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Carole Lombard is a Actor American born on 6 october 1908 at Fort Wayne (USA)

Carole Lombard

Carole Lombard
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Birth name Jane Alice Peters
Nationality USA
Birth 6 october 1908 at Fort Wayne (USA)
Death 16 january 1942 (at 33 years) at Nevada (USA)

Carole Lombard (October 6, 1908 – January 16, 1942), born Jane Alice Peters, was an American film actress. She was particularly noted for her energetic, often off-beat roles in the screwball comedies of the 1930s. She was the highest-paid star in Hollywood in the late 1930s.

Lombard was born into a wealthy family in Fort Wayne, Indiana, but was raised in Los Angeles by her single mother. At 12, she was recruited by the film director Allan Dwan and made her screen debut in A Perfect Crime (1921). Eager to become an actress, she signed a contract with the Fox Film Corporation at age 16, but mainly played bit parts. She was dropped by Fox after a car accident left a scar on her face. Lombard appeared in 15 short comedies for Mack Sennett between 1927 and 1929, and then began appearing in feature films such as High Voltage and The Racketeer. After a successful appearance opposite The Arizona Kid (1930), she was signed to a contract with Paramount Pictures.

Paramount quickly began casting Lombard as a leading lady, primarily in drama films. Her fame increased when she married William Powell in 1931, but the pair divorced two years later. A turning point in Lombard's career came in 1934, when she starred in Howard Hawks' pioneering screwball comedy Twentieth Century. The actress found her niche in this genre, and continued to appear in films such as Hands Across the Table (1935) - forming a popular partnership with Fred MacMurray), My Man Godfrey (1936), for which she was Oscar nominated, and Nothing Sacred (1937). During this period, Lombard married "the King of Hollywood" Clark Gable, and the pair was treated in the media as a celebrity supercouple. Keen to win an Oscar, at the end of the decade, Lombard began to move towards more serious roles. Unsuccessful in this aim, she returned to comedy in Alfred Hitchcock's Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1941) and Ernst Lubitsch's To Be or Not to Be (1942) – her final film role.

Lombard's career was cut short when she died at the age of 33 in an aircraft crash on Mount Potosi, Nevada, while returning from a War Bond tour. Today, she is remembered as one of the definitive actresses of the screwball comedy genre and American comedy, and ranks among the American Film Institute's greatest female stars of classic Hollywood cinema.


Ascendance et enfance
Ses parents sont Frederick C. Peters et Elizabeth Knight. Son grand-père paternel, John Claus Peters, était le fils d'immigrants allemands, Claus Peters et Caroline Catherine Eberlin. Une branche éloignée de sa famille maternelle venait d'Angleterre ; ses ancêtres John et Martha Cheney émigrèrent en Amérique du Nord en 1634.

Plus jeune d'une fratrie de trois enfants, elle passa sa prime enfance dans une grande demeure au 704 Rockhill Street à Fort Wayne (Indiana). Ses parents divorcèrent et la mère emmena ses trois enfants à Los Angeles en 1914, où Carole Lombard étudiera plus tard au lycée de Fairfax . Elle fut élue May Queen en 1924. Elle quitta l'école pour devenir actrice à plein temps après avoir été diplômée de Fairfax en 1927.


Lombard fit ses débuts à douze ans après avoir été remarquée dans la rue jouant au baseball par le réalisateur Allan Dwan ; il lui donne un rôle de garçon manqué dans A Perfect Crime (1921). Dans les années 1920, elle apparaît dans de petites productions sous le nom de Jane Peters, puis de Carole Lombard. En 1925, elle signe un contrat avec la Fox Film Corporation (qui fusionna avec la Twentieth Century Productions de Darryl F. Zanuck en 1935). Elle travailla également pour Mack Sennett pendant un an en 1927, elle a été une de ses Bathing Beauties, et tourne treize courts métrages pour Pathé. Elle devint célèbre et évolua sans heurt vers le cinéma parlant avec High Voltage (1929). En 1930, elle rejoint la Paramount Pictures.

Lombard devient une des plus grandes actrices de comédies de Hollywood dans les années 1930. En 1932, elle tourne Un mauvais garçon qui marquera sa rencontre avec Clark Gable, son futur second époux, dans leur unique film ensemble. On lui proposa le rôle d'Ellie Andrews dans New York-Miami (It Happened One Night) (1934), mais les dates de tournage chevauchaient celles de Bolero ce qui la contraint à refuser.

Malgré son charme, elle était une comédienne naturelle, et n'avait pas peur de paraître idiote pour faire rire. Sa vivacité et son humour vont s’affirmer pleinement dans des comédies comme Twentieth Century (1934) réalisé par Howard Hawks, Mon homme Godfrey (1936) réalisé par Gregory La Cava, et La Joyeuse Suicidée (Nothing Sacred) (1937) réalisé par William A. Wellman, elle reçoit les louanges des critiques et est décrite comme l'une des pièces maîtresses de la screwball comedy. Cependant, elle joue plusieurs rôles dramatiques notamment dans L'Autre avec Cary Grant ou dans Vigil in the Night, interprétant l'infirmière Anne Lee face à Brian Aherne. Produit par David O. Selznick, La Joyeuse Suicidée sera son seul film en Technicolor.

Vie personnelle
En octobre 1930, elle rencontre William Powell. Ils se marient le 26 juin 1931. Carole Lombard déclara aux magazines qu'elle ne voyait pas leurs seize années de différence d'âge comme un problème, mais leurs amis les sentaient mal assortis, du fait de la personnalité extravertie de Lombard face à la réserve de Powell. Ils divorcent en 1933, mais restent en bons termes et travaillent ensemble sans amertume, notamment dans Mon homme Godfrey. Elle fréquenta alors le crooner Russ Columbo jusqu'à sa mort accidentelle survenue en 1934.

Carole Lombard commença une liaison avec Clark Gable au milieu des années 1930. Leur relation devait rester secrète car celui-ci était encore marié à sa deuxième femme, Ria. Finalement, après le divorce prononcé le 7 mars 1939, Gable et Lombard se marient le 29 mars. Ils s'offrent un ranch, ancienne propriété du réalisateur Raoul Walsh, dans la Vallée de San Fernando, Californie. Ils se surnommaient « Ma » et « Pa », et vécurent une vie humble et heureuse. Pour tous ceux qui connurent Gable, elle était la femme de sa vie.

Hors-écran, elle était très appréciée pour sa personnalité humble et son sens de l'humour légendaire. Elle aimait faire des facéties durant les tournages, et plaisanta notamment à propos de Gable (surnommé le « King of Hollywood »), « If his pee-pee was one inch shorter, they'd be calling him the Queen of Hollywood ».

Carole Lombard appartenait à la seconde génération baha'ie qui la déclara formellement membre en 1938.


Au moment de l'entrée en guerre des États-Unis, fin 1941, Lombard rejoignit son Indiana natal pour un événement d'appel au soutien. À quatre heures du matin (heure locale) du vendredi 16 janvier 1942, Lombard et sa mère embarquent à bord d'un avion DC-3 de la Trans World Airlines pour leur retour en Californie. Après une escale de ravitaillement à Las Vegas, le vol reprend dans la nuit claire. Cependant, des balises avaient été éteintes à cause de la guerre, et l'avion dévia. Vingt-trois minutes plus tard, l'avion s'écrase sur le « Double Up Peak » près du sommet du Mount Potosi, au sud-ouest de Las Vegas. Les vingt-deux passagers trouvèrent la mort. Une plaque commémorative marquait l'endroit de l'accident, mais fut volée en 2007.

Juste avant de monter à bord, Carole s'adressa à ses fans en disant : « Avant que je ne vous dise au revoir à tous, venez vous joindre à moi ! V pour Victoire ! » Le Président Franklin D. Roosevelt, admiratif de son patriotisme, la déclara première femme tuée dans l'exercice de ses fonctions en temps de guerre et lui attribua à titre posthume la médaille présidentielle de la Liberté.

Peu après la mort de l'actrice à trente-trois ans, Gable, inconsolable et anéanti par sa perte, rejoignit l'United States Army Air Forces et servit dans l'armée de l'air en l'Europe. Le navire Liberty ship SS Lombard fut ainsi nommé en son hommage et Gable assista à son inauguration le 15 janvier 1944.

Le dernier film de Carole Lombard, To Be or Not to Be, réalisé par Ernst Lubitsch en 1942, où elle joue aux côtés de Jack Benny, est une satire du nazisme et de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Alors que le film est en post-production au moment de sa mort, les producteurs décidèrent de couper la séquence dans laquelle son personnage s'interroge « Que peut-il arriver dans un avion ? », de mauvais goût après les circonstances de sa mort. Un incident de montage similaire est survenu à la re-sortie du dessin animé de la Warner Bros A Wild Hare (1940) : le nom de Lombard était mentionné dans un jeu de Devine qui entre Bugs Bunny et Elmer Fudd, mais c'est le nom de Barbara Stanwyck qui sera cité dès lors.

Le 18 janvier 1942, Jack Benny ne fit pas son émission de radio habituelle, à la fois par respect pour l'actrice et chagrin pour sa mort. Il ne programma que de la musique.

Lombard est enterrée au Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery à Glendale. Le nom gravé sur la crypte est « Carole Lombard Gable ». Malgré son remariage, Clark Gable fut enterré à ses côtés à sa mort en 1960. Sa mère, Elizabeth Peters, qui périt aussi dans l'accident d'avion, repose non loin.

Usually with

Travis Banton
Travis Banton
(17 films)
Clark Gable
Clark Gable
(10 films)
Gary Cooper
Gary Cooper
(8 films)
Myrna Loy
Myrna Loy
(6 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Carole Lombard (66 films)

Display filmography as list


That's Entertainment! III, 1h53
Genres Documentary, Musical
Themes Films about films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentary films about cities, Musical films, Documentary films about films
Actors Gene Kelly, June Allyson, Cyd Charisse, Lena Horne, Howard Keel, Esther Williams
Roles (archive footage)
Rating74% 3.738783.738783.738783.738783.73878
Troisième volet de "Il était une fois Hollywood", "That's Entertainment III" nous propose un nouveau panorama de l'age d'or de la MGM mais aussi des chutes rarissimes, des séquences coupées lors de la sortie des films et des essais d'autres stars que celles qui furent finalement choisies.
Maxie (1985)
, 1h38
Directed by Paul Aaron
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Themes Time travel films, Ghost films
Actors Glenn Close, Mandy Patinkin, Ruth Gordon, Michael Ensign, Barnard Hughes, Valerie Curtin
Roles Young Maxie (uncredited)
Rating54% 2.7032152.7032152.7032152.7032152.703215
When husband Nick and his wife Jan, somewhat staid and socially stifled, move into an old house in San Francisco, they uncover a message under layers of wallpaper left by a previous tenant. ("Maxie Malone lived here! Read it and weep!").
Zelig (1983)
, 1h19
Directed by Woody Allen
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Documentary, Romance
Themes Political films
Actors Mia Farrow, Woody Allen, Susan Sontag, Caitlin O'Heaney, Patrick Horgan, Joséphine Baker
Roles Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Rating76% 3.8472353.8472353.8472353.8472353.847235
Set in the 1920s and 1930s, the film focuses on Leonard Zelig (Woody Allen), a nondescript man who has the ability to transform his appearance to that of the people who surround him. He is first observed at a party by F. Scott Fitzgerald, who notes that Zelig related to the affluent guests in a thick, refined accent and shared their Republican sympathies, but while in the kitchen with the servants he adopted a ruder tone, and seemed to be more of a Democrat. He soon gains international fame as a "human chameleon".
Inside Daisy Clover, 2h8
Directed by Robert Mulligan
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about films, Films about music and musicians, Films about sexuality, Films about television, LGBT-related films, Musical films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Natalie Wood, Christopher Plummer, Robert Redford, Roddy McDowall, Ruth Gordon, Ottola Nesmith
Roles Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Rating60% 3.0480753.0480753.0480753.0480753.048075
Set in the mid-1930s, the plot centers on Daisy Clover (Wood), a teenage tomboy who lives in a ramshackle trailer with her eccentric mother (Gordon) on a California beach and dreams of Hollywood stardom. She submits a song recording to the well-known film producer Ray Swan (Plummer), who puts her under contract. Ray and his wife Melora (Katharine Bard) foster Daisy's rise to fame by any means necessary, forcing Daisy to deal with the pressures of stardom and the Swans' manipulation of her life and career. Daisy reluctantly accepts the placement of her mother in a mental institution, to protect Daisy's reputation as "America's valentine", and is told to tell any interviewers that her mother is dead.
Hollywood Without Make-Up
Directed by Ken Murray
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentary films about cities
Actors Kirk Douglas, Ken Murray, Cary Grant, June Allyson, George K. Arthur, Eddie Albert
Roles Self (archive footage)
Rating71% 3.576943.576943.576943.576943.57694
The film consists of archive footage of famous Hollywood stars, mostly home movies showing the stars as themselves instead of playing a role in front of the camera.
To Be or Not to Be, 1h39
Directed by Ernst Lubitsch
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Historical
Themes Military humor in film, Films about television, Théâtre, Political films, Films based on plays, Films based on works by William Shakespeare
Actors Carole Lombard, Jack Benny, Robert Stack, Sig Ruman, Felix Bressart, Lionel Atwill
Roles Maria Tura
Rating80% 4.0472254.0472254.0472254.0472254.047225
Before the 1939 invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany, the stars of a theater company in Warsaw are the "ham" Josef Tura (Jack Benny) and his beautiful wife, Maria (Carole Lombard). As part of the company's rehearsal of a play satirizing the Nazis, one of the actors, Bronski (Tom Dugan), takes to the street to prove that he looks like Hitler in his costume and makeup. People gawk at the appearance of the Nazi dictator in Warsaw, until a young girl asks for the autograph of "Mr. Bronski."
Mr. & Mrs. Smith, 1h35
Directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Films about marriage
Actors Carole Lombard, Robert Montgomery, Gene Raymond, Jack Carson, Philip Merivale, Lucile Watson
Roles Ann
Rating62% 3.148643.148643.148643.148643.14864
Ann (Carole Lombard) and David Smith (Robert Montgomery) are a married couple living in New York who, though happy, often have fights that last for days before they lovingly reconcile. One morning, Ann asks David if he had to do it over again, would he marry her? To her disappointment, although he is very happy with her now and wouldn't marry someone else, he answers that he would not. Later that day, Harry Deever (Charles Halton), an Idaho county official informs David that due to a jurisdictional mishap, their three-year-old marriage license from Idaho is not valid. Since Deever is a family acquaintance of Ann's from Idaho, he stops by their apartment to tell Ann and her mother (Esther Dale) the same thing. Ann does not mention this to David, and thinks he will remarry her that very night, as he just invited her out to a romantic dinner at the fancy restaurant they ate at before they were married. When they arrive at the restaurant, however, they realize that the restaurant has turned into a seedy joint, and they head home. When Ann feels she has given David long enough to propose and leave to get married, she confronts him and accuses him of not wanting to marry her again. While David protests and says he was going to ask her shortly, Ann dismisses that and kicks him out of their apartment.
Vigil in the Night, 1h42
Directed by George Stevens
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Medical-themed films
Actors Carole Lombard, Brian Aherne, Anne Shirley, Robert Coote, Peter Cushing, Ethel Griffies
Roles Anne Lee
Rating66% 3.344123.344123.344123.344123.34412
In Great Britain, Vigil in the Night nurse Anne Lee (Carole Lombard) takes the blame for a fatal error made by her sister Lucy (Anne Shirley), also a nurse, and is forced to leave the hospital where they both work. She moves to a large city where she procures a job at another hospital and falls in love with Dr. Robert Prescott (Brian Aherne). Overcoming obstacles and personal tragedy along the way, Anne and Prescott work together to bring about better conditions for the care of the sick as well as fighting an epidemic which threatens to overwhelm all those around them.
They Knew What They Wanted, 1h36
Directed by Garson Kanin
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Carole Lombard, Charles Laughton, William Gargan, Harry Carey, Karl Malden, Frank Fay
Roles Amy Peters
Rating60% 3.047983.047983.047983.047983.04798
When visiting San Francisco, Tony Patucci, an ageing illiterate winegrower from the Napa Valley, sees waitress Amy Peters and falls in love. Returning home, he persuades his foreman Joe, an incorrigible womanizer, to write her a letter in Tony's name. Tony's courtship by mail culminates with a proposal, and when she requests a picture of him, he sends one of Joe. Amy accepts and goes to Napa to be married. Although horrified to discover that her prospective husband is the portly Tony, she decides to go through with the marriage. However, while Tony is in bed after an accident, Amy and Joe have an affair. Two months later, as Tony plans the wedding, she discovers that she is pregnant. Upon learning this, Tony pummels Joe, who leaves the vineyards. but forgives Amy, and insists that they still be married, But she is unable to forgive herself, so she leaves with the priest who's come to marry them, while Tony looks on, hoping that she will return one day.
In Name Only, 1h34
Directed by John Cromwell
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Cary Grant, Carole Lombard, Kay Francis, Helen Vinson, Charles Coburn, Katharine Alexander
Roles Julie Eden
Rating69% 3.497633.497633.497633.497633.49763
Alec Walker (Cary Grant) puts up with a loveless marriage to Maida (Kay Francis) until he meets widow Julie Eden (Carole Lombard). They fall in love and he asks his wife for a divorce. She refuses; as she goes on to tell him, she married him solely for his social position and wealth and won't give them up. She is such a skillful liar that she has Alec's parents (Charles Coburn, Nella Walker) convinced that Julie is out to destroy the marriage.
Made for Each Other, 1h32
Directed by John Cromwell
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Transport films, Aviation films
Actors Carole Lombard, James Stewart, Charles Coburn, Lucile Watson, Eddie Quillan, Alma Kruger
Roles Jane Mason
Rating62% 3.149083.149083.149083.149083.14908
John Mason (James Stewart) is a young, somewhat timid attorney in New York City. He has been doing his job well, and he has a chance of being made a partner in his law firm, especially if he marries Eunice (Ruth Weston), the daughter of his employer, Judge Doolittle. However, John meets Jane (Carole Lombard) during a business trip, and they fall in love and marry immediately. Eunice eventually marries another lawyer in the firm, Carter (Donald Briggs). John's mother (Lucile Watson) is disappointed with his choice, and an important court trial forces him to cancel the honeymoon. He wins the case, but by that time Judge Doolittle has chosen John's kowtowing coworker Carter as the new partner.