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Ryan Murphy is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter, Producer and Assistant Editor American born on 9 november 1965 at Indianapolis (USA)

Ryan Murphy

Ryan Murphy
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Birth name Ryan Patrick Murphy
Nationality USA
Birth 9 november 1965 (58 years) at Indianapolis (USA)
Awards Primetime Emmy Award

Ryan Murphy (born November 30, 1965) is an American film and television screenwriter, director, and producer. Murphy is best known for creating or co-creating a number of television series, including Popular, Nip/Tuck, Glee, American Horror Story, and The New Normal.


Ryan Murphy grandit à Indianapolis au sein d'une famille catholique d'origine irlandaise. Ses parents sont les fondateurs de la petite maison d'édition Brzamo Publishing. Il est enfant de chœur et va à l'école catholique jusqu'à l'âge de quatorze ans.

Au lycée, il joue dans des pièces de théâtre et des comédies musicales et participe à la rédaction du journal de l'école. Il obtient son diplôme en 1983 et fait ensuite des études de journalisme à l'université de l'Indiana à Bloomington. Il fait des stages au Washington Post et au Miami Herald avant de s'installer à Los Angeles où il écrit des articles sur la mode et la culture populaire pour le Los Angeles Times et Entertainment Weekly.

Parallèlement à son travail de journaliste, Murphy écrit des scénarios et, à la fin des années 1990, vend le script d'une comédie romantique intitulée Why Can't I Be Audrey Hepburn? que Steven Spielberg est pressenti pour réaliser. Le projet de film ne se concrétise pas mais Murphy abandonne le journalisme pour l'écriture de scénarios à plein temps et crée la série télévisée Popular, une série pour adolescents au ton satirique qui narre la rivalité entre deux lycéennes obligées de cohabiter lorsque leurs parents entament une relation. Cette série est diffusée sur The WB de 1999 à 2001 avant d'être annulées au bout de deux saisons malgré de bonnes critiques.

S'intéressant à l'intérêt des Américains pour la chirurgie esthétique, il crée ensuite la série Nip/Tuck. La série est diffusée de 2003 à 2010 sur FX et réunit pendant plusieurs années les plus fortes audiences de la chaîne. Les premières saisons de la série sont également un succès critique, bien que le show s'attire les foudres d'associations conservatrices comme le Parents Television Council pour la moralité douteuse de ses personnages et des scènes jugées de mauvais goût.

En 2006, Ryan Murphy fait ses débuts au cinéma en écrivant et réalisant le film Courir avec des ciseaux, avec Annette Bening, Alec Baldwin et Brian Cox. Il obtient des critiques majoritairement défavorables, le consensus estimant que malgré des interprétations convaincantes, le film n'atteint pas la profondeur émotionnelle du livre d'Augusten Burroughs dont il est adapté. Murphy écrit et réalise un deuxième long métrage, Mange, prie, aime, en 2010, avec Julia Roberts et Javier Bardem. Ce film obtient lui aussi des critiques plutôt défavorables mais connaît par contre le succès commercial.

Dans l'intervalle entre ces deux films, Murphy crée avec Brad Falchuk et Ian Brennan la série télévisée Glee, qui est diffusée sur Fox entre 2009 et 2015. Dans cette série musicale, un professeur tente de redynamiser la chorale du lycée en y intégrant des éléments talentueux mais disparates. Les deux premières saisons de la série rencontrent un grand succès commercial et critique. Glee remporte le Golden Globe de la meilleure série télévisée musicale ou comique en 2010 et 2011, alors que Murphy remporte le Primetime Emmy Award de la meilleure réalisation pour une série télévisée comique en 2010. Néanmoins, les audiences décroissent progressivement, notamment après la mort de l'acteur Cory Monteith, et la série s'interrompt après six saisons.

Toujours en collaboration avec Brad Falchuk, Murphy conçoit un nouveau projet consistant en une série d'anthologie horrifique dont chaque saison relate une histoire différente. American Horror Story est diffusée à partir de 2011 sur FX et, après quatre saisons, chacune d'entre elles a successivement battu de nouveaux records d'audience pour la chaîne. Elle est par ailleurs bien accueillie par la critique, qui a notamment salué les interprétations de Jessica Lange, présente dans des rôles différents lors des quatre premières saisons, et a remporté de nombreux prix.

En 2012, Murphy crée la série The New Normal, une sitcom centrée sur un couple homosexuel et la mère porteuse de leur enfant. Convoitée par la Fox et ABC, la série est achetée par NBC. La première saison est accueillie plutôt favorablement par la critique mais les audiences sont décevantes et la série est annulée à l'issue de celle-ci. En 2014, Murphy réalise le téléfilm The Normal Heart, diffusé sur HBO, qui traite de l'apparition du SIDA aux États-Unis au début des années 1980. Le téléfilm est un succès critique et remporte le Primetime Emmy Award de la meilleure mini-série ou du meilleur téléfilm. HBO refuse toutefois de donner son feu vert pour Open, une nouvelle série développée par Murphy.

En 2015, et encore en collaboration avec Falchuk et Brennan, Murphy crée une nouvelle série d'anthologie horrifique, mais au ton plus parodique, intitulée Scream Queens. La première saison, qui a pour cadre un campus universitaire sur lequel sévit un tueur en série, reçoit des critiques mitigées.

En 2017, il crée la série anthologique Feud qui raconte à chaque saison, une rivalité célèbre.
La même année il signe un contrat de 300 millions de dollars avec Netflix pour une durée de cinq ans.
En 2017, Netflix acquiert les droits de Ratched, une nouvelle série dramatique développée par Ryan Murphy, prequel du film Vol au-dessus d’un nid de coucou. L'acteur Michael Douglas, producteur du film original, est également producteur aux côtés de Ryan Murphy. La diffusion est prévue courant 2018 .

En 2019, il se lance dans l'adaptation de deux comédies musicales à l'écran : Chorus Line et The Prom, avec comme actrices Meryl Streep et Nicole Kidman.

Vie privée
Ouvertement homosexuel, Ryan Murphy a fait son coming out à l'âge de quinze ans. Alors qu'il était journaliste à Los Angeles, il a eu une relation de plusieurs années avec le réalisateur Bill Condon. Il s'est marié avec le photographe David Miller en 2012. Le couple a eu deux enfants par l'intermédiaire d'une mère porteuse : Logan, né en 2012, et Ford, né en 2014.

Best films

Eat Pray Love (2010)

Usually with

Dede Gardner
Dede Gardner
(3 films)
Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt
(3 films)
Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin
(2 films)
Ian Brennan
Ian Brennan
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Ryan Murphy (7 films)

Display filmography as list


Glee: The Concert Movie, 1h30
Directed by Kevin Tancharoen
Origin USA
Genres Documentary, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Documentary films about music and musicians, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Musical films, Children's films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Dianna Agron, Chris Colfer, Darren Criss, Kevin McHale, Lea Michele, Cory Monteith
Roles Backstage Interviewer (voice) (uncredited)
Rating55% 2.786752.786752.786752.786752.78675
Glee: The 3D Concert Movie depicts a Glee Cast concert in East Rutherford, New Jersey during the group's Glee Live! In Concert! tour. It features behind-the-scenes footage, and a setlist of songs from the show's first and second seasons. As well as the behind-the-scenes footage, the film portrays the series' influence on teenagers, including one who is gay named Trenton, one with Asperger syndrome named Josey Pickering, and a cheerleader with short stature named Janae. The fan segments were created by documentary filmmaker Jennifer Arnold.
Syriana (2005)
, 2h2
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Spy, Romance
Themes Spy films, Political films
Actors George Clooney, Matt Damon, Jeffrey Wright, Amr Waked, Chris Cooper, Amanda Peet
Roles Technicien
Rating68% 3.4475553.4475553.4475553.4475553.447555
U.S. energy giant Connex is losing control of key Middle East oil fields in a kingdom ruled by the al-Subaai family. The emirate's foreign minister, Prince Nasir (Alexander Siddig), has granted natural gas drilling rights to a Chinese company, greatly upsetting the U.S. oil industry and government. To compensate for its decreased production capacity, Connex initiates a shady merger with Killen, a smaller oil company that recently won the drilling rights to key petroleum fields in Kazakhstan. Connex-Killen ranks as the world's twenty-third largest economy, and antitrust regulators at the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) have misgivings. A Washington, D.C.-based law firm headed by Dean Whiting (Christopher Plummer) is hired to smooth the way for the merger. Bennett Holiday (Jeffrey Wright) is assigned to promote the impression of due diligence to the DOJ, deflecting any allegations of corruption.


The Normal Heart, 2h12
Directed by Ryan Murphy
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Films based on plays, LGBT-related films, Sida et LGBT, HIV/AIDS in film, LGBT-related film
Actors Mark Ruffalo, Julia Roberts, Matt Bomer, Jim Parsons, Alec Baldwin, Taylor Kitsch
Rating78% 3.948383.948383.948383.948383.94838
It is summer of 1981. Ned Weeks (Mark Ruffalo) is an openly gay writer from New York City who travels to Fire Island Pines on Long Island to celebrate the birthday of his friend Craig Donner (Jonathan Groff) at a house on the beach. Other friends in attendance include Mickey Marcus (Joe Mantello) and the charismatic Bruce Niles (Taylor Kitsch), who has recently begun dating Craig. Craig is young and appears to be in good health. While walking on the beach, however, Craig feels dizzy and collapses. Later, when blowing out the candles on his birthday cake, Craig begins to cough repeatedly.
Eat Pray Love, 2h13
Directed by Ryan Murphy
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Javier Bardem, Julia Roberts, Billy Crudup, Richard Jenkins, Viola Davis, James Franco
Rating58% 2.9048452.9048452.9048452.9048452.904845
Elizabeth Gilbert had everything a modern woman is supposed to dream of having - a husband, a house, a successful career – yet like so many others, she found herself lost, confused, and searching for what she really wanted in life. Newly divorced and at a crossroads, Gilbert steps out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life, embarking on a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery. In her travels, she discovers the true pleasure of nourishment by eating in Italy, the power of prayer in India, and, finally and unexpectedly, the inner peace and balance of true love in Indonesia.
Running with Scissors, 1h56
Directed by Ryan Murphy
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about families, Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Films about psychiatry, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Annette Bening, Brian Cox, Joseph Fiennes, Evan Rachel Wood, Alec Baldwin, Jill Clayburgh
Rating60% 3.0485153.0485153.0485153.0485153.048515
The film is a semi-autobiographical account of Augusten Burroughs' (Joseph Cross) childhood. His mother, Deirdre (Annette Bening), who wishes to become a famous poet, suffers from severe mood swings and erratic behavior. Augusten's alcoholic father, Norman (Alec Baldwin), proves to be of no help. By the time he is a teenager, Augusten no longer feels safe in his own house because of his parents. Deirdre claims that Norman is the reason for her unhappiness, and that he desires to kill her. She ultimately places Augusten under the care of her psychiatrist, Dr. Finch (Brian Cox), the eccentric patriarch of an oddball family, which consists of his submissive wife Agnes (Jill Clayburgh), religious daughter Hope (Gwyneth Paltrow), and his rebellious youngest child Natalie (Evan Rachel Wood).


The Normal Heart, 2h12
Directed by Ryan Murphy
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Films based on plays, LGBT-related films, Sida et LGBT, HIV/AIDS in film, LGBT-related film
Actors Mark Ruffalo, Julia Roberts, Matt Bomer, Jim Parsons, Alec Baldwin, Taylor Kitsch
Roles Writer
Rating78% 3.948383.948383.948383.948383.94838
It is summer of 1981. Ned Weeks (Mark Ruffalo) is an openly gay writer from New York City who travels to Fire Island Pines on Long Island to celebrate the birthday of his friend Craig Donner (Jonathan Groff) at a house on the beach. Other friends in attendance include Mickey Marcus (Joe Mantello) and the charismatic Bruce Niles (Taylor Kitsch), who has recently begun dating Craig. Craig is young and appears to be in good health. While walking on the beach, however, Craig feels dizzy and collapses. Later, when blowing out the candles on his birthday cake, Craig begins to cough repeatedly.
Glee: The Concert Movie, 1h30
Directed by Kevin Tancharoen
Origin USA
Genres Documentary, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Documentary films about music and musicians, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Musical films, Children's films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Dianna Agron, Chris Colfer, Darren Criss, Kevin McHale, Lea Michele, Cory Monteith
Roles Writer
Rating55% 2.786752.786752.786752.786752.78675
Glee: The 3D Concert Movie depicts a Glee Cast concert in East Rutherford, New Jersey during the group's Glee Live! In Concert! tour. It features behind-the-scenes footage, and a setlist of songs from the show's first and second seasons. As well as the behind-the-scenes footage, the film portrays the series' influence on teenagers, including one who is gay named Trenton, one with Asperger syndrome named Josey Pickering, and a cheerleader with short stature named Janae. The fan segments were created by documentary filmmaker Jennifer Arnold.
Eat Pray Love, 2h13
Directed by Ryan Murphy
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Javier Bardem, Julia Roberts, Billy Crudup, Richard Jenkins, Viola Davis, James Franco
Rating58% 2.9048452.9048452.9048452.9048452.904845
Elizabeth Gilbert had everything a modern woman is supposed to dream of having - a husband, a house, a successful career – yet like so many others, she found herself lost, confused, and searching for what she really wanted in life. Newly divorced and at a crossroads, Gilbert steps out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life, embarking on a journey around the world that becomes a quest for self-discovery. In her travels, she discovers the true pleasure of nourishment by eating in Italy, the power of prayer in India, and, finally and unexpectedly, the inner peace and balance of true love in Indonesia.
Running with Scissors, 1h56
Directed by Ryan Murphy
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about families, Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Films about psychiatry, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Annette Bening, Brian Cox, Joseph Fiennes, Evan Rachel Wood, Alec Baldwin, Jill Clayburgh
Rating60% 3.0485153.0485153.0485153.0485153.048515
The film is a semi-autobiographical account of Augusten Burroughs' (Joseph Cross) childhood. His mother, Deirdre (Annette Bening), who wishes to become a famous poet, suffers from severe mood swings and erratic behavior. Augusten's alcoholic father, Norman (Alec Baldwin), proves to be of no help. By the time he is a teenager, Augusten no longer feels safe in his own house because of his parents. Deirdre claims that Norman is the reason for her unhappiness, and that he desires to kill her. She ultimately places Augusten under the care of her psychiatrist, Dr. Finch (Brian Cox), the eccentric patriarch of an oddball family, which consists of his submissive wife Agnes (Jill Clayburgh), religious daughter Hope (Gwyneth Paltrow), and his rebellious youngest child Natalie (Evan Rachel Wood).


The Normal Heart, 2h12
Directed by Ryan Murphy
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Films based on plays, LGBT-related films, Sida et LGBT, HIV/AIDS in film, LGBT-related film
Actors Mark Ruffalo, Julia Roberts, Matt Bomer, Jim Parsons, Alec Baldwin, Taylor Kitsch
Roles Producer
Rating78% 3.948383.948383.948383.948383.94838
It is summer of 1981. Ned Weeks (Mark Ruffalo) is an openly gay writer from New York City who travels to Fire Island Pines on Long Island to celebrate the birthday of his friend Craig Donner (Jonathan Groff) at a house on the beach. Other friends in attendance include Mickey Marcus (Joe Mantello) and the charismatic Bruce Niles (Taylor Kitsch), who has recently begun dating Craig. Craig is young and appears to be in good health. While walking on the beach, however, Craig feels dizzy and collapses. Later, when blowing out the candles on his birthday cake, Craig begins to cough repeatedly.
The Town that Dreaded Sundown, 1h30
Directed by Alfonso Gomez-Rejon
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Horror, Crime
Themes Serial killer films
Actors Gary Cole, Edward Herrmann, Addison Timlin, Veronica Cartwright, Spencer Treat Clark, Travis Tope
Roles Producer
Rating56% 2.802752.802752.802752.802752.80275
While at the drive-in on Halloween during the annual showing of The Town That Dreaded Sundown, Jami Lerner (Addison Timlin) and Corey Holland (Spencer Treat Clark) are watching the film. Realizing that she is not enjoying it, they decide to leave. Parked in a secluded area, they begin to talk and kiss, but Jami sees the Phantom in the woods. They decide to leave but the Phantom breaks the window and makes them get out of the car while pointing a gun at them. He makes Holland remove his pants and lie on the ground. He tells Jami to turn around and to not look back. The Phantom begins to slash Corey to death. Jami runs off but is caught when she falls. He tells her, "This is for Mary. Make them remember." Jami walks back to the drive-in and collapses. The next morning, police interview her at the hospital. Later that night, Jami and her grandmother, Lillian (Veronica Cartwright), watch the news about the attack. Jami asks her grandmother what she remembers from the original attacks. She researches the crimes. The next day, she visits Corey's funeral.
Glee: The Concert Movie, 1h30
Directed by Kevin Tancharoen
Origin USA
Genres Documentary, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Documentary films about music and musicians, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Musical films, Children's films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Dianna Agron, Chris Colfer, Darren Criss, Kevin McHale, Lea Michele, Cory Monteith
Roles Producer
Rating55% 2.786752.786752.786752.786752.78675
Glee: The 3D Concert Movie depicts a Glee Cast concert in East Rutherford, New Jersey during the group's Glee Live! In Concert! tour. It features behind-the-scenes footage, and a setlist of songs from the show's first and second seasons. As well as the behind-the-scenes footage, the film portrays the series' influence on teenagers, including one who is gay named Trenton, one with Asperger syndrome named Josey Pickering, and a cheerleader with short stature named Janae. The fan segments were created by documentary filmmaker Jennifer Arnold.
Running with Scissors, 1h56
Directed by Ryan Murphy
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about families, Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Films about psychiatry, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Annette Bening, Brian Cox, Joseph Fiennes, Evan Rachel Wood, Alec Baldwin, Jill Clayburgh
Roles Producer
Rating60% 3.0485153.0485153.0485153.0485153.048515
The film is a semi-autobiographical account of Augusten Burroughs' (Joseph Cross) childhood. His mother, Deirdre (Annette Bening), who wishes to become a famous poet, suffers from severe mood swings and erratic behavior. Augusten's alcoholic father, Norman (Alec Baldwin), proves to be of no help. By the time he is a teenager, Augusten no longer feels safe in his own house because of his parents. Deirdre claims that Norman is the reason for her unhappiness, and that he desires to kill her. She ultimately places Augusten under the care of her psychiatrist, Dr. Finch (Brian Cox), the eccentric patriarch of an oddball family, which consists of his submissive wife Agnes (Jill Clayburgh), religious daughter Hope (Gwyneth Paltrow), and his rebellious youngest child Natalie (Evan Rachel Wood).


Factory Girl
Directed by George Hickenlooper
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical
Actors Sienna Miller, Guy Pearce, Hayden Christensen, Mena Suvari, Jimmy Fallon, Shawn Hatosy
Roles Assistant Editor
Rating63% 3.197853.197853.197853.197853.19785
Edie Sedgwick (Sienna Miller) is a young heiress studying art in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She moves to New York City, where she is introduced to pop art painter and film-maker Andy Warhol (Guy Pearce). Intrigued by the beautiful socialite, he asks her to perform in one of his underground movies. Soon she is spending time with him at the Factory, his studio and also the hangout of a group of eccentrics, some of them drug addicts. Her status as Warhol superstar and success as a fashion model earn her popularity and international attention.