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Manos Katrakis is a Actor Grec born on 14 august 1908

Manos Katrakis

Manos Katrakis
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Birth name Emmanuel Katrakis
Nationality Grece
Birth 14 august 1908
Death 2 september 1984 (at 76 years) at Athens (Grece)

Emmanuel (Manos) Katrakis (Greek: Εμμανουήλ (Μάνος) Κατράκης; 14 August 1908 – 2 September 1984) was a Greek actor of theater and film.


Born in Kastelli, Crete, Greece, he was the youngest of five children of Haralambos Katrakis and Irini Katraki. When Manos was 10 years old, his family moved from Crete to Athens, where his father searched for work. His brother Giannis Katrakis emigrated to North America.

He played soccer during his youth for the Athinaikos football team and others.

Along with actor/director Kostas Leloudas, he acted in his first movie To Lavaro tou '21 in 1928. He later performed in the Ethniko Theatro (the National Theatre) in 1931. During the 1930s, he continued acting in theatrical plays (he was friends with the maestro Dimitris Mitropoulos). He married Anna Lori at the age of 35.

He took part in the resistance as a member of EAM/ELAS and after refusing to sign a declaration of repentance during the Greek Civil War of 1946–1949, he was exiled to Makronisos, along with other well-known figures such as Yiannis Ritsos, Nikos Koundouros, Mikis Theodorakis and Thanasis Veggos.

In the 1950s he returned to Athens from Makronisos but there was little acting work. He was handed both small and big roles in plays and films.

In 1954, he married his third and last wife named Linda Alma—a pseudonym of Eleni Malioufa (Ελένη Μαλιούφα).

He was an avid smoker for most of his life, something which eventually led to his death. Shortly before his death, he filmed his last and best movie Taxidi sta Kythira, the Journey to Kythera/Kythira with the director Theo Angelopoulos. He died at the age of 76 on September 2, 1984, by lung cancer.

In 2009 the Hellenic Post S.A., the Greek Post Office, issued a €0,01 postage stamp in honor of Manos Katrakis.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Manos Katrakis (22 films)

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Voyage to Cythera, 2h17
Directed by Theo Angelopoulos
Origin Grece
Genres Drama
Actors Manos Katrakis, Giulio Brogi, Mary Chronopoulou, Dionysis Papagiannopoulos, Athinodoros Prousalis, Michael Giannatos
Roles Spyros
Rating76% 3.8401253.8401253.8401253.8401253.840125
Alexandre (Giulio Brogi), metteur en scène, est à la recherche d'un vieil acteur. Il le trouve chez un vendeur de légumes. Le film peut commencer. Alexandre accueille son père Spyros (Manos Katrakis), ancien résistant, de retour d'URSS après trente-deux années d'exil forcé. L'amnistie a en effet été prononcée après la chute de la dictature des colonels en 1974. Spyros retrouve sa femme, Katerina (Dora Volanaki). Puis il retrouve son village, sa maison et quelques anciens camarades. Mais Spyros a beaucoup de mal à comprendre le temps écoulé. L'idée-même du retour qu'il a chérie durant 32 ans est devenue intangible. Seule son épouse semble le comprendre.
Eleftherios Venizelos: 1910-1927, 2h55
Directed by Pantelís Voúlgaris
Origin Grece
Genres Biography, Historical
Actors Manos Katrakis, Giannis Voglis, Olga Karlatos, Vasilis Diamantopoulos, Stavros Xenidis, Gregoris Valtinos
Roles Petros
Rating64% 3.2367653.2367653.2367653.2367653.236765
The story was set in August 1909 when the movie presented in sound and Venizelos' ideas and Venizelianism for a larger Greece. It describes the capture of Thessaloniki and Ioannina and later the National Schism and up to the impending war in Europe, World War I. Venizelos resigned from the political life after the tie in the elections that followed the Asia Minor Catastrophe and returned to his relatives in Crete.
A Dream of Passion, 1h50
Directed by Jules Dassin
Origin Grece
Genres Drama
Themes Films based on mythology, Théâtre, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology, Films based on plays, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology
Actors Melina Mercouri, Ellen Burstyn, Andreas Voutsinas, Déspo Diamantídou, Dimitris Papamichael, Manos Katrakis
Rating67% 3.3849253.3849253.3849253.3849253.384925
Une célèbre actrice grecque, Maya (Mélina Mercouri), après avoir passé de nombreuses années à l'étranger, rentre en Grèce pour y jouer Médée. Alors qu'elle prépare son rôle, elle devient fascinée par le cas d'une Américaine Brenda Collins (Ellen Burstyn) qui a assassiné ses trois enfants quelques années plus tôt à Glyfada pour se venger de son mari infidèle. Maya rend visite à Brenda à la prison de Korydallos. Un lien de plus en plus fort se tisse entre les deux femmes.
The Murderess, 1h30
Directed by Costas Ferris
Origin Grece
Genres Drama
Actors Manos Katrakis
Roles Narrator (voice)
Rating70% 3.547613.547613.547613.547613.54761
Une grand-mère se penche sur le berceau de sa petite-fille qui vient de naître. Elle se souvient alors de toutes les souffrances qu'elle a endurées au cours de sa vie de la part d'hommes violents. Elle la tue alors, ainsi que d'autres petites filles dans le village pour leur épargner ce qu'elle a vécu. Poursuivie par les autorités, elle fuit vers la mer où elle meurt.
Abuse of authority, 1h44
Directed by Stavros Tsiolis
Genres Drama, Action
Actors Manos Katrakis
Roles Kanelos Vasilopoulos
Rating66% 3.326243.326243.326243.326243.32624
Nikos Kourkoulos plays Haridimos Tsiontis, a student who becomes a police detective and a member of the drug squad looking for the killers of his drug-addicted brother. His unconventional tactics get him in trouble with his superiors but they eventually relent and allow him to continue his investigation. The drug dealers discover his identity and force him to become a drug addict. In the end, Tsiontis recovers from his drug addiction and manages to get the drug kingpin arrested. His superior officer congratulates him and offers him a permanent job as a member of the drug squad but Tsiontis refuses and returns to his studies.
Treason Avenue, 1h45
Origin Grece
Genres Drama, Spy
Themes Spy films
Actors Giorgos Fountas, Manos Katrakis, Giorgos Velentzas
Roles General Gerakaris
Rating55% 2.7610652.7610652.7610652.7610652.761065
Le major de l'armée grecque Alexandros Vergis (Giórgos Foúndas) réussit à s'évader de son camp de prisonniers en Albanie et à rentrer dans son pays. Cependant, un homme disant être le major de l'armée grecque Alexandros Vergis évadé d'un camp albanais est déjà rentré l'année précédente. Il travaille même pour le contre-espionnage grec et a épousé la nièce (Gelly Mavropoulou) du chef du contre-espionnage le général Gerakaris (Manos Katrakis). Il s'avère que les deux hommes sont des jumeaux dont l'un est au service de l'est et l'autre un patriote grec.
The Cannon and the Nightingale, 1h45
Directed by Iakovos Kampanellis
Origin Grece
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Anthology film
Actors Manos Katrakis, Dionysis Papagiannopoulos
Rating75% 3.7578553.7578553.7578553.7578553.757855
Trois sketches évoquant l'attitude des grecs face à un occupant : « La Montre » ; « Mariage secret » ; « Les Adversaires ».
The Roundup, 1h24
Origin Grece
Genres Drama, War
Actors Kóstas Kazákos, Manos Katrakis, Koula Agagiotou
Rating74% 3.7147453.7147453.7147453.7147453.714745
En août 1944, à Kokkinia, un quartier de la banlieue rouge d'Athènes, un commerçant enrichi par le marché noir célèbre ses noces. Le même jour, les Allemands encerclent le quartier, rassemblent tous les hommes sur la place centrale et les exécutent pour tenter de mettre fin à la résistance.
Blood on the Land, 2h10
Directed by Vasílis Georgiádis
Origin Grece
Genres Drama, Adventure
Actors Mary Chronopoulou, Giannis Voglis, Phaedon Georgitsis, Manos Katrakis
Roles Father Hormovas
Rating74% 3.7370853.7370853.7370853.7370853.737085
Alors qu'une révolte paysanne en Thessalie se prépare en 1907, un syndicaliste est assassiné. Le fils du grand propriétaire terrien revient dans le domaine familial. Il a des idées libérales. Il s'oppose très vite à son frère aîné autant pour la gestion du domaine que pour le cœur d'une femme.
Story of a Lifetime, 1h34
Directed by Giannis Dalianidis
Origin Grece
Genres Drama
Actors Zoe Laskari, Manos Katrakis, Tasso Kavadia, Betty Arvaniti, Athinodoros Prousalis, Angelos Mavropoulos
Roles Mikes Papadimas
Rating61% 3.0770153.0770153.0770153.0770153.077015
A lady (Zoi Laskari) left from the area when they were kicked out of their house and moved to Athens in order to survive. Later, she married the most greatest and richest man which he was played by Manos Katrakis.
Treason (1964)
, 1h36
Directed by Kostas Manoussakis
Origin Grece
Genres Drama, War
Actors Manos Katrakis, Petros Fyssoun, Dimitris Nikolaidis
Roles Professor Victor Kastriotis
Rating68% 3.4394753.4394753.4394753.4394753.439475
Un officier allemand (Petros Fysoun) est logé chez un professeur (Manos Katrakis). Il tombe amoureux de la nièce de celui-ci. En fait, il s'agit d'une jeune juive cachée. Ils s'apprêtent cependant à se marier. Quand l'officier découvre la vérité sur sa fiancée, il la dénonce à la Gestapo et demande à être envoyé sur le front russe. À la fin de la guerre, de retour à Berlin, il apprend le sort réservé aux Juifs. Réalisant que la jeune femme est morte, il se suicide.
Brother Anna, 1h18
Origin Grece
Genres Drama, Adventure
Actors Manos Katrakis, Petros Fyssoun
Roles Father Vasileios
Rating64% 3.242513.242513.242513.242513.24251
Des pilleurs d'antiquités, aidés par Andreas, le neveu de l'abbé, veulent dérober dans le Monastère de Dionysiou du Mont Athos la croix d'Alexandre-le-Grand, qui serait la croix utilisée par Constantin après sa conversion. Là, ils découvrent qu'un des moines est en fait une jeune femme juive, cachée par son père pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Celle-ci découvre leurs projets de son côté. Elle réussit à convaincre Andreas de se repentir. Ensemble, ils font échouer les plans des voleurs.
The Red Lanterns, 2h12
Directed by Vasílis Georgiádis
Origin Grece
Genres Drama
Themes Films about sexuality, Théâtre, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Films based on plays, Erotic thriller films
Actors Tzeni Karezi, Giorgos Fountas, Dimitris Papamichael, Manos Katrakis, Mary Chronopoulou, Déspo Diamantídou
Roles Nikolas Maroukis, ship captain
Rating80% 4.0374454.0374454.0374454.0374454.037445
The film begins with a happy couple, Eleni and Petros, at an amusement park in Athens, celebrating their affair. Some time later, Eleni and Petros are together again on a beautiful day, but she has to go and so she leaves for her secret workplace: The Red Lanterns.
Crazy Blood, 1h30
Genres Comedy
Actors Manos Katrakis, Ilya Livykou, Dionysis Papagiannopoulos, Kóstas Kazákos
Roles Pontikakis
Rating71% 3.5774953.5774953.5774953.5774953.577495
Kakonissi. The son of Pontikaki, Manouelis, had grown up in which he became more beautiful. All the ladies from the village knew that were much from all the singing women, Paraskevoula. Manouelis fell in love with Smaragditsa. His father tried to bring himself a shame, brought his aunt Eirinaki which she live in the mountains along with their friends. As her aunt seduced from her beauty and that she wanted to love. Manouelis left from the mountains and headed for Ladochori at the time they had a funeral. The president of the village wrote from his voice that received and knew the spot that the singer and headed to the house in which live their six ladies.