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Ingrid Thulin is a Actor Suédoise born on 28 january 1926 at Sollefteå (Suede)

Ingrid Thulin

Ingrid Thulin
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Birth name Ingrid Lilian Thulin
Nationality Suede
Birth 28 january 1926 at Sollefteå (Suede)
Death 7 january 2004 (at 77 years) at Stockholm (Suede)

Ingrid Lilian Thulin ([ˈɪŋːrɪd tɵˈliːn]; 27 January 1926 – 7 January 2004) was a Swedish film actress.


Après une formation de danseuse classique, elle fait ses débuts de comédienne au Théâtre dramatique royal de Stockholm. Dès les années 1940, elle a de petits rôles de figuration dans quelques longs métrages du cinéma nordique.

En 1954, le réalisateur suédois Ingmar Bergman la découvre au Théâtre municipal de Malmö, où elle joue La guerre de Troie n’aura pas lieu, et décide alors de la prendre sous son aile. Cette rencontre va être le tremplin de sa carrière. Ingrid Thulin enchaîne les films d'Ingmar Bergman, Les Fraises sauvages en 1957, puis Au seuil de la vie, en 1958, en compagnie de Bibi Andersson et d'Eva Dahlbeck, avec qui elle partage le prix d’interprétation féminine à Cannes. Elle tourne neuf films avec Bergman.

Au cours de sa carrière, elle joue toute une série de rôles variés, souvent difficiles et émouvants, comme la compagne d’un charlatan dans Le Visage (1958), une institutrice athée amoureuse d’un pasteur doutant de Dieu dans Les Communiants (1963), une malade alcoolique s’adonnant aux plaisirs solitaires dans Le Silence (1963), l’une des trois sœurs de Cris et chuchotements (1973).

À partir des années 1960 Ingrid Thulin participe aussi à des productions internationales comme Les Quatre Cavaliers de l'Apocalypse de Vincente Minnelli, La guerre est finie d’Alain Resnais, Les Damnés de Luchino Visconti.

La Maison du sourire (La casa del Sorriso), de Marco Ferreri, en 1991, marque la fin de sa carrière d’actrice.

Elle a réalisé aussi quelques films et participé à quelques pièces de théâtre à Broadway (New York).

Résidant à Rome depuis 1964, elle revient dans son pays natal en janvier 2003 pour y faire traiter son cancer, mais elle en meurt à Stockholm, le 7 janvier 2004.

Ingrid Thulin s’est mariée deux fois, avec l’acteur suédois Claes Sylwander, de 1952 à 1955, puis, de 1959 à 1989, avec Harry Schein, co-fondateur de l’Institut du film suédois.

Best films

Cries and Whispers (1972)
The Damned (1969)
The War Is Over (1966)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Ingrid Thulin (33 films)

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Control (1987)
, 1h46
Directed by Giuliano Montaldo
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Thriller
Actors Burt Lancaster, Ben Gazzara, Kate Nelligan, Kate Reid, Ingrid Thulin, Erland Josephson
Roles Mrs. Havemeyer
Rating59% 2.9508052.9508052.9508052.9508052.950805
This story takes place during an experiment concerning psychological effects of mental fatigue on those locked in a fallout shelter for a long period of time. Twelve subjects are locked in a nuclear fallout shelter to see how long they can endure before mental breakdown occurs. After the experiment Dr. Herbert Monroe (Burt Lancaster) tells the world about this terrifying experiment and its outcome.
After the Rehearsal, 1h10
Directed by Ingmar Bergman
Genres Drama
Actors Erland Josephson, Ingrid Thulin, Lena Olin, Bertil Guve
Roles Rakel Egerman
Rating70% 3.545253.545253.545253.545253.54525
Rational, exacting, and self-controlled theater director, Henrik Vogler, often stays after rehearsal to think and plan. On this day, Anna comes back, ostensibly looking for a bracelet. She is the lead in his new production of Strindberg's A Dream Play. She talks of her hatred for her mother (now dead), an alcoholic actress who was Vogler's star and lover. Vogler falls into a reverie, remembering a day Anna's mother, Rakel, late in life, came after rehearsal to beg him to come to her apartment. He awakes and Anna reveals the reason she has returned: she jolts him into an emotional response, rare for him, and the feelings of a young woman and an older man play out.
The Cassandra Crossing, 2h9
Directed by George Cosmatos
Origin German
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action
Themes La fin du monde, Medical-themed films, Transport films, Rail transport films, Films about viral outbreaks, Catastrophe épidémiologique, Disaster films, Film se déroulant dans un train
Actors Sophia Loren, Richard Harris, Burt Lancaster, Martin Sheen, Lee Strasberg, Ava Gardner
Roles Dr. Elena Stradner
Rating62% 3.148843.148843.148843.148843.14884
When the existence of a strain of plague (vaguely identified as pneumonic) is revealed at the U.S. mission at the International Health Organization, three terrorists seek to blow up the U.S. mission. Two of them are shot, one mortally, by security personnel but one escapes. The surviving terrorist is hospitalized and quarantined and identified as Swedish. Dr. Elena Stradner (Ingrid Thulin) and U.S. Colonel Stephen Mackenzie (Burt Lancaster) (Military Intelligence assigned to the IHO) argue over the nature of the strain, which Stradner suspects is a biological weapon but which Colonel Mackenzie claims was in the process of being destroyed.
And Agnes Chose to Die, 2h15
Directed by Giuliano Montaldo
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War
Themes Political films
Actors Ingrid Thulin, Stefano Satta Flores, Michele Placido, Aurore Clément, Ninetto Davoli, William Berger
Roles Agnese
Rating9% 0.4895320.4895320.4895320.4895320.489532
Seconde Guerre mondiale. Agnese, lavandière originaire de Comacchio (province de Ferrare), est l'épouse d'un résistant. Or, son mari vient d'être arrêté et déporté en camp de concentration où il finit par y mourir. Par fidélité à son idéal, Agnese soutient alors le maquis résistant de plusieurs manières : nourriture, informations, transfert de munitions. Son action demeure discrète. Un jour cependant elle est contrainte de rejoindre les partisans. Par mesure de rétorsion, elle vient, en effet, d'assommer à coup de mitraillette un soldat allemand qui, par pur plaisir, s'est mis à fusiller son chat noir. Débute la légende de "Mamma Agnese".
Salon Kitty, 2h13
Directed by Tinto Brass
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War, Historical, Romance
Themes Spy films, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Political films, Erotic thriller films
Actors Helmut Berger, Ingrid Thulin, Teresa Ann Savoy, John Steiner, Tina Aumont, Paola Senatore
Roles Kitty Kellermann
Rating54% 2.7034152.7034152.7034152.7034152.703415
Quelques mois après le début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le Troisième Reich reprend en mains le plus luxueux des bordels berlinois, le Salon Kitty, dont la vocation n'est plus uniquement de pourvoir aux fantasmes de sa clientèle, mais de l'espionner, de lui soutirer des confidences. Surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de dignitaires étrangers, d'hommes d'affaires et d'officiers allemands.
The Cage
The Cage (1975)
, 1h30
Directed by Pierre Granier-Deferre
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller
Actors Lino Ventura, Ingrid Thulin, William Sabatier, Dominique Zardi, Jean Turlier, Patrice Melennec
Roles Hélène
Rating62% 3.134733.134733.134733.134733.13473
Julien et Hélène, divorcés depuis plusieurs années, se sont donné rendez-vous pour préparer la vente de leur maison de campagne. En réalité, Hélène a tendu un piège à son ex-mari dont elle est toujours follement éprise. Profitant d'un moment d'inattention de celui-ci, elle l'enferme dans le sous-sol de sa maison, où une cage a été aménagée, pour le tenir à sa merci. Espère-t-elle le convaincre de reprendre avec elle une vie commune ? Un face-à-face surréaliste s'instaure entre un homme séquestré qui cherche par tous les moyens à s'échapper et sa geôlière, amoureuse transie mais déterminée.
Cries and Whispers, 1h31
Directed by Ingmar Bergman
Origin Suede
Genres Drama
Themes Films about families
Actors Harriet Andersson, Kari Sylwan, Ingrid Thulin, Liv Ullmann, Inga Gill, Erland Josephson
Roles Karin
Rating79% 3.9989453.9989453.9989453.9989453.998945
Cries and Whispers takes place in a lavish mansion in the 19th century, filled with red carpets and white statuary. It depicts the final days of Agnes (Harriet Andersson), who is near death due to cancer. Her sisters Maria (Liv Ullmann) and Karin (Ingrid Thulin) have returned to the family home to be with her. However the two women remain distant and awkward, struggling to comfort their sister while dealing with the shock and the fear of mortality Agnes' death may bring. The deeply religious maid Anna (Kari Sylwan), whose own daughter died at an early age, is the only person in the house able to comfort the dying woman. At length Agnes dies and during her wake the priest (Anders Ek) declares Agnes' faith was stronger than his own. In a dream-like sequence that follows Agnes seemingly returns to life for a short moment and asks her sisters one last time for the love and care denied her during her lifetime. For a moment Karin, Maria and Agnes grow closer to each other, but this is short-lived when the two sisters realize that Agnes is actually dead, with Karin declaring such acts "morbid" and "disgusting." Once again only Anna is able to embrace and comfort Agnes.
Short Night of Glass Dolls, 1h32
Directed by Aldo Lado
Origin Italie
Genres Thriller, Horror
Themes Serial killer films
Actors Ingrid Thulin, Jean Sorel, Barbara Bach, Mario Adorf, Fabijan Šovagović, Relja Bašić
Roles Jessica
Rating65% 3.2998653.2998653.2998653.2998653.299865
The corpse of reporter Gregory Moore (Jean Sorel) is found in a Prague plaza and brought to the local morgue. But Moore is actually alive, trapped inside his dead body and desperately recalling how the mysterious disappearance of his beautiful girlfriend (Barbara Bach) led to a terrifying conspiracy of depravity. Can a reporter with no visible signs of life solve this perverse puzzle before he meets his ultimate deadline?
The Damned
The Damned (1969)
, 2h36
Directed by Luchino Visconti
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Themes Films about families, Films about sexuality, Films about suicide, Rape in fiction, LGBT-related films, Films about pedophilia, Transgender in film, Political films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Dirk Bogarde, Ingrid Thulin, Helmut Griem, Helmut Berger, Renaud Verley, Umberto Orsini
Roles Sophie Von Essenbeck
Rating73% 3.6979753.6979753.6979753.6979753.697975
The film centers on the Essenbecks, a wealthy industrialist family who have begun doing business with the Nazi Party. On the night of the Reichstag fire, the family's conservative patriarch, Baron Joachim von Essenbeck, who represents the old aristocratic Germany and detests Hitler, is murdered. Herbert Thalmann, the family firm's vice president, who openly opposes the Nazis, is framed for the crime. He escapes the grasp of the Gestapo, but his wife Elizabeth and their children do not.
The Rite
The Rite (1969)
, 1h12
Directed by Ingmar Bergman
Genres Drama
Actors Gunnar Björnstrand, Ingmar Bergman, Anders Ek, Erik Hell, Ingrid Thulin
Roles Thea Winkelmann
Rating69% 3.4976053.4976053.4976053.4976053.497605
A judge in an unnamed country interviews three actors, together and separately, provoking them while investigating a pornographic performance for which they may face a fine. Their relationships are complicated. Sebastian, a volatile heavy drinker in debt, is guilty of killing his former partner and is having an affair with the dead man's widow. Thea, a high-strung woman who is prone to fits and seemingly fragile, is currently married to Sebastian's new partner, Hans. Hans is the troupe's leader. He is wealthy, self-contained, and growing weary of the troupe. The judge plays on the trio's insecurities, but they may have their revenge when they finally perform The Rite in a private session with him.
Hour of the Wolf, 1h30
Directed by Ingmar Bergman
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Max von Sydow, Liv Ullmann, Georg Rydeberg, Gertrud Fridh, Erland Josephson, Ingrid Thulin
Roles Veronica Vogler
Rating74% 3.7485453.7485453.7485453.7485453.748545
During the opening credits, Bergman can be overheard giving instructions to and discussing with his staff while preparing a shot.