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Ron Moody is a Actor British born on 8 january 1924 at London (United-kingdom)

Ron Moody

Ron Moody
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Birth name Ronald Moodnick
Nationality United-kingdom
Birth 8 january 1924 at London (United-kingdom)
Death 11 june 2015 (at 91 years) at London (United-kingdom)

Ron Moody (born Ronald Moodnick; 8 January 1924 – 11 June 2015) was a British actor, best known for his Golden Globe-winning and Oscar-nominated performance as Fagin in Oliver! He holds the distinction of having portrayed Merlin the wizard in two Disney films, Unidentified Flying Oddball and A Kid in King Arthur's Court.


Né à Tottenham, au nord de Londres, dans une famille juive, il travaille dans une variété de genres, mais il est assurément mieux connu pour son rôle de Fagin dans la comédie musicale Oliver !, film britannique réalisé par Carol Reed, sorti en 1968, d'après le roman Oliver Twist de Charles Dickens. Il crée ce rôle sur une scène du West End theatre de Londres, et le reprend sur Broadway, puis dans la version cinématographique de 1968, pour lequel il est nommé pour l'Oscar du meilleur acteur par l'Academy Award.

Il apparaît dans plusieurs séries télévisées pour enfants, dont Les Animaux du Bois de Quat'sous (The Animals of Farthing Wood), L'Île de Noé (Noah's Island), Telebugs, Into the Labyrinth et Midnight Is a Place.

Il est évoqué à deux reprises pour reprendre le rôle du Docteur dans la série Doctor Who, mais refusera même une proposition en 1969 après le départ de Patrick Troughton de la série. Il dira par la suite regretter cette décision. Il a aussi tenu le rôle d'Edwin Caldecott, un vieil ennemi de Jim Branning, dans EastEnders.

Ron Moody épouse Therese Blackbourn en 1985. Ils sont les parents de six enfants, le plus jeune est né quand Ron Moody était jeune septuagénaire.

Il est aussi le cousin du réalisateur Laurence Moody.

Il meurt en juin 2015.

Best films

Oliver! (1968)

Usually with

Graham Stark
Graham Stark
(4 films)
Ron Goodwin
Ron Goodwin
(4 films)
Jenny Agutter
Jenny Agutter
(3 films)
Jeffrey Bloom
Jeffrey Bloom
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Ron Moody (29 films)

Display filmography as list


Paradise Grove, 1h33
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Comedy-drama
Themes Films about religion, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Ron Moody, Rula Lenska, Pamela Cundell, Hana Pravda
Rating57% 2.872042.872042.872042.872042.87204
A quirky film about life, death, and the bit in the middle, Paradise Grove is a beguiling blend of tragedy, romance, and wry Jewish wit. Set in an eccentric north London Jewish old age home, the film revolves around three generations of the same family. There's cantanerous old Izzie Goldberg (Ron Moody), who's dying and is not at all happy about it, his hedonistic daughter Dee (Rula Lenska), the home's owner, a cross between a Sixties flower child and a traditional Jewish mother—and there's her teenage age son Keith (Leyland O'Brien), the mixed-race outcome of a disastrous marriage. Keith's identity crisis forms the film's emotional core: he's trying to build personal and religious bridges with his grandfather while starting a relationship with the mysterious Kim (Lee Blakemore), who turns up one morning looking for shelter, and who offers the promise of a life outside Paradise Grove.
Revelation (2001)
, 1h51
Directed by Stuart Urban
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Historical, Crime
Themes Films about religion
Actors Natasha Wightman, James D'Arcy, Udo Kier, Terence Stamp, Liam Cunningham, Manuel Cauchi
Roles Sir Isaac Newton
Rating47% 2.357752.357752.357752.357752.35775
In two flashbacks a relic is created in 50 AD and then hidden by Jews from a Crusader mob in medieval Rennes-le-Château. In present-day Rennes-le-Château an academic under instructions from Magnus Martel is seen with the relic - the Loculus - researching on the ground to find the right place to hide it. Magnus's son Jake, an ace cryptographer, is released from Wormwood Scrubs and recruited by his father for research on the Loculus. Magnus reveals that the Loculus relates to the Knights Templar and its sinister successor organisation known as "the order", and in secret receives calls from this organisation threatening him if he does not accelerate his research - in spite of this, Magnus realises the Loculus' massive power for good or evil and has hidden it to ensure it does not fall into the order's hands. After breaking a code on the Loculus to reveal the word "palingenesis", Jake hides whilst members of the organisation kill and flay his father. Jake then flees with another researcher on the project (the occultist Mira) and seeks help from the Roman Catholic priest Father Ray Connolly.
A Kid in King Arthur's Court, 1h29
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure
Themes Time travel films, Children's films
Actors Thomas Ian Nicholas, Joss Ackland, Art Malik, Paloma Baeza, Kate Winslet, Daniel Craig
Roles Merlin
Rating47% 2.353332.353332.353332.353332.35333
Calvin Fuller is a nerdy young boy living in the Los Angeles suburb of Reseda. The gangly, unsure youth is first seen at a baseball game, standing at bat for his team, the Knights, ready for yet another strike out. Suddenly an earthquake hits; as the others run for safety, the ground opens up under Calvin's shoes and he falls through the chasm. Eventually he lands on the head of a 6th-century black knight. Upon hearing of his miraculous appearance, the elderly King Arthur, seeing him as the savior whose appearance Merlin has predicted, dubs the boy Calvin of Reseda and invites him to dine with the court.
Where Is Parsifal?
Directed by Henri Helman
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Tony Curtis, Donald Pleasence, Erik Estrada, Orson Welles, Peter Lawford, Ron Moody
Roles Baron Gaspard Beersbohm
Rating48% 2.447392.447392.447392.447392.44739
Parsifal Katzenellenbogen (Tony Curtis) is an eccentric hypochondriac who has invented a laser skywriter. Parsifal invites businessmen to his castle in the hopes of selling his invention. Potential buyers include gangster Henry Board II (Erik Estrada) accompanied by has-been movie star Montague Chippendale (Peter Lawford), Scotsman Mackintosh (Donald Pleasence), and gypsy Klingsor (Orson Welles).
Wrong Is Right, 1h57
Directed by Richard Brooks
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about writers, Films about journalists, Monde imaginaire, Films about television, Films about terrorism, Political films
Actors Sean Connery, Katharine Ross, Robert Conrad, John Saxon, Henry Silva, Leslie Nielsen
Roles King Awad
Rating56% 2.8487752.8487752.8487752.8487752.848775
In the near future, violence has become something of a national sport and television news has fallen to tabloid depths. Patrick Hale (Sean Connery), a globe-trotting reporter with access to a staggering array of world leaders, has ventured to the Arab country of Hegreb to interview his old acquaintance, King Ibn Awad (Ron Moody).
Dominique (1980)
, 1h40
Directed by Michael Anderson
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Actors Cliff Robertson, Jean Simmons, Jenny Agutter, Simon Ward, Ron Moody, Judy Geeson
Roles Dr. Rogers
Rating54% 2.7047752.7047752.7047752.7047752.704775
Greedy David Ballard (Cliff Robertson) wants to get the money of his wife Dominique (Jean Simmons), so he attempts to drive her insane. He succeeds and she hangs herself, only to come back to haunt him from the afterlife.
Dominique (1980)
, 1h40
Directed by Michael Anderson, Brian W. Cook
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Actors Cliff Robertson, Jean Simmons, Jenny Agutter, Simon Ward, Ron Moody, Judy Geeson
Roles Dr. Rogers
Rating54% 2.7047752.7047752.7047752.7047752.704775
Dominique Balard se suicide. Son mari David, qui cherchait à s'approprier sa fortune de son vivant, est peu à peu assailli par des visions de sa défunte épouse.
Unidentified Flying Oddball
Directed by Russ Mayberry
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Comic science fiction
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Time travel films, Comedy science fiction films, Children's films, Robot films
Actors Dennis Dugan, Ron Moody, Kenneth More, John Le Mesurier, Rodney Bewes, Jim Dale
Roles Merlin
Rating52% 2.6071052.6071052.6071052.6071052.607105
La NASA décide de mettre en place un voyage spatial habité qui dispose de la vitesse de la lumière. Le nom de la navette ainsi que du projet dénommé "Stardust". Le voyage est à destination de l'étoile la plus proche de nous connu sous le nom d'Alpha du Centaure mais le ministre de la défense refuse ce projet car la durée du voyage dure 4 ans 1/2 pour y aller et autant pour y revenirainsi que 20 ans pour explorer le système de la dite étoile donc trop long pour des humains. Le ministre impose un ultimatum de mettre autre chose que des humains dans cette navette. Le professeur Zimmerman (chef du projet) téléphone à un jeune savant dénommé Tom Trimble pour construire un humanoïde (un robot de forme humaine) qui pourra effectuer le dit voyage, il devra parler et fonctionner. Tom Trimble construit l'humanoïde auquel il donne son propre visage et le nomme "Hermès", en référence au dieu grec des transports. Hermès a sa propre intelligence artificielle et apprends rapidement les connaissances dispensées par son créateur. Il a des réflexes humains et réagit comme un humain; ainsi il pourra expliquer les effets du vol durant ces 9 ans de voyage aller-retour. Hermès est présenté au ministre qui approuve le projet. Le jour du départ de la fusée transportant la navette, Hermès refuse de partir car il a peur de pas revenir alors Tom Trimble est envoyé à bord pour le raisonner, mais un éclair frappe la tour de décollage et fait partir accidentellement la navette avec Hermès et Tom encore à bord. Hermès est mis hors circuit sous le coup de la force du décollage et laisse seul aux commandes Tom Trimble. Trimble ne peut revenir sur Terre et il est obligé de faire le voyage. Trimble décide d'essayer de réparer Hermès mais pendant ce temps la navette déclenche la vitesse lumière. Trimble s'aperçoit que la navette tourne autour de la Terre puis atterrit. Il atterrit en Grande-Bretagne et il sort en scaphandre. Une jeune fille le prend pour un monstre et Trimble décide de la suivre à Camelot. Trimble s'aperçoit en chemin qu'il se retrouve dans l'Angleterre du VI siècle après J.C. au temps du roi Arthur.
Benji's Very Own Christmas Story, 25minutes
Directed by Joe Camp
Origin USA
Themes Films about animals, Christmas films, Films about dogs, Children's films
Actors Ron Moody, Patsy Garrett, Sadie Corré, Deep Roy
Roles Kris Kringle
Rating53% 2.660032.660032.660032.660032.66003
The actors from the Benji films are on a promotional tour in Switzerland and are asked to be grand marshalls of a Christmas parade in Zermatt. Due to a broken leg Kris Kringle is sending his elves out to deliver presents, and as this will force them to miss the parade he wants them to meet Benji first. With help from the Benji actors, Kringle realises the true meaning of Christmas and performs a musical number showing how Saint Nicholas appears all over the world.
The Strange Case of the End of Civilization as We Know It, 56minutes
Directed by Joseph McGrath
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Crime
Themes Sherlock Holmes films, Buddy films
Actors John Cleese, Arthur Lowe, Ron Moody, Connie Booth, Holly Palance, Denholm Elliott
Roles Dr. Henry Gropinger ( Kissinger )
Rating62% 3.100913.100913.100913.100913.10091
The film begins aboard a luxury aircraft as Dr. Gropinger (Ron Moody) (an obvious parody of Henry Kissinger) travels on a goodwill tour. He misplaces his diary and is thrown into a panic as, without the diary, he no longer knows where he is or is supposed to be next. Stepping off the plane, he is shot dead after extending greetings in Hebrew to a congregation of Arabs. Soon after, the U.S. President (Joss Ackland in a caricature of Gerald Ford) receives a threatening letter signed only "Moriarty", claiming responsibility for the death. The letter also claims Moriarty has set in motion a plan that will allow him to gain control of the world. The president dispatches a top agent to London to work with the world's top law enforcement officials and find a strategy to combat Moriarty.
Dogpound Shuffle, 1h38
Directed by Jeffrey Bloom
Origin Canada
Genres Drama
Actors David Soul, Ron Moody, Ray Stricklyn
Roles Steps
Rating66% 3.3310153.3310153.3310153.3310153.331015
Two drifters, a former vaudeville dancer and a boxer, bond with a stray dog. When their dog is accidentally impounded, they form a song-and-dance act to raise money for the dog's release.
Legend of the Werewolf, 1h25
Directed by Freddie Francis
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Fantastic, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Wolves in film, Werewolves in film, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Peter Cushing, Ron Moody, Hugh Griffith, Roy Castle, David Rintoul, Stefan Gryff
Roles Zookeeper
Rating56% 2.8012852.8012852.8012852.8012852.801285
A boy that has been raised by wolves is displayed as a circus freak under the title 'Wolf Boy.' Named Etoile by Pamponi,the circus owner, he grows up and after killing a member of the circus troupe while under the influence of the full moon, becomes a zookeeper in Paris.
Flight of the Doves
Directed by Ralph Nelson
Genres Drama
Actors Ron Moody, Jack Wild, Dorothy McGuire, Stanley Holloway, Willie Rushton, Noel Purcell
Roles Hawk Dove
Rating62% 3.144333.144333.144333.144333.14433
Two Liverpool children (Londoners in the original book) set out in search of love after many years of receiving abuse from their Uncle Tobias Cromwell (Uncle Toby), Cromwell is not a blood relation to the Dove children, their mother married Cromwell and he was granted custody after her death. Finn Dove and his sister Derval are tired of their stepfather's constant abuse and neglect and they decide to run away to County Galway Ireland, where Finn and Derval's Grandmother lives. They hope when they reach their Granny O'Flaherty. But the story has a twist- the children are heirs to their grandfather's estate and stand to inherit a large fortune, around $10,000 each, upon his death but if the children are either dead or missing the money would go to their uncle- "Hawk" Dove, an unsuccessful actor known for his temper and for the fact that he will do just about anything to get what he wants, when Hawk discovers their fortune he sets out on a journey to make sure the Dove children are never seen again. The Dove children's journey across Ireland isn't easy as soon after they are discovered missing and their stepfather had been informed of the money (Hawk Dove disguised as a lawyer) he decides to bring in the police, soon they have the police, their Uncle Hawk and Uncle Toby close on their trail.
The Twelve Chairs, 1h34
Directed by Mel Brooks
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Actors Frank Langella, Dom DeLuise, Ron Moody, Mel Brooks, Andreas Voutsinas, Diana Coupland
Roles Ippolit Vorobyaninov
Rating63% 3.1986053.1986053.1986053.1986053.198605
In the Soviet Union in 1927, Ippolit Matveevich Vorobyaninov (Ron Moody), an impoverished aristocrat from Imperial Russia, is summoned, along with the village priest, to the deathbed of his mother-in-law. She reveals, before passing, that a fortune in jewels had been hidden from the Bolsheviks by being sewn into the seat cushion of one of the twelve chairs from the family's dining room set. After hearing the dying woman's Confession, the Russian Orthodox priest Father Fyodor (Dom DeLuise), who has arrived to give the Last Rites, decides to abandon the Church and attempt to steal the treasure. Shortly thereafter, a homeless con-artist, Ostap Bender (Frank Langella), meets the dispossessed nobleman and manipulates his way into a partnership in his search for the family riches.