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Dieter Eppler is a Actor Allemand born on 11 february 1927 at Stuttgart (German)

Dieter Eppler

Dieter Eppler
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Nationality German
Birth 11 february 1927 at Stuttgart (German)
Death 12 april 2008 (at 81 years) at Stuttgart (German)

Dieter Eppler (, Stuttgart - , Stuttgart) est un acteur allemand et metteur en scène de théâtre radiophonique.


Eppler sang bereits im Kinderchor an der Stuttgarter Oper und übernahm dort Statistenrollen. Nach dem Abitur finanzierte er sich seinen Schauspielunterricht als Bauarbeiter und Spirituosenverkäufer. 1947 stand er in Heidenheim und Sigmaringen erstmals auf der Bühne. Drei Jahre arbeitete er bei Wanderbühnen, dann erhielt er einen Sieben-Jahres-Vertrag am Staatstheater Stuttgart. Eppler verkörperte dort den Tempelherrn in Nathan der Weise , Hartmann in Des Teufels General und Hippolytos in Racines Phädra.

Weitere Engagements führten ihn an das Badische Staatstheater Karlsruhe , an die Komödie im Marquardt Stuttgart, an das Deutsche Schauspielhaus in Hamburg, wo er den Dr. Walpo in Shaws Der Arzt am Scheideweg darstellte, an das Theater Die Kleine Freiheit in München, an das Kammertheater Karlsruhe, das Theater Baden-Baden und die Kleine Komödie in München, wo er neben Sonja Ziemann in Shaws Kalifornisches Roulette agierte.

Eppler arbeitete als Sprecher für den Süddeutschen Rundfunk und war ab 1956 in Film und Fernsehen zu sehen. Er wirkte in 37 nationalen und internationalen Filmproduktionen mit. Anfangs war er auf Weltkrieg-II-Soldatenrollen festgelegt. Sein bekanntester Film dieser Art war U 47 – Kapitänleutnant Prien. In den 1960er-Jahren wurde er häufig in Edgar-Wallace-Filmen eingesetzt. Weiter sah man ihn in über 150 Fernsehfilmen und Serien, so z. B. als Kommissar Liersdahl in der ARD-Serie Tatort. Auch in Krimiserien wie Der Alte, Polizeiinspektion 1, Großstadtrevier und Derrick war er öfter zu sehen.

Neben seiner schauspielerischen Tätigkeit führte Dieter Eppler in über 40 Hörspielen Regie und war daneben auch ein sehr gefragter Sprecher. Er lebte und arbeitete in Stuttgart, war seit 1947 mit Magdalene Schnaitmann verheiratet und Vater von fünf Kindern. Er starb nach Auskunft seiner Familie am 12. April 2008 im Alter von 81 Jahren nach langer schwerer Krankheit in Stuttgart.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Dieter Eppler (26 films)

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Life Is Tough, Eh Providence?, 1h30
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Western, Spaghetti Western
Actors Tomás Milián, Janet Ågren, Gregg Palmer, Dieter Eppler, Gabriella Giorgelli, Maurice Poli
Roles Sheriff Howard Pendleton
Rating56% 2.8126652.8126652.8126652.8126652.812665
Chasseur de primes, Providence a trouvé un moyen de faire fortune : Il trimbale Kid, un truand qu'il remet au shérif puis qu'il fait évader le soir même pour le remettre au shérif voisin. Mais un jour, Kid parvient à s'évader sans l'aide de Providence…
Deep End
Deep End (1971)
, 1h30
Directed by Jerzy Skolimowski
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Themes Sports films
Actors Jane Asher, John Moulder-Brown, Karl Michael Vogler, Diana Dors, Cheryl Hall, Erica Beer
Roles Bathhouse Boiler Room Manager
Rating71% 3.596113.596113.596113.596113.59611
Mike (John Moulder Brown), a 15-year-old school leaver, finds a job in a public bath. There he is trained by his co-worker Susan (Jane Asher), a girl ten years his senior. Susan is a tease who plays with Mike's and other men's feelings, acting sometimes warm and affectionate and other times cold and distant. Working in the bathhouse turns out to involve providing services to clients of a more or less sexual nature, in exchange for a tip. For example, an older woman (Diana Dors) is sexually stimulated by pushing Mike's head into her bosom and talking suggestively about football. Mike is confused by this and at first does not want to accept the tip he gets, but Susan tells him that these services are a normal practice, including exchange of her female clients for his male clients whenever a client prefers the opposite sex.
The Fight for Rome, 1h43
Directed by Robert Siodmak, Andrew Marton, Sergiu Nicolaescu
Origin German
Genres Drama, Adventure, Historical
Actors Laurence Harvey, Orson Welles, Sylva Koscina, Honor Blackman, Robert Hoffmann, Lang Jeffries
Roles Thorismund
Rating59% 2.9995452.9995452.9995452.9995452.999545
In the 6th century AD the Roman Empire has been shattered by Germanic invasions. Italy is ruled as an independent kingdom by the Ostrogoths, while the surviving, eastern remnant of Roman civilization is fast taking on a new identity as the Byzantine Empire.
Jerry Cotton: Death and Diamonds, 1h31
Directed by Harald Reinl
Origin German
Genres Crime
Actors George Nader, Heinz Weiss, Carl Möhner, Claus Holm, Günther Schramm, Dieter Eppler
Roles Tomasio
Rating56% 2.817572.817572.817572.817572.81757
Jerry Cotton goes undercover to take out a criminal organisation including its bosses. Disguised as a British specialist for alarm systems he joins the gang which has a preference for diamonds. Taking part in their current activities he tries to get to their leaders. Although he works as prudent as he can he arouses suspicion and becomes a target himself.
The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism, 1h20
Directed by Harald Reinl
Origin German
Genres Thriller, Horror, Historical
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Vampires in film
Actors Lex Barker, Karin Dor, Christopher Lee, Dieter Eppler, Carl Lange, Bruno W. Pantel
Roles Coachman
Rating59% 2.955472.955472.955472.955472.95547
The plot chronology is set in the 18th century and the probable story location is Germany. Baroness Lilian von Brabant and her lawyer Roger Mont Elise receive an invitation to the Blood Castle, in Sander Valley, where a large inheritance is awaiting the baroness. Both decide to go; the Baroness because of the inheritance and Roger seeing a chance to get more information regarding his birth. Upon arriving at the valley, they meet the monk Fabian with a proclivity for profanities who offers to assist them in finding their way to the castle, the place where, forty years ago, Count Regula had murdered twelve maidens, in an attempt to use their blood to achieve immortality. However he was one maiden short of his goal, and he was drawn, quartered and beheaded for his crime. As he was dying, the Count threatened revenge against those responsible for his death.
Spy Today, Die Tomorrow, 1h51
Directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb
Origin German
Genres Adventure, Spy
Themes Spy films
Actors Lex Barker, Gino Buzzanca, Maria Perschy, Wolfgang Preiss, Ullrich Haupt, Ralf Wolter
Roles Captain Reichel
Rating34% 1.7444351.7444351.7444351.7444351.744435
Bardo Baretti, millionnaire malfaisant, vole une bombe atomique américaine et demande une rançon d'un milliards de dollars, sinon elle sera lâché sur Washington.
Lucky, the Inscrutable, 1h34
Directed by Jesús Franco
Origin Espagne
Genres Action, Adventure, Spy
Themes Spy films
Actors Ray Danton, Rosalba Neri, Dieter Eppler, María Luisa Ponte, Beba Loncar, Teresa Gimpera Flaquer
Roles Secuaz de Gafas de Oro
Rating56% 2.8415052.8415052.8415052.8415052.841505
Dans une chambre d'hôtel de Londres, un homme est assassiné par un tueur tuberculeux. Ce dernier vole sa valise pleine de dollars et met le feu au contenu.
Whom the Gods Wish to Destroy, 1h31
Directed by Harald Reinl
Origin German
Genres Drama, Fantasy, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, Films based on mythology, Transport films, Films about dragons, Films set in the Viking Age, Films based on Norse mythology
Actors Karin Dor, Herbert Lom, Siegfried Wischnewski, Dieter Eppler, Terence Hill, Hans von Borsody
Roles Rüdiger von Bechlarn
Rating61% 3.0991253.0991253.0991253.0991253.099125
Siegfried von Xanten defeats the dragon Fafnir, and becomes invulnerable by bathing in the beast's blood. He then wins a net of invisibility (Tarnkappe) and the legendary Treasure of the Nibelungs (Nibelungenschatz) from the dwarf Alberich. Siegfried falls in love with Kriemhild, sister of King Gunther of Burgund. However, Gunther will not allow Siegfried to marry her until he has helped Gunther to win a wife himself. They travel to Iceland where Siegfried helps Gunther to defeat and win Queen Brunhild. They return to the Burgundian court at Worms and both weddings take place. However, jealousy and envy cause frictions at the court. Intrigues eventually result in Hagen of Tronje killing Siegfried during a hunt. In part 2, Kriemhild marries Etzel, king of the huns, in order to gain revenge for the murder of her husband. The Burgundians, led by Gunther and Hagen, follow an invitation after Kriemhild gives birth to Ortileb, and travel to Etzel's hall, where they are attacked by the huns. Hagen kills Ortileb in the fight. There is a great slaughter and Gunther is killed. Finally Kriemhild kills Hagen and is then killed herself.
I Deal In Danger
Directed by Walter Grauman
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War
Themes Spy films, Political films
Actors Robert Goulet, Christine Carrère, Horst Frank, Donald Harron, Christiane Schmidtmer, Werner Peters
Roles Dr. Stolnitz
Rating56% 2.8175152.8175152.8175152.8175152.817515
In Nazi Germany during World War II, David March (Goulet) is an American traitor who has been given wide access to travel as he wishes within Germany. Unbeknownst to the Germans, March is actually an American spy, the last remaining from a spy ring, known as Blue Light. As time goes on, he has been able to work his way higher and higher within the Nazi intelligence apparatus, however he is suspected by a Nazi Gestapo officer, Captain Elm (Werner Peters). Along the way, he meets Susanne Duchard (Carère), a French agent, who he has a romantic interlude with, and persuades her to help him.
Savage Pampas, 1h52
Directed by Hugo Fregonese
Genres Drama, Adventure, Western
Actors Robert Taylor, Ron Randell, Marc Lawrence, Ty Hardin, Dieter Eppler, Ángel del Pozo
Roles Rivera
Rating57% 2.851772.851772.851772.851772.85177
During the 1870s, a tough Captain of the Argentine Army doggedly battles a band of outlaws composed of a mixture of Indians and Argentine deserters.
The Sinister Monk, 1h22
Directed by Harald Reinl
Origin German
Genres Thriller, Horror, Crime
Actors Ilse Steppat, Karin Dor, Siegfried Lowitz, Harald Leipnitz, Dieter Eppler, Siegfried Schürenberg
Roles Sir William
Rating63% 3.151343.151343.151343.151343.15134
Sur le point de mourir, le vieux châtelain de Darkwood signe son testament. Il prévoit sa fille Patricia comme héritière de la propriété qui sert de pensionnat de jeunes filles, et sa petite-fille Gwendolin hérite des actifs restants. Mais Richard, le fils aîné, qui se retrouve déshérité, s'empare du document. En l'absence de testament, l'héritage est ainsi réparti à parts égales entre les enfants. Richard demande à son frère William, sa sœur Patricia et son fils Ronny, une procuration générale qui lui attribue la totalité des actifs, à l'exception de 10% pour chacun des frères et des sœurs. Sinon il révèle le testament et personne ne recevra de parts.
The Curse of the Hidden Vault, 1h30
Directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb, Harald Reinl
Origin German
Genres Crime
Actors Siegfried Lowitz, Harald Leipnitz, Joachim Fuchsberger, Judith Dornys, Rudolf Forster, Werner Peters
Roles Josua Broad
Rating62% 3.1484653.1484653.1484653.1484653.148465
Depuis des années, la tête effrayante et masquée d'un gang, la soi-disant « Grenouille masquée », sème la peur et la terreur à Londres. Ni l'inspecteur Elk ni son assistant le sergent Balder ne sont parvenus à savoir qui ils sont. Après un vol de bijoux et de l'assassinat d'un officier de police qui avait tenté de s'infiltrer dans la bande, Richard Gordon, le neveu de Sir Archibald, le chef de Scotland Yard, s'intéresse aussi à l'affaire.
The Death Ray of Dr. Mabuse, 1h30
Directed by Hugo Fregonese
Origin France
Genres Thriller, Crime
Themes Spy films, Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Peter van Eyck, O. E. Hasse, Yvonne Furneaux, Walter Rilla, Ernst Schröder, Dieter Eppler
Roles Kaspar
Rating48% 2.426412.426412.426412.426412.42641
L'agent des services secrets britanniques, le major Anders, enquête sur le professeur Larsen qui a inventé un rayon de la mort sur son île. Parmi les parties qui tentent de l'obtenir, il y a le grand criminel le Dr Mabuse. Anders dirige une armée d'hommes-grenouilles pour arrêter Larsen et Mabuse.
Frühstück mit dem Tod, 1h24
Directed by Franz Antel
Origin German
Genres Thriller, Crime
Actors Wolfgang Preiss, Sonja Ziemann, Ivan Desny, Dominique Boschero, Dieter Eppler, Ady Berber
Roles Polizeileutnant Keller
Rating60% 3.0431953.0431953.0431953.0431953.043195
Dans la ville fictive américaine de Newtonville dans les années 1960. Le procureur Dean Ted Talbot est marié à l'avocate Jane Painter-Talbot. Les deux sont en concurrence l'uns avec l'autre. Leur dernière affaire les relie. Talbot est convaincu de la culpabilité de l'accusé James Conley, accusé d'un vol dans une banque qui a fini par un meurtre. Son plaidoyer en faveur de la peine maximale aboutit à la condamnation à mort de l'accusé. La demande urgente de Beth Conley, l'épouse, de retarder l'exécution du jugement, Talbot ne peut pas se faire, car il 'y a aucun élément contradictoire. Dès que la peine est exécutée, le procureur prend connaissance d'une confession écrite laissée par un suicidé qui s'accuse du crime. Talbot est horrifié, il ne peut pas croire qu'il a pris une mauvaise décision. Il tente de se rattraper auprès de la veuve Conley et lui offre un soutien financier. Mais l'attrayante blonde rejette avec colère la proposition du procureur et son rachat.