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Pierre Schoendoerffer is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter and Producer French born on 5 may 1928 at Chamalières (France)

Pierre Schoendoerffer

Pierre Schoendoerffer
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Birth name Pierre Schœndœrffer
Nationality France
Birth 5 may 1928 at Chamalières (France)
Death 14 march 2012 (at 83 years) at Clamart (France)
Awards Commandeur de la Légion d'honneur‎, Officier des Arts et des Lettres‎, Officer of the National Order of Merit, Croix de guerre des théâtres d'opérations extérieures, Commander of the Order of Academic Palms

Pierre Schoendoerffer (French: Pierre Schœndœrffer; 5 May 1928 – 14 March 2012) was a French film director, a screenwriter, a writer, a war reporter, a war cameraman, a renowned First Indochina War veteran, a cinema academician. He was president of the Académie des Beaux-Arts for 2001 and for 2007.

In 1967, he was the winner of the Academy Award for Documentary Feature for The Anderson Platoon. The film followed a platoon of American soldiers for six weeks at the height of fighting in Vietnam during 1966.


Pierre Schoendoerffer was born in Chamalières of a French Alsatian Protestant family. As Alsace was a territory contested and annexed in the 17th, 19th and 20th centuries by both France and Germany leading to the Franco-Prussian War (1870) next World War I (1914–18), his forefathers chose to remain French, even though they lost all their belongings.

His maternal grandfather, who was a 1870 veteran, volunteered in the French Army in 1914 at the age of 66 and the rank of Captain. He was killed during the Second Battle of the Aisne at Chemin des Dames. His father was the director of the Annecy hospital and died shortly after the end of the battle of France (1940) where he was injured.

He met his wife Patricia in Morocco (then a Spanish-French joint protectorate), she was a journalist for France-Soir. They had three children, actor and screenwriter Frédéric Schoendoerffer, director and producer Ludovic Schoendoerffer and actress Amélie Schoendoerffer.

Pierre Schoendoerffer died on 14 March 2012 in France. He was 83.

Early life (1942–1947)
During World War II, Schoendoerffer lost his father and was not doing well with his studies at school in Annecy. In winter 1942–1943, he read Joseph Kessel's epic adventure novel Fortune Carrée (1932), which changed his ambitions; he wanted to become a mariner and travel the world

In 1946, he spent his summer as a fisherman aboard a small fishing trawler in the Bourgneuf-en-Retz bay, near Pornic, Pays de la Loire (close to Brittany). From this experience he would later direct Than, the Fisherman shot in Vietnam, and Iceland Fisherman.

The following year he went back to the Pays de la Loire region and embarked on a Swedish cargo ship at Boulogne.

From mariner to war cameraman (1947–54)
In 1947, on board a merchant navy coaster, he sailed for two years in the Baltic Sea and North Sea. This experience would later find echoes in Seven Days at Sea, The Drummer-Crab and even in Above the Clouds.

From 1949 to 1950 he left the sea to fulfill mandatory military service in the Alpine infantry's 13e Bataillon de Chasseurs Alpins ("13th Alpine Chasers Battalion", 13e BCA) based in Chambéry and Modane, Rhône-Alpes. The Alpine infantry would later be the title character's corps in The Honor of a Captain.

Young Schoendoerffer had realized he was not born to be a mariner, but he did not want to be a soldier either, thinking he would be wasting his time. What he wanted to do was filmmaking. As he failed to enter the television and cinema industries, he began photography instead. One day as he read a Le Figaro article about KIA war cameraman Georges Kowal during the First Indochina War, he decide to try his luck in the Service Cinématographique des Armées ("Armies' Cinematographic Service", SCA, now ECPAD).

Thus in late 1951, he volunteered to become a war cameraman for the French army and was sent to Saigon, in French Indochina. There Corporal Schoendoerffer met and became friends with Service Presse Information ("Information Press Service", SPI) war photograph Sergeant-Chief Jean Péraud, who took him as his protégé.

Schoendoerffer's first SCA production was a 9-minute short documentary First Indochina War Rushes (1952) that would surface thirty years later on screen in The Honor of a Captain.

In 1954, his friend and superior Sergeant-Chief Péraud asked him by telegram to join him at the battle of Dien Bien Phu and he dropped with the 5th Vietnamese Parachutist Battalion (5e BPVN aka 5e BAWOUAN). As a result, upranked Corporal-Chief Schoendoerffer "celebrated" his 26th birthday in the midst of the 57-day siege. He filmed the entire battle for the SCA but after the French ceasefire and the defeat, just as the other soldiers destroyed their equipment so that it would not be captured by the Viet Minh, Schoendoerffer destroyed his films and camera. This event was later depicted on screen by his own son, Frédéric, in Pierre Schoendoerffer's 1992 docudrama Dien Bien Phu recreating the battle.

At the end of the battle in 1954, he saved and secretly hid six SCA 1-minute reels which ended up in Roman Karmen's hands.

From prisoner of war to war correspondent (1954–56)
After the battle, on 7 May 1954, he was captured and sent to a Viet Minh reeducation camp. During the march to the camp, following Jean Péraud, he tried to escape with paratroopers commander Marcel Bigeard, but he was caught. Péraud vanished though and has since been Missing in action.

In prison, his life was spared at the insistence of Roman Karmen, the Soviet propagandist who directed all the main sequences illustrating the battle, from the Viet Minh raising the Red flag over General de Castries's bunker staged a few weeks after the siege, to the French Union POWs column marching from Dien Bien Phu to the re-education camp (a crane was used for the shooting), that are featured in Вьетнам ("Vietnam", 1955). During this time, Karmen had some friendly meetings with Schoendoerffer; they spoke about their job, and he revealed to the French prisoner that he had found his reels and had watched them. Karmen kept the reels though, so as a result the only footage covering the battle is from the Viet Minh's perspective. Karmen's own work has been watched all around the world and has even been used in the western media. As an example, Peter Batty's 1980 The Battle for Den Bien Phu documentary is largely based on the footage from Vietnam.

Schoendoerffer was released by the Viet Minh four months later, on 1 September 1954. On the battle's tenth anniversary, in Paris, Schoendoerffer was invited with Bigeard to comment on the Viet Minh footage, including segments from Vietnam, which were broadcast on the French public channel ORTF (Cinq colonnes à la une show) for the first time.

After the First Indochina War Schoendoerffer left the French army and became a war reporter-photographer in South Vietnam for French and American news magazines: Paris Match, Paris-Presse, Time, Life, Look.

In April 1955 he left South Vietnam to return to France, stopping along the way in Hong Kong, Taipei, Japan, Hawaii and San Francisco.

In Hong Kong, through the AFP news agency, he met Joseph Kessel, the adventurer, World War I and Free French World War II aviator, war correspondent, reporter, and novelist whose Fortune Carrée he had admired in his childhood. Over dinner and a long "Kesselian" night with a lot of alcohol and even a little bit of opium, Schoendoerffer narrated his three-year adventure in Indochina to Kessel who was impressed. Soon they parted, but with the promise to keep in touch in Paris.

In Hollywood Schoendoerffer became an apprentice on a movie for ten days, thanks to his connections with Life magazine, but without a Green Card he was eventually forced to leave.

Back in France, he signed his first important contract with Pathé Journal and two weeks later he flew to Morocco, where the French Algeria anti-colonial rebellion was being emulated. He became a war correspondent, filming the riots for the French audience - Morocco was then a French protectorate. There he met Patricia, a journalist at France Soir, who later became his wife.

In 1956, he resigned from Pathé, whose representative threatened him: "You are leaving us? So you'll never do cinema again, because we are huge!".

Writer and director (1956–2003)
At this point Schoendoerffer was confused with his young career, the major Pathé bringing him back to the situation he experienced in 1951. As he narrated his Hong Kong meeting with Kessel to his fiancée Patricia, she convinced him to contact the one he regarded as an "historical monument".

Kessel was actually searching for him since he had a film project in Afghanistan, The Devil's Pass, and he wanted Schoendoerffer to direct it. Kessel wrote the script, Raoul Coutard, a First Indochina War photograph (SPI) veteran was in charge of the cinematography on his first film (later he would join Jean-Luc Godard), Jacques Dupont assisted Schoendoerffer with the direction and Georges de Beauregard produced it.

In 1958, he married "Pat", Patricia, the journalist he met in Morocco in 1955.

In 1959, Pierre Lazareff, founder of the newspaper France Soir (where Patricia Schoendoerffer and Joseph Kessel worked), asked him to direct a reportage about the Algerian War for his Cinq colonnes à la une (ORTF) TV show. Thanks to Lazareff he later returned to Vietnam in 1966 and made his acclaimed The Anderson Platoon for the ORTF.

Later in 1991 he came back to Dien Bien Phu and recreate the battle in a self-titled epic docudrama — in the fashion of Tora! Tora! Tora! — in which his son Frédéric played his own role as cameraman. The actual Vietnamese army was used to play the role of both the Viet Minh and the State of Vietnam national army fighting on the French Union's side against the Communists. Meanwhile, men from the French 11th Parachute Brigade played the role of the French paratroopers.

In the 2000s (decade), his latest productions consist of the 2003 novel The Butterfly Wing (L'Aile du Papillon) and Above the Clouds (Là-Haut, un roi au-dessus des nuages), the theatrical adaptation of his 1981 novel Up there (Là-Haut).

Best films

The 317th Platoon (1965)
Drummer-Crab (1977)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Pierre Schoendoerffer (16 films)

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Les Yeux brûlés
Directed by Laurent Roth
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Actors Mireille Perrier, Raoul Coutard, Pierre Schoendoerffer, Raymond Depardon

À l'aéroport de Roissy, une jeune femme vient chercher une cantine militaire qui lui est retournée. Elle contient les effets et clichés de Jean Péraud, reporter photographe disparu le 8 mai 1954 à Diên Biên Phu. Elle engage la discussion avec les anciens compagnons de presse de Péraud qui sont présents. Les souvenirs et histoires qu'elle suscite font ressurgir les questions toujours actuelles sur ce qui fait l'image de guerre : le reporter est-il un témoin ou un combattant ? Son objectif est-il un bouclier qui le protège des effets de la guerre ou plutôt une arme qui le conduit à prendre tous les risques pour témoigner ? Peut-on vraiment considérer ces images de la mort au combat comme une forme d'art ?
Pierre Schoendoerffer, the Sentinel of Memory, 1h
Directed by Raphaël Millet
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about writers, Films about journalists, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the visual arts, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Political films
Actors Pierre Schoendoerffer, Costa-Gavras, Raoul Coutard, Jacques Perrin
Roles Self

Pierre Schoendoerffer revisits his life and career, with a strong focus on the impact that his experience as a war cinematographer for the French army during the Indochina War had on him, as well as a war reporter during the Vietnam War when he filmed his 1967 Academy Award winning documentary The Anderson Platoon named after the leader of the platoon - Lieutenant Joseph B. Anderson - with which Schoendoerffer and his crew were embedded.
Secret Agents, 1h49
Directed by Frédéric Schoendoerffer
Origin France
Genres Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Spy films
Actors Vincent Cassel, Monica Bellucci, André Dussollier, Charles Berling, Bruno Todeschini, Éric Savin
Roles client au bar (apparition furtive)
Rating53% 2.698912.698912.698912.698912.69891
Agents secrets met en scène un groupe d'agents de terrain de la DGSE, avant, pendant, et après une mission au Maroc. L'un des agents, Lisa (Monica Bellucci), est piégée par le service et se retrouve derrière les barreaux pour accomplir, au sein de la prison, une mission contre son gré. Échappant au contrôle du service qui tente de le faire taire, l'ami de Lisa, Brisseau (Vincent Cassel), comprend que les deux missions sont liées entre elles pour des raisons politiques et financières.
Aldo et Junior, 1h45
Directed by Patrick Schulmann
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Actors Aldo Maccione, Andréa Ferréol, Luis Rego, Riton Liebman, Sylvie Nordheim, Christian Baltauss
Roles membre du CA
Rating46% 2.3150352.3150352.3150352.3150352.315035
Un père (Aldo Maccione) et un fils (Riton Liebman) qui n'ont pas du tout la même notion de la famille s'affrontent au sein de celle-ci. Une jeune femme, Méredith (Sylvie Nordheim), décide de s'installer chez le père et va venir bouleverser un peu la famille.


Above the Clouds, 1h34
Directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller
Actors Bruno Cremer, Claude Rich, Florence Darel, Jacques Perrin, Jacques Dufilho, Wojciech Pszoniak
Rating61% 3.0903153.0903153.0903153.0903153.090315
Paris, 1977, une journaliste du Figaro enquête sur la disparition d'Henri Lanvern en plein tournage en Thaïlande. Cinéaste et ancien militaire, Lanvern aurait accepté une mission à la demande des services secrets français afin de couvrir l'évasion de son vieil ami de guerre, le général Cao Ba Ky, prisonnier dans un camp de rééducation communiste.
Dien Bien Phu, 2h11
Directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer
Origin France
Genres Drama, War
Themes French war films, La colonisation française, Politique, La guerre d'Indochine, Political films, Histoire de France
Actors Donald Pleasence, Jean-François Balmer, Patrick Catalifo, Maxime Leroux, Ludmila Mikaël, François Negret
Rating62% 3.101163.101163.101163.101163.10116
The movie follows the chronological events of the battle. Some of them are shown in situ, from the heart of the battle, at Dien Bien Phu, while others are reported by civilians at Hanoi city or by paratroopers at Hanoi's civilian airport.
A Captain's Honor, 1h57
Directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer
Origin France
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Themes Films set in Africa, French war films, La colonisation française, Films about terrorism, Algerian War films, Political films, Histoire de France
Actors Nicole Garcia, Jacques Perrin, Georges Wilson, Charles Denner, Claude Jade, Georges Marchal
Rating71% 3.5666253.5666253.5666253.5666253.566625
A courtroom-drama about a dead Captain whose memory is publicly accused by a historian on TV, twenty years after his death. The story follows his widow's struggle to prove that he was not a murderer and did not practise torture while he was leading a ground unit during the Algerian war.
Drummer-Crab, 2h
Directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer
Origin France
Genres Drama, War
Themes Films set in Africa, French war films, La colonisation française, Seafaring films, Films about terrorism, Transport films, Algerian War films, Political films, Histoire de France
Actors Jean Rochefort, Jacques Perrin, Claude Rich, Jacques Dufilho, Aurore Clément, Odile Versois
Rating69% 3.479973.479973.479973.479973.47997
Atteint d'un cancer du poumon, un officier de la marine nationale française se voit confier un ultime commandement après l'avoir expressément réclamé, celui de l'escorteur d'escadre Jauréguiberry dont c'est également la dernière mission avant son désarmement. Il est chargé de l'assistance et de la surveillance de la grande pêche sur les bancs de Terre-Neuve. Le commandant mène aussi une quête personnelle, enracinée dans les guerres coloniales françaises depuis un évènement sur le Mékong en 1948 : croiser une dernière fois un homme qu'il a connu, devenu patron d'un chalutier. Le déroulement du film révèle qu'il avait donné sa parole à cet homme, parole qu'il n'avait pas pu tenir en raison de divers événements politiques. On peut supposer que, durant toute sa vie qui maintenant s'achève, il a souffert de ce manquement.
The Anderson Platoon, 1h5
Directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer
Origin France
Genres War, Documentary
Themes Politique, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Political films
Rating68% 3.424333.424333.424333.424333.42433
The French war cameraman and First Indochina War veteran Schoendoerffer (38), already famous for his celebrated masterpiece The 317th Platoon (1965), returns to Vietnam.
Objective: 500 Million, 1h34
Directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer, Philippe Fourastié
Origin France
Genres Action, Crime
Actors Bruno Cremer, Marisa Mell, Étienne Bierry, Pierre Fromont, Maurice Auzel, Robert Blome
Rating69% 3.482023.482023.482023.482023.48202
Emprisonné et destitué par le tribunal militaire à cause d’activités jugées subversives, le capitaine Richau vient d’être libéré. Après avoir vainement cherché du travail en ayant fait jouer ses rares relations militaires d’autrefois, il est contacté, un jour, par une jeune et belle femme, Yo, qui lui propose de participer à un braquage. Objectif : 500 millions de francs transportés par un avion devant décoller de l’aéroport d’Orly. Sa mission serait, après s’être introduit dans l'avion et avoir réussi à maîtriser l’équipage durant le vol, de sauter en parachute avec le sac contenant le pactole. Il retrouverait Yo et ses complices parmi lesquels une de ses anciennes connaissances, Pierre, ex-militaire d'Algérie responsable de sa condamnation.
The 317th Platoon, 1h40
Directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer, Philippe Fourastié
Origin France
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Themes French war films, La colonisation française, Politique, La guerre d'Indochine, Political films, Histoire de France
Actors Jacques Perrin, Bruno Cremer, Pierre Fabre, Manuel Zarzo, Saksy Sbong
Rating72% 3.6449853.6449853.6449853.6449853.644985
L'histoire de huit journées de guerre. En mai 1954, durant la guerre d'Indochine, la 317e section locale supplétive composée de quatre Français et de quarante-et-un Laotiens reçoit l'ordre d'abandonner le petit poste isolé de Luong Ba à la frontière du Laos, pour rallier une colonne partie au secours du camp retranché de Diên Biên Phu.
Attention ! Hélicoptères, 27minutes
Directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer
Origin France
Genres Documentary

Ce documentaire entend démontrer les capacités d'emploi tactique de l'hélicoptère en tant qu'arme nouvelle tout en renforçant le contact entre les militaires et le grand public, notamment les Jeunes. Des prises de vue montrent en particulier des Alouette réalisant des vols tactiques au cours desquels les voilures tournantes collent littéralement au terrain en évitant arbres et obstacles au dernier moment. Toute la panoplie des missions dévolues aux hélicoptères est présentée, de l'héliportage au support logistique en passant par l'attaque de chars, de convois, de personnels jusqu'à la reconnaissance armée, l'évacuation sanitaire et même le tourisme !
The Devil's Pass, 1h30
Directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer, Jacques Dupont
Genres Drama, Documentary, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Sports films, Films about horses, Mise en scène d'un mammifère, Horse sports in film
Actors Jean Négroni
Rating1% 0.08525850.08525850.08525850.08525850.0852585
Alors que son grand frère Mokhi refuse de l'emmener au grand jeu de bouzkachi de Kaboul, auquel il va participer pour représenter la province de Kataghan, le jeune Rahim décide de s'y rendre par ses propres moyens. Guidé par l'ange de la mort, Azraël, Rahim parvient difficilement à Kaboul. Là, humilié par un autre cavalier, Ouroz, Rahim ronge la sangle du cheval de ce dernier. Mais c'est Mokhi qui monte le cheval. S'élançant pour le prévenir alors que le jeu a commencé, l'enfant meurt piétiné par les cavaliers, tandis que Mokhi remporte le bouzkachi sans que la sangle n'ait cédé.
Island Fishermen, 1h24
Directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Adventure
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Jean-Claude Pascal, Juliette Mayniel, Charles Vanel, Michel Garland, Georges Poujouly, Alain Saury
Rating58% 2.9154352.9154352.9154352.9154352.915435
Les aventures en mer d'un équipage breton de Concarneau : le capitaine gravement blessé dans une tempête est remplacé par son second, Yan. À son retour au port, l'armateur, Mével, donne à Yan son premier commandement. La fille de Mével, qui le voit alors d'un autre œil, tombe amoureuse de lui. Lors d'une sortie sur une mer déchaînée, Yan est emporté par une lame, mais par chance un navire étranger parvient à le sauver.
Ramuntcho (1958)
, 1h30
Directed by Pierre Schoendoerffer
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Actors Mijanou Bardot, Albert Dinan, Marie Glory, Gaby Morlay, François Guérin, Roger Hanin
Rating49% 2.459562.459562.459562.459562.45956
Le contrebandier basque Ramuntcho est fiancé avec Gracieuse, dont la mère Dolorès s'oppose formellement à leur mariage.