitutes to live with him for the sum of 100,000 euros a month until his money runs out. She accepts. François' first doctor, André, is worried that Daniela's volcanic sexuality will cause François' heart to give out. The next day she takes François to beach and he loves that fresh air. They both starts running with hands wide out and cheering in joy. Then they both involve in sex inside François's car. That night André inquires them and finds their sexual activity that evening. Then André gives a moving speech about an idealistic and unrequited love he has for a nurse who later became his patient. Later, when Daniela suffers food poisoning and André is summoned to treat her, when she undresses he suffers a stroke and dies. At the funeral, François learns that André's nurse/patient/girlfriend had died some years before. The arrangement between Daniela and François seems to work for a little while until Daniela's former lover, Charly (Gérard Depardieu) demands money to allow the relationship to continue. François refuses and Daniela resumes being with Charly. While Daniela is having sex with Charly, she realizes she has really fallen in love with François who has meanwhile, started an affair with his next-door neighbor. The film concludes with a surreal pastiche of fantasy and conjecture which begins with François admitting that he never won the lottery.
Actors (2000)
, 1h43
Directed by Bertrand Blier
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about films
Actors Pierre Arditi, Josiane Balasko, Jean-Paul Belmondo, François Berléand, Dominique Blanc, Claude Brasseur
Roles Self
Rating58% 2.9458552.9458552.9458552.9458552.945855
Some portraits of actors (exclusively men, with the exception of Josiane Balasko interpreting ... André Dussollier) who meet and tell their stories in an organized or incidentally. They question with a certain distance and irony on their craft.
My Life Is Hell, 1h48
Directed by Josiane Balasko
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about animals, Psychologie, Films about religion, Films about dogs, Films about pigs, Demons in film, Psychanalyse, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Daniel Auteuil, Josiane Balasko, Richard Berry, Catherine Hiegel, Catherine Samie, Jean Benguigui
Roles The priest
Rating56% 2.809462.809462.809462.809462.80946
Leah Lemonnier (Josiane Balasko), 35 years ols, leads a dreary and depressing life between her work as secretary of a dentist who spends his time in scolded, her analyst (Richard Berry) who sees in it only a source of income, her neighbor, Mr. Schpil, sexually obsessed and party animal (Jean Benguigui) and his mother (Catherine Samie) nymphomaniac, selfish, greedy, narcissistic and contemptuous. But one day, she unwittingly invokes the devil. He have the face of a handsome devil, Abargadon says "Abar" (Daniel Auteuil), who offers her a deal: he starts her service until her death in exchange of her soul.
Call Me Mathilde, 1h37
Directed by Pierre Mondy
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Jacqueline Maillan, Michel Serrault, Robert Hirsch, Guy Bedos, Bertrand Blier, Jacques Dufilho
Roles Charles de Blanzac, le mari de Mathilde
Rating58% 2.926752.926752.926752.926752.92675
Alors qu'elle rentre avec son mari, riche industriel, d'une soirée à l'Opéra, Mathilde de Blanzac est kidnappée. Ses ravisseurs, de pathétiques pieds-nickelés, commencent par la séquestrer chez Petit Jean, un paysan demeuré, avant de réclamer une rançon à son époux. Au même moment, Hubert de Pifre, pilote de chasse en perdition, s'éjecte au-dessus de la ferme de Petit Jean…


Wide Load
Wide Load (2019)
, 1h23
Directed by Bertrand Blier
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Actors Gérard Depardieu, Christian Clavier, Édouard Baer, Alex Lutz, Sylvie Testud, Jérémie Rénier
Rating44% 2.2111652.2111652.2111652.2111652.211165
Au milieu d'un embouteillage bruxellois, Foster (Christian Clavier), un bourgeois, rencontre Taupin (Gérard Depardieu), un SDF. Les deux hommes se retrouvent dans un monde où la vie des gens se résume au suivi d'un scénario transmis sur papier, ceux n'en recevant pas se retrouvant perdus. Embarqués dans des aventures loufoques, ils vont être amenés à se remettre en question sur leurs vies diamétralement opposées.
The Clink of Ice, 1h27
Directed by Bertrand Blier
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Black comedy
Themes Films about alcoholism, Medical-themed films, Films about drugs, Films about cancer
Actors Jean Dujardin, Albert Dupontel, Anne Alvaro, Myriam Boyer, Christa Theret, Audrey Dana
Rating61% 3.087453.087453.087453.087453.08745
Charles Faulque, écrivain alcoolique, en dépression et en perdition, reçoit la visite impromptue de son cancer. Mais, malgré la dérive totale de sa vie, l'écrivain ne tient pas vraiment à la quitter.
How Much Do You Love Me?, 1h35
Directed by Bertrand Blier
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films
Actors Monica Bellucci, Bernard Campan, Gérard Depardieu, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Sara Forestier, François Rollin
Rating56% 2.8034452.8034452.8034452.8034452.803445
François (Bernard Campan) is a bored office worker with health problems. He visits a brothel and claiming to have won the lottery and millions of euros, he propositions Daniela (Monica Bellucci), one of the prostitutes to live with him for the sum of 100,000 euros a month until his money runs out. She accepts. François' first doctor, André, is worried that Daniela's volcanic sexuality will cause François' heart to give out. The next day she takes François to beach and he loves that fresh air. They both starts running with hands wide out and cheering in joy. Then they both involve in sex inside François's car. That night André inquires them and finds their sexual activity that evening. Then André gives a moving speech about an idealistic and unrequited love he has for a nurse who later became his patient. Later, when Daniela suffers food poisoning and André is summoned to treat her, when she undresses he suffers a stroke and dies. At the funeral, François learns that André's nurse/patient/girlfriend had died some years before. The arrangement between Daniela and François seems to work for a little while until Daniela's former lover, Charly (Gérard Depardieu) demands money to allow the relationship to continue. François refuses and Daniela resumes being with Charly. While Daniela is having sex with Charly, she realizes she has really fallen in love with François who has meanwhile, started an affair with his next-door neighbor. The film concludes with a surreal pastiche of fantasy and conjecture which begins with François admitting that he never won the lottery.
The Chops
The Chops (2003)
, 1h26
Directed by Bertrand Blier
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Medical-themed films, Théâtre, Vieillesse, Films about cancer, Films based on plays
Actors Philippe Noiret, Michel Bouquet, Catherine Hiegel, Farida Rahouadj, Jérôme Hardelay, Hammou Graïa
Rating51% 2.5799752.5799752.5799752.5799752.579975
Un homme âgé débarque un soir chez Léonce, son fils et sa nouvelle compagne, et annonce qu'il vient « pour l'emmerder ». Il questionne en particulier Léonce sur ses relations avec Nacifa, sa femme de ménage, dont il révèle qu'elle vient également chez lui, et qu'elle a bouleversé sa vie. Ils parlent de leur rapport aux femmes, à cette femme en particulier, au trouble, à la féminité.
Actors (2000)
, 1h43
Directed by Bertrand Blier
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about films
Actors Pierre Arditi, Josiane Balasko, Jean-Paul Belmondo, François Berléand, Dominique Blanc, Claude Brasseur
Rating58% 2.9458552.9458552.9458552.9458552.945855
Some portraits of actors (exclusively men, with the exception of Josiane Balasko interpreting ... André Dussollier) who meet and tell their stories in an organized or incidentally. They question with a certain distance and irony on their craft.
My Man
My Man (1996)
, 1h39
Directed by Bertrand Blier
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films
Actors Anouk Grinberg, Gérard Lanvin, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Olivier Martinez, Dominique Valadié, Jacques François
Rating62% 3.143693.143693.143693.143693.14369
Une prostituée « indépendante » invite, un soir, un sans-logis à dîner, puis à dormir chez elle. Sous son charme viril, elle couche avec lui et, devenue amoureuse, lui propose de devenir son maquereau.
One, Two, Three, Freeze, 1h44
Directed by Bertrand Blier
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes La provence
Actors Anouk Grinberg, Marcello Mastroianni, Myriam Boyer, Olivier Martinez, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Claude Brasseur
Rating62% 3.147033.147033.147033.147033.14703
The film follows the life of a young woman in the poor section of Marseille, France. She has to deal with many things, including a drunken father and harassing cliques. Many times she hallucinates the ghosts of dead friends.