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Dorothy Kingsley is a Director and Scriptwriter American born on 14 october 1909 at New York City (USA)

Dorothy Kingsley

Dorothy Kingsley
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Nationality USA
Birth 14 october 1909 at New York City (USA)
Death 26 september 1997 (at 87 years) at Monterey (USA)

Dorothy Kingsley (October 14, 1909 – September 26, 1997) was an American screenwriter, who worked extensively in film, radio and television.


Born in New York City, Kingsley was the daughter of newspaperman and press agent Walter J. Kingsley, and silent film actress Alma Hanlon. Following their divorce, Hanlon remarried to director Louis Myll, when they had been living at Bayside, Queens for the last two years; later moving with Dorothy to the affluent suburb of Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

Kingsley also had an unsuccessful first marriage. As a young divorced mother of three, while recuperating from a severe case of the measles, she listened to all the radio programs and began to think that she could write better material than she was hearing. She went to Los Angeles to visit a friend and made the rounds of numerous agents with material she had written for various radio stars such as Jack Benny. Her youthful appearance worked against her, but she finally found an agent who would take a chance on her. Kingsley went home and packed up her children, but on her return to Los Angeles she found that the agent had gone out of business.

While Kingsley unsuccessfully made the rounds of agents, she happened to meet Constance Bennett socially. Bennett thought that Kingsley's material was better than her current supply, and used a couple of her gags on her radio program. Despite the size of the program's writing staff, Kingsley began supplying material gags under the table for $75 a week, but eventually the representative who was paying her for the material left and she was again unemployed. Kingsley answered a newspaper ad to write gags for Edgar Bergen, and as a result she was chosen from 400 entries for a one-month trial period at $50 a week. The Edgar Bergen show became one of the top-rated programs and Kingsley stayed with them for several years.

It was while she was with the Bergen radio show that Kingsley started submitting scripts to studios. Arthur Freed at MGM thought she had promise and wanted to put her under contract at double what Bergen was paying. Bergen was notorious for underpaying his talent and when he found out she was dismissed. Her first assignment was a production rewrite on Girl Crazy, a Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland musical. The current writer was otherwise occupied, so Freed asked her to go down to the set and just do a little work. Kingsley soon developed the ability to fix an ailing script during production, and while she was working on Girl Crazy, producer Jack Cummings was having a lot of trouble with Bathing Beauty and asked her to fix that as well. Many people had already worked on the ailing script whose musical numbers had been shot and had no story. It was the first picture for Esther Williams and became a big hit.

Kingsley often worked without credit; and though hers was usually a co-credit, she normally worked alone, before or after the other screenwriters had finished up. Kingsley wrote many of the great MGM musicals such as Kiss Me Kate, as well as a number of scripts for Debbie Reynolds and three quarters of all the Esther Williams pictures. The grand spectacle pictures were very popular during the war years, when people desperately wanted escapist entertainment. In 1948, Kingsley and fellow screenwriter Dorothy Cooper wrote A Date with Judy, which was a pivotal film for Elizabeth Taylor, who, after playing frail juvenile roles, was given the part of a manipulative modern flirt who saw a school campus as merely husband-hunting grounds.

Kingsley, a devout Catholic, wrote the baseball picture Angels in the Outfield, President Eisenhower’s favorite picture which featured the Pittsburgh Pirates. He ran it so many times that the staff said, “Please, Mr. President, not again."

She was the last of the writers to work on the script for Stanley Donen's Seven Brides for Seven Brothers after Albert Hackett and Frances Goodrich. Their original script was based on the short story The Sobbin' Women by Stephen Vincent Benet, but the script wasn't coming out right. From Kingsley: "Stanley Donen called me in and I looked at the script and said, 'The big trouble in the original short story is that the Howard Keel character is the one that tries to get all of these boys married off, and that’s not right. The girl has nothing to do, and she’s got to be the one to engineer all this stuff.' That was changed around and seemed to please everyone, and we went from there."
After she had been at MGM a while, Kingsley acquired the reputation as a fixer in construction. She would regularly be called down to the set to fix pictures on the fly when the original writers were no longer on the scene to be consulted. The studio kept her working all the time and her contract was continually being extended.

MGM was set to produce Pal Joey, which was a perfect vehicle for Frank Sinatra; however, Sinatra and MGM executive Harry Cohen had been feuding for years and didn't speak to each other. Kingsley and Lillian Burns, the assistant to Harry Cohn, did a synopsis of the film written with Sinatra in mind and had it sent to Sinatra without Cohen's involvement. Sinatra agreed to do the picture and Cohen committed without ever seeing the script. Sinatra was so pleased with what Kingsley had done with Pal Joey, he committed to Can-Can without a script.

In 1969, she was instrumental in creating the "Bracken's World" series for television, based on the behind-the-scenes activities at the fictitious Century Studios in Hollywood.

Kingsley and her second husband, William Durney, left Hollywood for Carmel, California, where they started the Durney Vineyard brand winery. They were among the earliest vintners in the Carmel Valley Wine region when they planted their original vineyards in 1968, with the first wines being produced in 1976.

Dorothy Kingsley died of heart failure in 1997 in Monterey, California.

Best films

Pal Joey (1957)
Bathing Beauty (1944)
Neptune's Daughter (1949)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)

Usually with

Cedric Gibbons
Cedric Gibbons
(14 films)
George Wells
George Wells
(7 films)
Jack Cummings
Jack Cummings
(9 films)
George Sidney
George Sidney
(6 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Dorothy Kingsley (28 films)

Display filmography as list


Angels in the Outfield, 1h39
Directed by Clarence Brown, George Wells, Dorothy Kingsley
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Comedy, Fantasy
Themes Films about families, Films about religion, Sports films, Baseball films, Films about angels
Actors Paul Douglas, Janet Leigh, Keenan Wynn, Lewis Stone, Donna Corcoran, Spring Byington
Rating70% 3.5455353.5455353.5455353.5455353.545535
With baseball's Pittsburgh Pirates in last place, their combative, foul-mouthed manager Guffy McGovern has plenty to complain about. All this changes when, while wandering through Forbes Field in search of his good luck charm one night, Guffy is accosted by the voice of an angel (voice of James Whitmore), who hints at having been a ballplayer during his earthly life.


Angels in the Outfield, 1h42
Directed by William Dear
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Fantasy
Themes Films about religion, Sports films, Baseball films, Films about angels, Children's films
Actors Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Danny Glover, Tony Danza, Brenda Fricker, Ben Johnson, Jay O. Sanders
Roles Ecrivain
Rating61% 3.098263.098263.098263.098263.09826
Young foster child Roger (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and his friend J.P. (Milton Davis, Jr.) love to sneak into baseball games of the hopelessly dreadful California Angels.
Valley of the Dolls, 2h3
Directed by Mark Robson
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Musical theatre, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about television, Children's films
Actors Barbara Parkins, Sharon Tate, Patty Duke, Susan Hayward, Lee Grant, Tony Scotti
Rating60% 3.0000753.0000753.0000753.0000753.000075
Three young women meet when they embark on their careers. Neely O'Hara (Duke) is a plucky kid with undeniable talent who sings in a Broadway show—the legendary actress Helen Lawson (Hayward) is the star of the play—while Jennifer North (Tate), a beautiful blonde with limited talent, is in the chorus. Anne Welles (Parkins) is a New England ingenue who recently arrived in New York City and works as a secretary for a theatrical agency that represents Lawson. Neely, Jennifer, and Anne become fast friends, sharing the bonds of ambition and the tendency to fall in love with the wrong men.
Half a Sixpence, 2h23
Directed by George Sidney
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Films based on plays
Actors Tommy Steele, Julia Foster, Cyril Ritchard, Elaine Taylor, Grover Dale, Pamela Brown
Rating63% 3.194953.194953.194953.194953.19495
Dans l'Angleterre victorienne, un jeune orphelin, Arthur Kipps, découvre une pièce de six pences alors qu’il marche le long d’un ruisseau avec sa jeune amie, Ann. Il coupe la pièce en deux et en donne une moitié à Ann en tant que symbole de leur amour. Kipps se rend ensuite dans une ville voisine pour travailler en tant qu'apprenti chez un drapier. Le temps passe et il devient un homme. Il se lie d'amitié avec Harry Chitterlow, acteur et dramaturge, qui découvre que Kipps est l'héritier d'une fortune qui lui a été laissée par son grand-père.
Can-Can (1960)
, 2h11
Directed by Walter Lang
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Films based on plays, Films based on musicals, Children's films
Actors Frank Sinatra, Shirley MacLaine, Maurice Chevalier, Louis Jourdan, Juliet Prowse, Marcel Dalio
Rating63% 3.150353.150353.150353.150353.15035
À Paris, en 1896, Simone Pistache, directrice et meneuse de revues du cabaret Bal du Paradis à Montmartre, brave la censure en présentant le cancan, une danse qu’une ligue de dames vertueuses a déclarée « obscène et lascive » (sic) bien que ces dames ne l’aient jamais vue. François Durnais, avocat et amant de Simone, est censé avoir négocié un accord avec la police, mais celle-ci fait irruption à chaque tentative de représentation. Lors du procès, le président du tribunal, Paul Barrière (un ami de François), apprend que c’est l’un des juges de sa cour qui a validé la plainte : le jeune et nouveau Philippe Forestier. Un soir, lorsque ce dernier se rend incognito au Bal du Paradis pour constater le délit, il fait la connaissance de Simone et en tombe amoureux. Une rivalité s’érige entre Durnais et Forestier. Simone est très liée à Durnais, mais contrariée, car ce dernier fait du refus du mariage une question de principe. Forestier propose plusieurs rendez-vous à Simone, mais elle temporise jusqu’à ce qu’il lui demande de l’épouser. Simone accepte, stupéfaite de se voir spontanément offrir ce que Durnais lui a toujours refusé. Durnais, avec la complicité de Barrière, cherche alors un plan pour rompre leurs fiançailles. Invité à la réception donnée sur une péniche par Forestier pour présenter sa future épouse à son distingué entourage, Durnais profite de l’appréhension de Simone d’être confrontée à la gent bourgeoise pour lui faire exagérément boire du champagne avant de la pousser à exécuter un numéro de cabaret qui scandalise l’assistance. Simone réalise que sa prestation a compromis son mariage et s’enfuit en regagnant les quais à la nage. Elle imagine un stratagème pour se venger de Durnais : elle lui demande de lui prêter de l’argent en contrepartie de quoi elle lui fait signer un document stipulant qu’il restera propriétaire du Bal du Paradis tant que l’argent ne lui sera pas remboursé. Quand le cancan est représenté au cabaret, la police fait une descente et arrête son propriétaire, Durnais en l’occurrence. Celui-ci passe au tribunal, et Simone, estimant que sa vengeance va trop loin, refuse de l’enfoncer davantage, mais ne veut plus avoir affaire à lui. Durnais a finalement recours à un subterfuge pour reconquérir Simone et lui faire enfin sa demande en mariage.
Pepe (1960)
, 3h15
Directed by Walter Hill, George Sidney
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Musical theatre, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Cantinflas, Dan Dailey, Shirley Jones, Janet Leigh, Carlos Montalbán, Vicki Trickett
Roles Writer
Rating54% 2.714612.714612.714612.714612.71461
Mario Moreno ("Cantinflas") is Pepe, a hired hand, employed on a ranch. A boozing Hollywood director, Mr. Holt, buys a white stallion that belongs to Pepe's boss. Pepe, determined to get the horse back (as he considers it his family), decides to take off to Hollywood. There he meets film stars including Jimmy Durante, Frank Sinatra, Zsa Zsa Gabór, Bing Crosby, Maurice Chevalier and Jack Lemmon in drag as Daphne from Some Like It Hot. He is also surprised by things that were new in America at the time, such as automatic swinging doors. When he finally reaches the man who bought the horse, he is led to believe there is no hope of getting it back. However Mr. Holt offers him a job when he realizes the Pepe brings new life to the stallion. Now his luck is changing and in Las Vegas Pepe wins big money, enough that Mr. Hold lets him be the producer of his next movie. Most of the movie centers around his meeting Shirley Jones who plays an actress on hard times and hating the world. Just like with the stallion, Pepe brings out the best in Shirley Jones and helps her become a big star in a movie made by Mr. Holt. Shirley Jones does a great job both as a dancer and singing the lead song called "Pepe." For those who love movies that are set in Acapulco, Mexico, this one has great appeal and beautiful scenery. The last scene shows both him and the stallion back at the ranch with several foals.
Green Mansions, 1h44
Directed by Mel Ferrer
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Adventure, Romance
Themes Indiens d'Amazonie
Actors Anthony Perkins, Audrey Hepburn, Lee J. Cobb, Sessue Hayakawa, Henry Silva, Nehemiah Persoff
Roles Ecrivain
Rating53% 2.653542.653542.653542.653542.65354
A young man named Abel (Anthony Perkins) narrowly escapes Caracas, Venezuela after it is overtaken by rebels. He decides to seek revenge, as his father, the former Minister of War, was killed. After getting supplies, he takes a canoe to the far shore, where he is nearly killed by a leopard, but is saved by the native, Indian-like people.
Pal Joey
Pal Joey (1957)
, 1h51
Directed by George Sidney
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Théâtre, Musical films, Films based on plays, Films based on musicals
Actors Rita Hayworth, Frank Sinatra, Kim Novak, Barbara Nichols, Hank Henry, Elizabeth Patterson
Rating65% 3.2970153.2970153.2970153.2970153.297015
The setting is San Francisco; Joey Evans (Frank Sinatra) is a second-rate singer, a heel known for his womanizing ways (calling women "mice"), but charming and funny. When Joey meets Linda English (Kim Novak), a naive chorus girl, he has stirrings of real feelings. However, that does not stop him from romancing a former flame and ex-stripper (Joey says, "She used to be 'Vera...with the Vanishing Veils'"), now society matron Vera Prentice-Simpson (Rita Hayworth), a wealthy, willful, and lonely widow, in order to convince her to finance his dream, "Chez Joey", a night club of his own.
Don't Go Near the Water, 1h47
Directed by Charles Walters
Origin USA
Genres War, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Adventure, Romance
Themes Military humor in film, Seafaring films, Transport films, Political films, United States Armed Forces in films
Actors Glenn Ford, Gia Scala, Earl Holliman, Anne Francis, Keenan Wynn, Fred Clark
Roles Writer
Rating60% 3.044083.044083.044083.044083.04408
Lieutenant (j.g.) Max Siegel and other US Navy personnel are stuck in a public relations unit far from the fighting. Lieutenant Commander Clinton T. Nash, their commanding officer and a stockbroker in civilian life, refuses to allow anyone to transfer out. Much of Siegel's time is spent showing war correspondents (like obnoxious Gordon Ripwell) and visiting Congressmen around the island.
Jupiter's Darling, 1h35
Directed by George Sidney
Origin USA
Genres Musical theatre, Romantic comedy, Adventure, Historical, Musical, Romance
Themes Dance films, Films about music and musicians, Sports films, Musical films, Political films, Films based on plays
Actors Esther Williams, Howard Keel, Marge Champion, Gower Champion, George Sanders, Richard Haydn
Roles Ecrivain
Rating57% 2.8513552.8513552.8513552.8513552.851355
Nous sommes en 216 av. J.-C. Après avoir anéanti les légions romaines, le général carthaginois Hannibal marche sur Rome à la tête de son armée, tandis qu’à Rome même, le dictateur Fabius Maximus espère enfin se marier à la belle et indépendante Amythis, sa fiancée depuis 7 ans.
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, 1h42
Directed by Stanley Donen
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Musical theatre, Romantic comedy, Musical, Western
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Howard Keel, Jane Powell, Jeff Richards, Marc Platt, Tommy Rall, Marc Platt
Rating72% 3.648633.648633.648633.648633.64863
A backwoodsman named Adam Pontipee comes into town to search for a bride. After being laughed at by the owners of the town's feedlot store he goes out in search of a wife. He comes upon the local tavern where he meets Milly. He and Milly agree to marry despite knowing each other for only a few hours. On the journey home Milly talks about how she is excited to be cooking and taking care of only one man, visibly upsetting Adam. On returning to his cabin in the mountains, Milly is surprised to learn that Adam is one of seven brothers living under the same roof. The brothers have been named alphabetically from the Old Testament and in chronological order are: Adam, Benjamin, Caleb, Daniel, Ephraim, Frank (short for Frankincense, the Old Testament having no names beginning with F), and Gideon. All of the brothers have red hair and are well over six feet tall, except Gideon, who is younger and shorter than his brothers.
Dangerous When Wet, 1h35
Directed by Charles Walters
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Musical theatre, Romantic comedy, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about animals, Films about music and musicians, Sports films, Musical films
Actors Rita Hayworth, Esther Williams, Glenn Ford, Fernando Lamas, Jack Carson, George Macready
Roles Writer
Rating61% 3.0979553.0979553.0979553.0979553.097955
Katie Higgins (Williams) is the wholesome daughter of a dairy farmer. The entire family (Pa, Ma, Suzie, Katie, and Junior) start the day with a brisk song and morning swim. One day, Katie meets travelling salesman Windy Weebe (Carson) who is instantly smitten. Weebe sells an elixir that purports to turn the user into a peppy, fit-as-a-fiddle specimen, and upon noticing the entire family's strength in the water, suggests that they all attempt to swim the English Channel. The family and Weebe head off to England whereupon they learn that the distance to be conquered is 20 miles "as the seagull flies" but with the currents, can be up to 42 miles. Katie is the only one in the family strong enough to attempt this feat, so she begins training with Weebe as her coach.
Kiss Me Kate, 1h49
Directed by George Sidney
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Théâtre, Musical films, Films based on plays, Films based on musicals, Films based on works by William Shakespeare
Actors Kathryn Grayson, Howard Keel, Ann Miller, Keenan Wynn, Tommy Rall, James Whitmore
Rating69% 3.4958453.4958453.4958453.4958453.495845
Fred Graham and Lilli Vanessi, a divorced couple, meet at Fred's apartment to hear the score for the Cole Porter (Ron Randell) musical version of "The Taming of the Shrew". Lois Lane, who is to play Bianca, arrives and sings "Too Darn Hot". Lilli almost decides against performing in the show, as she fears it might interfere with her honeymoon. But when she overhears Cole and Fred promising Lois the part, she decides to play Katherine after all.
Small Town Girl, 1h32
Origin USA
Genres Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films
Actors Jane Powell, Farley Granger, Ann Miller, S.Z. Sakall, Billie Burke, Robert Keith
Roles Writer
Rating63% 3.195783.195783.195783.195783.19578
Rick Belrow Livingston (Farley Granger), in love with self-obsessed Broadway star Lisa (Ann Miller), is sentenced to 30 days in jail for speeding through a small town. Quite by accident, he meets the daughter of the judge, Cindy Kimbell (Jane Powell). He persuades her to let him out for one night, so that he can visit Lisa on the premise he is seeing his "poor sick mother" (Billie Burke) on her birthday. After tracking him down and bringing him back to town, Cindy starts to fall for Livingston, but Dr. Schlemmer (S.Z. Sakall) wants her to marry his son (Bobby Van) even though he desperately wants a career on Broadway.
When in Rome, 1h18
Directed by Clarence Brown
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Crime
Themes Films about religion
Actors Van Johnson, Paul Douglas, Joseph Calleia, Argentina Brunetti, Mimi Aguglia, Harry Hayden
Roles Writer
Rating65% 3.2920753.2920753.2920753.2920753.292075
Father John X. Halligan (Johnson) is a Catholic Priest visiting Rome, Italy for the 1950 Holy Year. Along the way, a con man named Joe Brewster (Douglas), who is wanted by American authorities, steals Halligan's clothing and his identity in the hopes of evading arrest.