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Brian Eno is a Actor, Musical, Sound and Additional Music British born on 15 may 1948

Brian Eno

Brian Eno
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Birth name Brian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno
Nationality United-kingdom
Birth 15 may 1948 (76 years)

Brian Eno, né Brian Peter George St. John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno le 15 mai 1948 à Woodbridge (Suffolk, Angleterre), est un musicien, arrangeur et producteur britannique.


Titulaire d'un diplôme de l'école des Beaux-Arts de Winchester, il s'intéresse à l'art conceptuel, à la sculpture sonore et aux travaux musicaux de John Cage, John Tilbury, et de Steve Reich, dont il s'inspire pour ses premières expérimentations faites au magnétophone.

Il rejoint différents groupes (Merchant Taylor's Simultaneous Cabinet, Maxwell Demon, Cardew's Scratch Orchestra, Portsmouth Sinfonia) avant d'intégrer, en 1971, Roxy Music en tant qu'ingénieur du son et où il joue du synthétiseur EMS VCS3 avec lequel il retraite tout ce que joue le groupe. Mais une incompatibilité d'humeur et d'intérêts avec le chanteur Bryan Ferry le pousse à quitter le groupe en 1973. Commence alors une carrière toujours poussée vers la recherche, l'expérimentation, l'ouverture à toutes les formes de musique et d'art.

Il travaille avec Robert Fripp (guitariste et fondateur du groupe King Crimson) sur (No Pussyfooting) puis enregistre son premier album solo, Here Come The Warm Jets, qui se classe dans le top 30 notamment grâce à Seven Deadly Finns. Après une année 1974 passée à se rétablir d'une grosse opération chirurgicale, il part à San Francisco où il enregistre Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy, publié en 1975. Il est crédité aux enossifications (c'est-à-dire traitement du son) sur The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway de Genesis en 1975.

Avec Discreet Music et Music for Airports, Eno définit de manière concrète une nouvelle perspective musicale : l'ambient, une musique très réfléchie, proposant des atmosphères très minimalistes, parfois sombres, parfois froides qui peut aussi bien se prêter à une écoute attentive que distraite. Music for Airports a été conçu en Allemagne avec l'ingénieur du son Conny Plank (qui a travaillé auprès de Kraftwerk, Neu!, Cluster...). Robert Wyatt (ex Soft Machine) intervient au piano sur Music for Airports. Après un bref retour à la pop (Before and After Science), un travail avec Harmonia (Michael Rother, Dieter Moebius et J.Roedelius) et un travail avec le groupe allemand Cluster, Eno entame une carrière de producteur renommé et respecté.

En 1977, il publie une compilation de divers groupes expérimentaux du Lower East Side. Baptisée No New York, cette compilation est considérée comme l'acte fondateur du courant musical no wave.

De 1977 à 1979, il collabore avec David Bowie sur les trois disques Low, "Heroes" et Lodger (souvent appelés la Trilogie berlinoise).

Durant cette période, il collabore également avec Talking Heads et produit les albums More Songs about Buildings and Food (1978), Fear of Music (1979) et Remain in Light (1980).

En 1980, en collaboration avec David Byrne, il publie un concept album, My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, sur lequel il mélange musique pop, musique ethnique et collages (la technique du sampling est alors naissante).

En 1984, il pousse encore plus loin son expérimentation ambient et publie Thursday Afternoon un morceau de plus d'une heure, bénéficiant d'un tout nouveau support : le CD. Il participe également avec le groupe Toto à la composition de la bande-son du film Dune réalisé par David Lynch (d'après l'œuvre de Franck Herbert).

Il continue son travail de producteur.

En 1992, il publie Nerve Net avec lequel il montre qu'il est en phase avec les sonorités hip-hop de son époque.

En 1995, Eno retrouve son ami David Bowie pour la production et l'écriture de l'album 1. Outside, qui marqua le retour des deux compères sur le devant de la scène rock.

Best films

Shutter Island (2010)
Heat (1995)
(Original Music Composer)
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)
The Lovely Bones (2009)
(Original Music Composer)
Dune (1984)
(Original Music Composer)

Usually with

(4 films)
Dario Argento
Dario Argento
(1 films)
Oliver Stone
Oliver Stone
(1 films)
Derek Jarman
Derek Jarman
(3 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Brian Eno (35 films)

Display filmography as list


The British Guide to Showing Off
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Documentary
Actors Brian Eno, Richard O'Brien, Ruby Wax, Divine, Derek Jarman, Leigh Bowery
Rating64% 3.228873.228873.228873.228873.22887
As well as charting the latest incarnation of the Alternative Miss World, the film studies the history of the show itself, which first took place in 1972 and has had a number of high-profile celebrities both entering and judging it.


Shutter Island, 2h10
Directed by Martin Scorsese
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Medical-themed films, Psychologie, Films about psychiatry, Films set in psychiatric hospitals, Lobotomie
Actors Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, Patricia Clarkson, Michelle Williams, Max von Sydow
Roles Musical
Rating82% 4.100564.100564.100564.100564.10056
In 1954, two U.S. Marshals - Edward "Teddy" Daniels and his new partner, Chuck Aule - travel to the Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane on Shutter Island located in Boston Harbor as part of an investigation into the disappearance of patient Rachel Solando, incarcerated for drowning her three children. The sole clue is a note left by Solando, which reads: "The law of 4; who is 67?" Shortly after arrival, a storm prevents their return to the mainland for several days. Daniels finds the staff confrontational: the lead psychiatrist, Dr. John Cawley, refuses to hand over records of the hospital staff; Solando's doctor, Dr. Lester Sheehan, had left on vacation after her disappearance, and they are barred from searching Ward C and told that the lighthouse on the island has already been searched, so there is no need to search it. When a patient is being interrogated by Daniels, with a subterfuge she sends Aule away for a few seconds and scribbles "RUN" in Daniels' notepad.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, 2h13
Directed by Oliver Stone
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes Prison films, Children's films
Actors Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf, Josh Brolin, Carey Mulligan, Frank Langella, Susan Sarandon
Roles Musical
Rating61% 3.0993153.0993153.0993153.0993153.099315
In 2001, Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) is released from prison after serving eight years for insider trading and securities fraud. Seven years later, Gekko is promoting his new book Is Greed Good?, warning about the coming economic downturn. His estranged daughter, Winnie (Carey Mulligan), runs a small, non-profit news website and is dating Jacob Moore (Shia LaBeouf), a top proprietary trader at Keller Zabel Investments (KZI). Jacob is a protégé of managing director Louis Zabel (Frank Langella), and is trying to raise money for a fusion research project which would create massive amounts of clean energy for the world. Jake is also financially assisting his mother (Susan Sarandon), who has begun a new career selling real estate.
28 Days Later, 1h53
Directed by Danny Boyle
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Horror, Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction
Themes La fin du monde, Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films about terrorism, Films set in the future, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Catastrophe épidémiologique, Political films, Dystopian films, Children's films, Disaster films, Eco-terrorism in fiction
Actors Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Christopher Eccleston, Brendan Gleeson, Megan Burns, Christopher Dunne
Roles Musical
Rating74% 3.747943.747943.747943.747943.74794
In Cambridge, three animal liberation activists break into a medical research laboratory with the intent of freeing captive chimpanzees. They are interrupted by a scientist, who desperately warns them that the chimps are infected with a highly contagious rage-inducing virus that is spread through blood and saliva. Ignoring the scientist's pleas, the activists release a chimpanzee, who attacks one of them and immediately infects her — leading her to attack and infect everyone else present.


Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, 1h46
Directed by Alfonso Gomez-Rejon
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about cancer, Children's films
Actors Thomas Mann, Olivia Cooke, Jon Bernthal, Nick Offerman, Ronald Cyler II, Connie Britton
Roles Original Music Composer
Rating76% 3.84853.84853.84853.84853.8485
Awkward, lanky, and self-loathing, Greg Gaines (Thomas Mann) is a senior at Pittsburgh's Schenley High School who appears to drift through life while only seeming to broadly associate himself with the various cliques within Schenley's halls. He learns that a fellow student and former childhood friend of his, Rachel Kushner (Olivia Cooke), has been diagnosed with leukemia, and is forced by his overbearing parents (Nick Offerman and Connie Britton) to befriend her in her time of need. Despite neither of them truly wanting the other's company, Greg manages to strike up a conversation about her pillow collection. She finds his quirky personality endearing, and they make plans to meet on a regular basis.
The Pervert's Guide to Ideology, 2h16
Directed by Sophie Fiennes
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about films, Medical-themed films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentary films about politics, Documentary films about health care, Films about psychiatry, Political films, Documentary films about films
Rating75% 3.7957153.7957153.7957153.7957153.795715
Žižek appears transplanted into the scenes of various movies, exploring and exposing how they reinforce prevailing ideologies. As the ideologies undergirding cinematic fantasies are revealed, striking associations emerge: from nuns advising following your desires at The Sound of Music to the political dimensions of Jaws. Taxi Driver, Zabriskie Point, The Searchers, The Dark Knight, John Carpenter’s They Live (“one of the forgotten masterpieces of the Hollywood Left”), Titanic, Kinder Surprise eggs, verité news footage, the emptiness of Beethoven’s "Ode to Joy", and propaganda epics from Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia all inform Žižek’s psychoanalytic-cinematic argument.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, 2h13
Directed by Oliver Stone
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes Prison films, Children's films
Actors Michael Douglas, Shia LaBeouf, Josh Brolin, Carey Mulligan, Frank Langella, Susan Sarandon
Roles Original Music Composer
Rating61% 3.0993153.0993153.0993153.0993153.099315
In 2001, Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) is released from prison after serving eight years for insider trading and securities fraud. Seven years later, Gekko is promoting his new book Is Greed Good?, warning about the coming economic downturn. His estranged daughter, Winnie (Carey Mulligan), runs a small, non-profit news website and is dating Jacob Moore (Shia LaBeouf), a top proprietary trader at Keller Zabel Investments (KZI). Jacob is a protégé of managing director Louis Zabel (Frank Langella), and is trying to raise money for a fusion research project which would create massive amounts of clean energy for the world. Jake is also financially assisting his mother (Susan Sarandon), who has begun a new career selling real estate.
The Lovely Bones, 2h15
Directed by Peter Jackson
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Fantastic, Fantasy
Themes Films about children, Films about religion, Films about sexuality, Rape in fiction, Films about pedophilia, Ghost films, Serial killer films
Actors Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci, Michael Imperioli, Saoirse Ronan
Roles Original Music Composer
Rating66% 3.3056853.3056853.3056853.3056853.305685
In 1973, 14-year-old Susie Salmon dreams about becoming a photographer. One day, Ray, a boy she has a crush on, approaches her at school and asks her out. As Susie walks home through a cornfield, she runs into her neighbor, George Harvey, who coaxes her into his underground den. Inside, Susie becomes uncomfortable and attempts to leave; when he grabs her, the scene fades until she is seen rushing past classmate Ruth Connors, apparently fleeing Harvey's den.