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Neri Parenti is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter, Production Supervisor, First Assistant Director and Script Italien born on 26 april 1950 at Florence (Italie)

Neri Parenti

Neri Parenti
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Birth name Neri Parenti
Nationality Italie
Birth 26 april 1950 (74 years) at Florence (Italie)

Neri Parenti (né le 26 avril 1950 à Florence) est un scénariste et réalisateur italien, qui a réalisé une quarantaine de films depuis le début des années 1980, dont plusieurs figurent parmi les plus gros succès du box-office en Italie.


Après avoir obtenu un diplôme en sciences politiques, Neri Parenti se consacre au cinéma, en devenant l'élève et l'assistant de Pasquale Festa Campanile pour les films que celui-ci réalise de 1972 à 1979. Il fut également l'assistant de Salvatore Samperi, Steno et Giorgio Capitani.

En 1979, il tente sa première expérience en tant que réalisateur avec le film parodique John's fever, ce soir on s'éclate (John Travolto... da un insolito destino), une imitation ironique et ridicule de La Fièvre du samedi soir, porté à l'écran deux ans auparavant avec un grand succès, marquant les débuts de John Travolta.

À partir du film suivant, Fantozzi contro tutti (Fantozzi contre tous) (1980), il commence sa longue collaboration avec Paolo Villaggio, qu'il va diriger dans sept films de la série Fantozzi et deux mettant en scène le personnage de Giandomenico Fracchia : Fracchia la belva umana (1981) et Fracchia contro Dracula (1985).

Amateur de gags catastrophiques et bruyants, faisant référence au cinéma muet américain, Neri Parenti mélange ceux-ci à des situations typiques de la comédie à l'italienne et cela devient sa marque de fabrique d'auteur comique dans presque tous ses films, à partir du diptyque Scuola di ladri (L'École des voleurs) et Scuola di ladri - Parte seconda (L'École des voleurs - Deuxième partie jusqu'à la célèbre trilogie Le comiche (La bande dessinée), Le comiche 2 (La bande dessinée 2) et Le nuove comiche (La nouvelle bande dessinée). Selon le réalisateur lui-même, cela lui aurait valu deux excommunications en raison de séquences considérées scandaleuses par l'Église catholique. Le porte-parole du Saint-Siège, le père Federico Lombardi, et le cardinal Velasio De Paolis, qui fut secrétaire du Tribunal suprême de la Signature apostolique de 2003 à 2008, ont tous deux rapidement démenti l'information .

En 2001, il réalise un film de Noël, Merry Christmas , interprété par le duo Massimo Boldi-Christian De Sica, dans le genre qu'on appelle en Italie « Ciné-panettone » (c'est-à-dire des films comiques de production italienne destinés à sortir en salles au cours de la période de Noël), film qui s'est avéré être un grand succès au box-office à la fois avant et après la rupture du duo.

Dans ses films Neri Parenti aime souvent faire de petites apparitions en forme de clin d'œil, dans le style de ce que faisait Alfred Hitchcock.

Best films

Malicious (1973)
(Production Secretary)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Neri Parenti (35 films)

Display filmography as list


Natale a Rio, 1h54
Directed by Neri Parenti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Christmas films
Actors Christian De Sica, Ludovico Fremont, Fabio De Luigi, Vittorio Emanuele Propizio, Massimo Ghini, Paolo Ruffini
Roles passeggero in fila d'attesa all'aeroporto romano
Rating45% 2.2677952.2677952.2677952.2677952.267795
Fabio Speranza (Fabio de Luigi) has always been in love with his colleague Linda Vita (Michelle Hunziker) but she has never seen in four years despite attempts to Fabio. The latter contact but due to a mistake she believes is her boyfriend (Paolo Conticini), thus creating a series of misunderstandings.
Body Guards, 1h40
Directed by Neri Parenti
Genres Comedy
Actors Christian De Sica, Massimo Boldi, Megan Gale, Cindy Crawford, Enzo Salvi, Victoria Silvstedt
Roles custode dello zoo
Rating42% 2.1379052.1379052.1379052.1379052.137905
Fabio Leone and Paolo Pecora are two police officers of Rome which, together with the careless Neapolitan Ciro Marmotta, are fired from the barracks to have scuppered the plan to capture a secret agent. Fortunately the three friends manage to enlist in a guardhouse more specialized, which involves the VIPs protection in Italy and foreign countries, on a visit to Rome. But the three friends, who now also joined Romolo: the scullion of the bodyguards' association, always combine a lot of troubles.
Fantozzi The Return, 1h36
Directed by Neri Parenti
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Actors Paolo Villaggio, Milena Vukotic, Gigi Reder, Anna Mazzamauro, Maurizio Mattioli, Antonio Allocca
Roles Detenuto che mangia
Rating54% 2.7437552.7437552.7437552.7437552.743755
Due to the lack of free places in Paradise, an angel sends Fantozzi back on earth thanks to an agreement under which he will resume his life as if he had never died. On earth, Fantozzi will have to face the puberty of his nephew Ughina, a deep depression caused by his andropause, the false pregnancy of Mrs. Silvani and a false accusation of corruption.
Fantozzi in Heaven, 1h32
Directed by Neri Parenti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Milena Vukotic, Paolo Villaggio, Gigi Reder, Anna Mazzamauro, Stefano Antonucci, Neri Parenti
Roles Responsabile rampa scii (uncredit)
Rating56% 2.8219252.8219252.8219252.8219252.821925
Ugo Fantozzi, Filini, Fonelli, Calboni and Miss Silvani are no longer the valiant and unfortunate accountants and surveyors of a time and slowly begin to move towards the path that leads to death. In fact, everyone more or less have passed the "160 years" and are no longer as sprightly when they could cheat their directors pretending to work or serve as doormats. Fantozzi in particular, although he still feels as healthy as a fish, he learns, after a bad accident at the cemetery, you have only a week old. Ugo Fantozzi then starts to blow off steam and to do everything he wanted to achieve for years as a personal vendetta extreme adventures and adrenaline. But soon its entertainment you run out one day and so Fantozzi, evicted from home for a few weeks by cruel monkey daughter Mariangela with her chimp husband Bongo and daughter horrifying Uga, and moved into a garage furnished as a studio, looking in all ways of dealing with his fate with dignity. Pina, his wife notices it and decides to make him happy one last time to turn to a person who hated for years, Miss Silvani, courted in vain for years by poor Fantozzi. Promising to pay all its debts betting on horses, Pina convinces Silvani to spend a Christmas holiday with Fantozzi to Cortina d'Ampezzo then satisfy in bed. Miss Silvani, disgusted by the proposal, accept for the debts to be paid, and so the two lovebirds spend a brilliant, tragic holiday. At a time when the two should copulate, Fantozzi really wants to get to a mixture of the most powerful viagra u quaff cocktails nitroglycerin, sulfuric acid, bombs, and hot pepper. The embrace is so violent and powerful that Dolomites shake, the wolves run away scared and a dam is destroyed (who jokingly refers to orgasm of Fantozzi, in fact, the Silvani, wrong use of the subjunctive Italian as all characters Fantozzi universe always wrong, says, "Fantozzi, venghi!" – "Fantozzi, comes!!"). Now Miss Silvani truly loves his accountant, but Fantozzi had written a letter to his wife by declaring it to be a scum and not wanting to see any more, but at the last minute second thoughts and returned to Rome. Now I'm the last hours before Fantozzi dies and a priest approaches to encourage climbing stairs to the church of Lourdes, when it comes his wife Pina. The woman tells the husband that doctors had mistaken his plates with those of the priest who was calling, swearing that he collapsed while running away Fantozzi cheerful. Unfortunately comes centered by a truck and shipped under an Asphalt that the crushes he as a sheet of paper.


Lightning Strike
Directed by Neri Parenti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Christian De Sica, Luisa Ranieri, Arisa, Anna Foglietta, Martine Brochard, Debora Caprioglio
Rating53% 2.695052.695052.695052.695052.69505
Alberto Benni (Christian De Sica), psychologue, se retrouve par hasard en voiture avec un prêtre chargé de remplacer le curé d'une paroisse qui venait de mourir. Un accident de la route rend le prêtre amnésique. Alberto décide alors de se faire passer pour le prêtre envoyé dans la nouvelle paroisse
Vacanze di Natale a Cortina, 1h48
Directed by Neri Parenti
Genres Comedy
Themes Christmas films
Actors Christian De Sica, Sabrina Ferilli, Ricky Memphis, Dario Bandiera, Ivano Marescotti, Mara Venier
Rating47% 2.3509952.3509952.3509952.3509952.350995
During the Christmas holidays, in Cortina d'Ampezzo interweave three stories. The lawyer Covelli discovers that his wife is unfaithful, but in straight lines is not so, but the wife decides to play along. Two poor sellers want to make jealous their relatives peasants who have won the lottery. Finally, a Sicilian hairdresser must assist his master, who must sign a contract with a Russian rich man for the future of electricity in Italy.
Natale a Rio, 1h54
Directed by Neri Parenti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Christmas films
Actors Christian De Sica, Ludovico Fremont, Fabio De Luigi, Vittorio Emanuele Propizio, Massimo Ghini, Paolo Ruffini
Rating45% 2.2677952.2677952.2677952.2677952.267795
Fabio Speranza (Fabio de Luigi) has always been in love with his colleague Linda Vita (Michelle Hunziker) but she has never seen in four years despite attempts to Fabio. The latter contact but due to a mistake she believes is her boyfriend (Paolo Conticini), thus creating a series of misunderstandings.
Natale in crociera, 1h45
Directed by Neri Parenti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Christian De Sica, Fabio De Luigi, Nancy Brilli, Alessandro Siani, George Hilton
Rating42% 2.133672.133672.133672.133672.13367
À l'approche de Noël, Paolo a prévu d'envoyer sa femme Francesca et leur fils Federico en vacances afin de rester seul avec sa maîtresse Magda. Un contretemps complique ses plans...
Natale a New York, 1h51
Directed by Neri Parenti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Christian De Sica, Sabrina Ferilli, Elisabetta Canalis, Massimo Ghini, Alessandro Siani, Claudio Bisio
Rating44% 2.2061752.2061752.2061752.2061752.206175
During the holidays of Christmas, three groups of funny characters depart from Italy to spend the Christmas season in New York. Camillo is a penniless pianist who meets the fortune marrying a rich woman. However Camillo, although the happy living in comfort with a dependent daughter (Canalis), is still in love with Barbara, a Roman working with whom he had an affair. Barbara, however, is now married to Claudio, but this is segretely in love with the daughter of Camillo.
Christmas in Love, 1h58
Directed by Neri Parenti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Themes Christmas films
Actors Christian De Sica, Massimo Boldi, Sabrina Ferilli, Ronn Moss, Tosca D'Aquino, Cristiana Capotondi
Rating43% 2.156322.156322.156322.156322.15632
Fabrizio Barbetti (Christian De Sica) and Lisa Pinzoni (Sabrina Ferilli) are two remarried doctors who, since divorce, have been simply unable to get along with each other. They hate one another to such an extent that they argue and fight in public, even on television, but their lives as a divorced couple are going to change as they establish, with their respective new partners, to spend their Christmas holidays in Gstaad, Switzerland. Here, after a difficult start, the two end up falling again for each other and begin planning to make their partners do so as well, so that they can end their current relationships and start a new life together. However, they ignore that Angela (Fabrizio's new wife) and Gabriele (Lisa's current husband) have been cheating on them for a year and are already in a relationship. In fact, the vacation was planned by them in order to make Fabrizio and Lisa want to get back together.
Christmas on the Nile, 1h43
Directed by Neri Parenti
Genres Comedy
Themes Christmas films
Actors Christian De Sica, Massimo Boldi, Enzo Salvi
Rating42% 2.146842.146842.146842.146842.14684
The Roman lawyer Fabio Ciulla goes on holiday to Egypt. He is pursuing his wife, whom he has repeatedly betrayed, in an attempt to persuade her to forgive him. The police sergeant Enrico Ombroni also travels to the land of the Pharaohs with a guard (Biagio Izzo) to get his young daughter away from a musical group of which she is a fan. The two protagonists meet in Egypt for an exchange of misunderstandings, since Ciulla by mistake has a love affair with a young girl while his wife forgives him. The girl is engaged to the son of Ciulla, who plans to get rid of the tangle by a clever ruse. Meanwhile Ombroni's daughter runs away with the crew of her favorite musical group, who have come to Egypt to shoot an exotic video.
Body Guards, 1h40
Directed by Neri Parenti
Genres Comedy
Actors Christian De Sica, Massimo Boldi, Megan Gale, Cindy Crawford, Enzo Salvi, Victoria Silvstedt
Rating42% 2.1379052.1379052.1379052.1379052.137905
Fabio Leone and Paolo Pecora are two police officers of Rome which, together with the careless Neapolitan Ciro Marmotta, are fired from the barracks to have scuppered the plan to capture a secret agent. Fortunately the three friends manage to enlist in a guardhouse more specialized, which involves the VIPs protection in Italy and foreign countries, on a visit to Rome. But the three friends, who now also joined Romolo: the scullion of the bodyguards' association, always combine a lot of troubles.
Tifosi (1999)
, 2h
Directed by Neri Parenti
Genres Comedy
Themes Sports films, Association football films
Actors Christian De Sica, Massimo Boldi, Diego Abatantuono, Maurizio Mattioli, Nino D'Angelo, Antonio Allocca
Rating51% 2.5632052.5632052.5632052.5632052.563205
The film consists of four segments. The Roman Cesare, a supporter of Lazio, hates to death the Interist Carlo, even if their children fall in love. Silvio, a supporter of Milan, finds himself involved in a match in the company of peasants fans of A.S. Roma. The hooligan "Zebrone", a supporter of Juventus, faces three representatives of a rival football team, who intend to steal the scarf that Zebrone has received as a gift from a footballer. The thief Gennaro meets the legendary Diego Maradona in his villa in Naples during a match between Napoli and Atalanta.