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Mutz Greenbaum is a Director, Producer, Director of Photography and Cinematography Allemand born on 3 february 1896 at Berlin (German)

Mutz Greenbaum

Mutz Greenbaum
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Nationality German
Birth 3 february 1896 at Berlin (German)
Death 5 july 1968 (at 72 years) at London (United-kingdom)

Mutz Greenbaum, né le 3 février 1896 à Berlin (Allemagne ; alors dans l'Empire allemand), mort le 5 juillet 1968 à Londres (Angleterre), est un directeur de la photographie, producteur, réalisateur et scénariste allemand.

Ayant fait une seconde partie de carrière en Angleterre, il y est souvent crédité Max Greene (plus rarement, Max Greenbaum).


Fils du producteur Jules Greenbaum (1867-1924), Mutz Greenbaum débute comme chef opérateur sur une production de son père, Hampels Abenteuer, sortie en 1915 et réalisée par Richard Oswald (qu'il retrouvera pour deux autres films).

Parmi les autres réalisateurs de sa période allemande, citons Friedrich Zelnik (trois films, dont la version muette de La Petite Amie de Sa Majesté en 1926, avec William Dieterle, puis son remake parlant en 1931, avec Paul Richter) et Carl Boese (sept films). En tout, il contribue à soixante-treize films allemands (ou coproductions), majoritairement muets, jusqu'en 1931.

En 1930, il est directeur de la photographie sur Zwei Welten (version allemande) d'Ewald André Dupont, tourné également en version française (coproduction franco-allemande, titrée Les Deux Mondes, avec Max Maxudian) et en version anglaise (coproduction germano-britannique, titrée Two Worlds, avec John Longden), après quoi il choisit de s'installer (définitivement) à Londres, en 1931.

La carrière de Mutz Greenbaum se poursuit donc en Angleterre, où il collabore à soixante-douze films britanniques, de 1931 à 1963, ainsi qu'au film américain Le Dernier Passage (1961, avec Richard Widmark) de Phil Karlson. Au générique de bon nombre d'entre eux (à partir de 1945), il est crédité sous son nom anglicisé de Max Greene, comme pour Les Forbans de la nuit (1950, avec Richard Widmark) de Jules Dassin, un de ses films les plus connus.

Durant sa période britannique, il travaille également aux côtés des réalisateurs Victor Saville (six films, dont Prima Donna en 1934, avec Emlyn Williams), John Boulting (quatre films, dont Sept jours de malheur en 1957, avec Terry-Thomas) et son frère Roy Boulting (sept films, dont Après moi le déluge en 1959, avec Terry-Thomas et Peter Sellers), Lance Comfort (trois films, dont Le Chapelier et son château en 1942, avec Robert Newton et Deborah Kerr), Maurice Elvey (deux films, précédés en 1927 par une coproduction germano-britannique, La Goutte de venin, avec Isobel Elsom et Alfred Abel), Milton Rosmer (deux films), ou encore Robert Stevenson (deux films), entre autres. Mais il est surtout un collaborateur attitré d'Herbert Wilcox, sur dix-huit films de 1942 à 1956, dont Odette, agent S 23 (1950, avec Anna Neagle dans le rôle-titre).

En marge de son activité de chef opérateur, Mutz Greenbaum est occasionnellement réalisateur (deux films britanniques, dont The Man from Morocco en 1945, avec Anton Walbrook), producteur (deux films britanniques) et scénariste (trois films muets allemands).

Marie Tudor (1936, avec Cedric Hardwicke) de Robert Stevenson lui vaut un prix de la meilleure photographie à la Mostra de Venise 1936. Et pour son dernier film en 1963, Heavens Above! (avec Peter Sellers) de John et Roy Boulting, il obtient en 1964 une nomination au British Academy Film Award de la meilleure photographie.

Best films

Odette (1950)
(Director of Photography)

Usually with

Herbert Wilcox
Herbert Wilcox
(14 films)
Roy Boulting
Roy Boulting
(6 films)
Anna Neagle
Anna Neagle
(11 films)
Michael Balcon
Michael Balcon
(15 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Mutz Greenbaum (61 films)

Display filmography as list


The Man from Morocco
Directed by Mutz Greenbaum
Genres Action, Adventure, Spy
Themes Films set in Africa, Spy films, Political films
Actors Anton Walbrook, Margaretta Scott, Mary Morris, Reginald Tate, David Horne, Hartley Power
Rating55% 2.7864852.7864852.7864852.7864852.786485
A group of men who have spent two years in an internment camp are sent by the Vichy Government to build a railway in the Sahara. One escapes and returns to London to find his lover believes him to be dead and that she is being pursued by his deadliest enemy.
Hotel Reserve
Directed by Mutz Greenbaum, Lance Comfort
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Thriller, Spy
Themes Spy films
Actors James Mason, Lucie Mannheim, Raymond Lovell, Herbert Lom, Martin Miller, Frederick Valk
Rating62% 3.100643.100643.100643.100643.10064
In 1938, refugee Peter Vadassy (James Mason) decides to take a vacation at the Hotel Reserve to celebrate both his completion of medical school and his impending French citizenship. When he goes to pick up some photographs at the local pharmacy, he is taken away and questioned by Michel Beghin (Julien Mitchell) of French naval intelligence. When his negatives had been developed, some of them turned out to be of French military installations. It is discovered that while the camera is the same make as Peter's, the serial number is different. Peter is released on condition that he find out which other hotel guests have cameras like his.


Wanted for Murder, 1h35
Directed by Lawrence Huntington
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Eric Portman, Dulcie Gray, Derek Farr, Roland Culver, Bonar Colleano, Stanley Holloway
Roles Associate Producer
Rating66% 3.3367953.3367953.3367953.3367953.336795
Anne Fielding is delayed on the London Underground making her late for a meeting with her friend, Victor James Colebrooke. There, she meets Jack Williams who is also delayed. The two take an immediate liking to each other. After emerging from the Underground, Jack helps her locate Victor.
I Live in Grosvenor Square, 2h10
Directed by Herbert Wilcox
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Political films, Documentary films about World War II
Actors Anna Neagle, Rex Harrison, Dean Jagger, Robert Morley, Nancy Price, Ronald Shiner
Roles Associate Producer
Rating61% 3.052673.052673.052673.052673.05267
In the summer of 1943, after he is taken off combat operations for medical reasons, American SSgt John Patterson (Dean Jagger), an Army Air Force gunner, is billeted in the London home of the Duke of Exmoor (Robert Morley) in London's Grosvenor Square. He is befriended by the Duke and British paratrooper Major David Bruce (Rex Harrison), who has taken leave to contest a parliamentary by-election.
Hotel Reserve
Directed by Mutz Greenbaum, Lance Comfort
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Thriller, Spy
Themes Spy films
Actors James Mason, Lucie Mannheim, Raymond Lovell, Herbert Lom, Martin Miller, Frederick Valk
Roles Producer
Rating62% 3.100643.100643.100643.100643.10064
In 1938, refugee Peter Vadassy (James Mason) decides to take a vacation at the Hotel Reserve to celebrate both his completion of medical school and his impending French citizenship. When he goes to pick up some photographs at the local pharmacy, he is taken away and questioned by Michel Beghin (Julien Mitchell) of French naval intelligence. When his negatives had been developed, some of them turned out to be of French military installations. It is discovered that while the camera is the same make as Peter's, the serial number is different. Peter is released on condition that he find out which other hotel guests have cameras like his.


Sparrows Can't Sing, 1h34
Directed by Joan Littlewood
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Films based on plays
Actors James Booth, Barbara Windsor, Roy Kinnear, Brian Murphy, Yootha Joyce, George Sewell
Roles Director of Photography
Rating61% 3.083963.083963.083963.083963.08396
Cockney sailor Charlie comes home from a long voyage to find his house razed and his wife Maggie missing. Actually, she's now living with bus driver Bert and has a new baby--whose parentage is in doubt. Charlie's friends won't tell him where Maggie is because he's well known to have a foul temper. But he finally finds her and, after a fierce row with Bert, they are reconciled.
Heavens Above!, 1h58
Directed by John Boulting, Roy Boulting
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy
Actors Peter Sellers, Bernard Miles, Cecil Parker, Isabel Jeans, Ian Carmichael, Brock Peters
Roles Director of Photography
Rating66% 3.344963.344963.344963.344963.34496
The plot features Sellers as a naive but caring prison chaplain accidentally assigned as vicar to a small and prosperous country town of Orbiston Parva, in place of Ian Carmichael's upper class cleric, with whom he shares a name. His belief in charity and forgiveness sets him at odds with the locals, whose assertions that they are good, Christian people are in Smallwood's view belied by their behaviour and ideas. He creates social ructions by appointing a black dustman (Brock Peters) as his churchwarden, taking in a gypsy family, and persuading local landowner Lady Despard (Isabel Jeans) to provide free food for the church to distribute free to the people of the town. However, all his good works lead to trouble.
The Secret Ways, 1h52
Directed by Richard Widmark, Phil Karlson
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Adventure, Spy
Themes Spy films, Political films
Actors Richard Widmark, Charles Régnier, Sonja Ziemann, Walter Rilla, Senta Berger, Howard Vernon
Roles Director of Photography
Rating61% 3.0915553.0915553.0915553.0915553.091555
In Vienna, 1956, after Soviet tanks crush the Hungarian uprising, American adventurer Michael Reynolds (Richard Widmark) is hired by an international espionage ring to smuggle a noted scholar and resistance leader, Professor Jansci (Walter Rilla), out of Communist-ruled Hungary during the Hungarian Revolution. Reynolds goes to Vienna to see the professor's daughter, Julia (Sonja Ziemann), and he persuades her to accompany him to Budapest. Once there, Reynolds is kidnapped by freedom fighters who take him to the professor's secret headquarters.
I'm All Right Jack, 1h45
Directed by John Boulting, Roy Boulting
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about the labor movement, Political films
Actors Ian Carmichael, Peter Sellers, Richard Attenborough, Dennis Price, Margaret Rutherford, Terry-Thomas
Roles Director of Photography
Rating70% 3.5446953.5446953.5446953.5446953.544695
After leaving the army and returning to university, newly graduated upper-class Stanley Windrush
The Moonraker, 1h22
Directed by David MacDonald
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Swashbuckler, Action, Adventure
Themes Political films
Actors George Baker, Sylvia Syms, Marius Goring, Peter Arne, Clive Morton, Gary Raymond
Roles Director of Photography
Rating59% 2.9554452.9554452.9554452.9554452.955445
After the Battle of Worcester at the end of the Second English Civil War, the main aim of General Oliver Cromwell (John Le Mesurier) is to capture Charles Stuart (Gary Raymond), son of the executed Charles I. However, the dashing Royalist hero nicknamed "the Moonraker" (George Baker) prepares to smuggle him to safety in France, under the noses of Cromwell's soldiers. According to the story, the hero is called "the Moonraker" after the smuggler term, Moonrakers, sometimes claimed to hide contraband in the village pond and to rake it out by moonlight.
Brothers in Law, 1h34
Directed by John Boulting, Roy Boulting
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy
Actors Richard Attenborough, Ian Carmichael, Terry-Thomas, Jill Adams, Leslie Phillips, Miles Malleson
Roles Director of Photography
Rating63% 3.1973153.1973153.1973153.1973153.197315
Roger Thursby est un avocat débutant, plein d’idéaux, mais ses collègues avocats le trouvent un peu trop enthousiaste à leur goût…
Derby Day
Derby Day (1952)
, 1h24
Directed by Herbert Wilcox
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama
Themes Films about animals, Sports films, Films about horses, Horse sports in film
Actors Anna Neagle, Michael Wilding, Googie Withers, Toni Edgar-Bruce, Samuel John Kydd, John McCallum
Roles Director of Photography
Rating63% 3.1912353.1912353.1912353.1912353.191235
On the morning of the Epsom Derby, a disparate group of people prepare to go to the races. Lady Helen Forbes, a recently widowed aristocrat is planning to make the journey in spite of the disapproval of her social set who consider it unseemly to go while still in mourning. David Scott, a newspaper cartoonist is ordered to go by his editor against his wishes. Meanwhile, as part of a charity raffle, a dissolute film star, Gerald Berkeley, is to escort a wealthy grand dame to Epsom for the day something he is equally reluctant about. Happily she falls and injures her leg, and her crafty housekeeper arranges for one of the young maids to go in her place. Meanwhile, in Battersea, a lodger kills a man whose wife he is having an affair with. They plan to flee the country, and also head to Epsom where he knows a tipster who can smuggle them out.
Trent's Last Case, 1h30
Directed by Herbert Wilcox
Origin United-kingdom
Actors Michael Wilding, Margaret Lockwood, Orson Welles, John McCallum, Miles Malleson, Hugh McDermott
Roles Director of Photography
Rating59% 2.9995652.9995652.9995652.9995652.999565
A major international financier is found dead at his Hampshire home. The Record newspaper assigns its leading investigative reporter, Phillip Trent, to the case. In spite of the police cordon, he manages to gain entry to the house by posing as a relative. While there he manages to pick up some of the background to the case from Inspector Murch, the Irish detective leading the investigation. Despite Murch's suggestion that the death is suicide, Trent quickly becomes convinced that it was in fact murder.