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Joe Cornish is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter, Production Assistant and Thanks British born on 20 december 1968

Joe Cornish

Joe Cornish
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Birth name Joseph Murray Cornish
Nationality United-kingdom
Birth 20 december 1968 (55 years)

Joseph Murray "Joe" Cornish (born 20 December 1968) is an English comedian, television and radio presenter, film director, writer and actor, who together with his long-time comedy partner, Adam Buxton, forms the comedy duo Adam and Joe. In 2011, Cornish released his directorial debut Attack the Block. He has also co-written The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn, with Steven Moffat and Edgar Wright, and Ant-Man, with Wright, Adam McKay and Paul Rudd.


Il se fait connaître grâce à son duo Adam and Joe formé avec Adam Buxton. Ils débutent à la télévision dès 1996 dans The Adam and Joe Show diffusé sur Channel 4. Ils y réalisent divers sketches et parodies, parfois réalisées avec des jouets. Entre 2002 et 2003, il présente la chronique cinématographique Back Row sur la radio BBC Radio 4.

Ils passent ensuite à la réalisation de divers documentaire et making-of notamment autour de la série Little Britain. En 2004, il apparaît brièvement dans le film Shaun of the Dead d'Edgar Wright. En 2007, il retrouve Adam Buxton pour l'émission radiophonique Adam and Joe sur BBC 6 Music. Il apparait également dans Hot Fuzz d'Edgar Wright.

En 2011, Edgar Wright produit son premier en tant que réalisateur, Attack the Block, avec notamment Nick Frost. Le film reçoit plusieurs récompenses et de bonnes critiques. Il participe également à la réécriture, avec Edgar Wright, des Aventures de Tintin : Le Secret de La Licorne de Steven Spielberg.

Depuis 2006, il est attaché au projet d'adaptation du super-héros Ant-Man comme scénariste avec Edgar Wright comme réalisateur. Le film devait sortir en 2014. Finalement, le film Ant-Man sortira en 2015, sous la direction de Peyton Reed, Edgar Wright ayant quitté le projet pour divergence d'opinion.

Best films

Ant-Man (2015)
The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
Baby Driver (2017)

Usually with

Edgar Wright
Edgar Wright
(7 films)
Eric Fellner
Eric Fellner
(5 films)
Simon Pegg
Simon Pegg
(4 films)
Nina Gold
Nina Gold
(4 films)
Adam Buxton
Adam Buxton
(3 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Joe Cornish (10 films)

Display filmography as list


Star Wars: The Last Jedi, 2h32
Directed by Rian Johnson
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, War, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Romance
Themes Space adventure films, Monde imaginaire, Dans l'espace, Sur une planète fictive, Space opera, Children's films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Robot films
Actors Oscar Isaac, Benicio del Toro, Harrison Ford, Daisy Ridley, Carrie Fisher, John Boyega
Roles Resistance Trooper (uncredited)
Rating68% 3.448943.448943.448943.448943.44894
L'univers de Star Wars est amorcé avec le conflit entre la République galactique et la Confédération des systèmes indépendants, alliance de planètes séparatistes. Cette confédération entraîne des dirigeants de la République dans des affaires ingérables à cause des manigances du Chancelier Suprême Palpatine, chef d'État de la République, qui dit servir la démocratie tout en visant secrètement à établir un empire. Pour rétablir la paix, les Jedi combattent les ennemis de la République, sans savoir que les deux camps sont manipulés par les Seigneurs Sith (Palpatine étant en réalité le Seigneur Sith Dark Sidious). Les Jedi, comme les Sith, sont sensibles à la Force, une capacité d'origine physiologique qui permet à leurs détenteurs d'acquérir certains pouvoirs surnaturels.
Hot Fuzz
Hot Fuzz (2007)
, 2h1
Directed by Edgar Wright
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy, Comedy thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Serial killer films, Buddy films
Actors Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, Jim Broadbent, Timothy Dalton, Martin Freeman, Bill Nighy
Roles Bob
Rating77% 3.8983153.8983153.8983153.8983153.898315
Police Constable Nicholas Angel, a high-achieving member of the Metropolitan Police Service, is promoted to Sergeant but it comes with being transferred to the village of Sandford, Gloucestershire, for being too good at his job while making his colleagues look bad by comparison due to his skills. Angel finds the town is generally devoid of any crime, with its local Neighbourhood Watch Alliance (NWA) helping to keep the peace as everyone prepares for the "Village of the Year" award contest. Angel finds minor instances of disorderly conduct, during which he confiscates a shed full of unlicensed fire arms including a naval mine, pursues an escaped swan, and arrests a drunk driver who turns out to be his new partner PC Danny Butterman, the son of town chief Inspector, Frank Butterman.
Shaun of the Dead, 1h35
Directed by Edgar Wright
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy, Horror comedy, Romantic comedy, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films set in the future, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Political films, Comedy horror films, Dystopian films, Buddy films, Disaster films
Actors Simon Pegg, Kate Ashfield, Lucy Davis, Nick Frost, Dylan Moran, Bill Nighy
Roles Zombie Shot by Soldiers (uncredited)
Rating78% 3.9475453.9475453.9475453.9475453.947545
Shaun (Simon Pegg) is a 29-year-old electronics shop salesman with no direction in life. His younger colleagues show him no respect, he has a strained relationship with his stepfather, Phillip (Bill Nighy), and a tense one with his housemate Pete (Peter Serafinowicz) because of Ed (Nick Frost), Shaun's other housemate and vulgar, unemployed best friend. Furthermore, Shaun's girlfriend Liz (Kate Ashfield) dislikes their social life as they spend every date at the Winchester, Shaun and Ed's favourite pub. Because Shaun always brings Ed, Liz is always forced to bring her flatmates, David (Dylan Moran) and Dianne (Lucy Davis). After a bad day at work, Shaun forgets to book a table at a nice restaurant, and after suggesting the Winchester again Liz breaks up with him. Shaun drowns his sorrows with Ed at the Winchester. While celebrating at home, an enraged Pete — suffering from a bite wound caused by "some crackheads" — confronts Shaun on his flaws, telling him to sort his life out.
Notting Hill, 2h4
Directed by Roger Michell
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Films about films, Films about television
Actors Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, Hugh Bonneville, James Dreyfus, Rhys Ifans, Emma Chambers
Rating72% 3.6004953.6004953.6004953.6004953.600495
William "Will" Thacker (Hugh Grant) owns an independent travel bookshop in Notting Hill. He is divorced and shares his house with an eccentric, uninhibited Welshman named Spike (Rhys Ifans).


The Kid Who Would Be King, 2h
Directed by Joe Cornish
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Films about dragons, Witches in film
Actors Denise Gough, Patrick Stewart, Rebecca Ferguson, Noma Dumezweni, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Alexandra Roach
Rating61% 3.051313.051313.051313.051313.05131
Âgé de 12 ans, Alex Elliot est un écolier comme les autres. Mais sa vie va être totalement bouleversée lorsqu'il découvre Excalibur, l'épée magique légendaire du roi Arthur, le roi des Bretons. Alex va devoir désormais se transformer en héros et former une équipe de chevaliers composée de ses amis, de ses ennemis et du légendaire Merlin. Tous ensemble, ils vont tenter de vaincre la maléfique Morgana, venue du Moyen Âge pour détruire le monde.
Attack the Block, 1h28
Directed by Joe Cornish
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Horror comedy, Action, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about music and musicians, Films about drugs, Comedy science fiction films, Films set in the future, Films about extraterrestrial life, Hip hop films, Comedy horror films, Gangster films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Alien invasions in films, Disaster films
Actors Jodie Whittaker, John Boyega, Alex Esmail, Franz Drameh, Joey Ansah, Leeon Jones
Rating66% 3.3478453.3478453.3478453.3478453.347845
Walking home on Bonfire Night through "The Ends" in Brixton, new-to-the-area nurse Samantha Adams is mugged by a small gang of teenage hoodlums: Pest, Dennis, Jerome, Biggz, and leader Moses. The attack is interrupted when a meteorite falls from the sky into a nearby car, giving Samantha the chance to escape. As Moses searches the wreck of the car for valuables, his face is scratched by a pale, hairless, eyeless dog-sized creature; the object which fell from the sky was its cocoon. The creature runs away, but the gang chase and kill it. Hoping to gain fame and fortune, they take the corpse to their acquaintance, cannabis dealer Ron, to get advice on what to do. He lives at the top of their tower block, Wyndham Tower.


The Kid Who Would Be King, 2h
Directed by Joe Cornish
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Films about dragons, Witches in film
Actors Denise Gough, Patrick Stewart, Rebecca Ferguson, Noma Dumezweni, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Alexandra Roach
Roles Writer
Rating61% 3.051313.051313.051313.051313.05131
Âgé de 12 ans, Alex Elliot est un écolier comme les autres. Mais sa vie va être totalement bouleversée lorsqu'il découvre Excalibur, l'épée magique légendaire du roi Arthur, le roi des Bretons. Alex va devoir désormais se transformer en héros et former une équipe de chevaliers composée de ses amis, de ses ennemis et du légendaire Merlin. Tous ensemble, ils vont tenter de vaincre la maléfique Morgana, venue du Moyen Âge pour détruire le monde.
Ant-Man (2015)
, 1h57
Directed by Adam McKay, Edgar Wright, Peyton Reed
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantastic, Comedy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Comedy science fiction films, Films about insects, Superhero films, Super-héros inspiré de comics, Heist films, Children's films, Gangster films, Escroquerie
Actors Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Michael Peña, Evangeline Lilly, Patrick Wilson, Corey Stoll
Roles Histoire
Rating71% 3.5983953.5983953.5983953.5983953.598395
In 1989, scientist Hank Pym resigns from S.H.I.E.L.D. after discovering their attempt to replicate his Ant-Man shrinking technology. Believing the technology is dangerous, Pym vows to hide it as long as he lives. In the present day, Pym's estranged daughter, Hope van Dyne, and former protégé, Darren Cross, have forced him out of his own company. Cross is close to perfecting a shrinking suit of his own, the Yellowjacket, which horrifies Pym.
Attack the Block, 1h28
Directed by Joe Cornish
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Horror comedy, Action, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about music and musicians, Films about drugs, Comedy science fiction films, Films set in the future, Films about extraterrestrial life, Hip hop films, Comedy horror films, Gangster films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Alien invasions in films, Disaster films
Actors Jodie Whittaker, John Boyega, Alex Esmail, Franz Drameh, Joey Ansah, Leeon Jones
Roles Writer
Rating66% 3.3478453.3478453.3478453.3478453.347845
Walking home on Bonfire Night through "The Ends" in Brixton, new-to-the-area nurse Samantha Adams is mugged by a small gang of teenage hoodlums: Pest, Dennis, Jerome, Biggz, and leader Moses. The attack is interrupted when a meteorite falls from the sky into a nearby car, giving Samantha the chance to escape. As Moses searches the wreck of the car for valuables, his face is scratched by a pale, hairless, eyeless dog-sized creature; the object which fell from the sky was its cocoon. The creature runs away, but the gang chase and kill it. Hoping to gain fame and fortune, they take the corpse to their acquaintance, cannabis dealer Ron, to get advice on what to do. He lives at the top of their tower block, Wyndham Tower.
The Adventures of Tintin, 1h47
Directed by Steven Spielberg
Origin USA
Genres Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about alcoholism, Films about animals, Medical-themed films, Films about music and musicians, Films about drugs, Films about dogs, Tintin films, Musical films, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig, Cary Elwes, Nick Frost, Simon Pegg
Rating72% 3.645723.645723.645723.645723.64572
Young journalist Tintin and his dog Snowy are browsing in an outdoor market in Brussels, Belgium. Tintin buys a miniature model of a ship, the Unicorn, but is then accosted by Barnaby and Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine, who both unsuccessfully try to buy the model from Tintin. Tintin takes the ship home, but it is accidentally broken, resulting in a parchment scroll slipping out of the model and rolling under a piece of furniture. Meanwhile, detectives Thomson and Thompson are on the trail of a pickpocket, Aristides Silk. Tintin, later finds that the Unicorn has been stolen. He then visits Sakharine in Marlinspike Hall and accuses him of the theft when he sees a miniature model of the Unicorn, but when he notices that Sakharine's model is not broken, he realizes that there are two Unicorn models. Once Tintin returns home, Snowy shows him the scroll. Moments later, Barnaby arrives at Tintin's residence, but is fatally shot and killed. After reading an old message written on it, Tintin puts the scroll in his wallet, but it is stolen by Silk the next morning.


Blue Juice
Blue Juice (1995)
, 1h30
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy, Romance
Themes Sports films, Surfing films
Actors Sean Pertwee, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Ewan McGregor, Steven Mackintosh, Peter Gunn, Heathcote Williams
Roles Production Assistant
Rating50% 2.547752.547752.547752.547752.54775
JC seems to have it all figured out. By day he runs a surf school, at night he lies down next to his beautiful girlfriend Chloe, his lifelong dream is to travel the world surfing. However, when old mates arrive from London unannounced it releases tensions which have long been simmering under the surface of JC and Chloe's seemingly perfect relationship. Chloe decides to buy the local surfer cafe and settle down, His friends, especially drug-dealer Dean are intent on causing mischief and sucking JC back into surfing a dangerous reef, which he had attempted before, seriously injuring his back.


Baby Driver, 1h53
Directed by Edgar Wright
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Comedy thriller, Action, Musical, Crime
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about disabilities, Heist films, Gangster films, Escroquerie, Sign-language films, American Sign Language films, Films about language and translation
Actors Lily James, Jon Bernthal, Kevin Spacey, Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx, Ansel Elgort
Roles Thanks
Rating74% 3.7493853.7493853.7493853.7493853.749385
Baby est chauffeur pour un gang de braqueurs à Atlanta. Enfant, il a survécu un accident de voiture au cours duquel ses parents sont tués, mais qui lui cause des acouphènes qu'il atténue avec la musique. Il travaille dorénavant pour Doc, le chef du gang, afin de rembourser une dette en compensation d'avoir volé une voiture. Entre deux jobs, il fait des remixes des conversations enregistrées et prend soin de son père adoptif atteint de surdité, Joseph. Un jour, il fait la rencontre de la jeune et jolie Debora, serveuse d'un diner, avec lequel il sympathise avant de commencer à sortir ensemble. Lors d'un nouveau « boulot » au cours duquel un témoin armé l'a poursuivi ainsi que la police avec le gang, avant de parvenir à s'échapper, Baby quitte le monde criminel après avoir payé sa dette auprès de Doc et devient livreur de pizzas. Alors qu'il a invité Debora au restaurant, Baby, pensant fuir un monde qui ne lui ressemble pas, a la désagréable surprise de voir Doc, qui interrompt leur dîner. Ce dernier contraint le jeune homme à participer à un autre coup en dévalisant un bureau de poste, sous peine de s'en prendre à Debora et Joseph.