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Vladimir Vladimirovitch Bortko is a Director and Scriptwriter Russe born on 7 may 1946 at Moscow (Russie)

Vladimir Vladimirovitch Bortko

Vladimir Vladimirovitch Bortko
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Nationality Russie
Birth 7 may 1946 (78 years) at Moscow (Russie)
Awards Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Vladimirovich Bortko PAR (Russian: Владимир Владимирович Бортко), born on May 7, 1946 in Moscow, is a Russian film director, screenwriter and producer.


Vladimir Bortko was born May 7, 1946 in Moscow. He grew up in the family of the Ukrainian Soviet playwright Aleksandr Korneychuk. After his studies in the Geological College in Kiev and his military service in 1965-1966, he worked three years as an electrical engineer in Kiev.

In 1969 he went to the Karpenko-Kary State University of Theatre, Film and Television in Kiev. After graduating in 1974 he worked as an assistant director at the Dovzhenko Film Studios. In 1975 he was directing his first film, entitled Channel.

In 1980, Vladimir Bortko became production leader in the Kinostudiya Lenfilm in Leningrad, the largest film production company of the Soviet Union after Mosfilm in Moscow. He received relative fame in the Soviet Union, but his big breakthrough he realized with the film adaptation of the novel Heart of a Dog written by the Russian author Mikhail Bulgakov. He was awarded it a Grand Prix at the Film Festival in Perugia.

In 1991 he made Afghan Breakdown, a film about the intervention of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan with the Italian actor Michele Placido. It was the first film in the newly created Russian Federation which approached the military activities of the Soviet Union critically.

After the turn of the century Vladimir Bortko accepted the challenge to realize two of the biggest projects ever in the history of Russian cinema for the television channel Telekanal Rossiya. The first was an adaptation of the novel The Idiot written by the Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky into a television series of 10 episodes in 2002. The series clinched all the major television prizes in Russia, and actor Yevgeny Mironov received the award for Best Actor at the Monte Carlo Television Festival.

Three years later followed an adaptation of the novel The Master and Margarita written by Mikhail Bulgakov, also into a TV series of 10 episodes. The first broadcast of December 19, 2005 was preceded by months of controversy in the media. Opponents feared that by the filming, the layered narrative of the novel and the complexity of the socio-political and metaphysical themes would be sacrificed to the popular demands of the medium television. Bortko had been following carefully the dialogues of the novel though, and the series became the most successful ever on Russian television. On December 25, 2005 40 million Russians were watching the seventh episode.

In 2009, Bortko caused another big controversy, followed by a huge public success, with his film adaptation of the historical drama Taras Bulba written by the Russian author Nikolai Gogol. This time the criticism came from Ukraine, because while Bortko allowed the Polish actors in the film to speak Polish, the Ukrainian Cossacks had to express themselves in poor Russian. Yet this film was also a big success, with nearly 4 million paying visitors in Russian cinemas.

Bortko is a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), and has claimed that Russia now can only "export oil, gas and prostitutes."

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Vladimir Vladimirovitch Bortko (4 films)

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Iron & Blood: The Legend of Taras Bulba, 2h7
Directed by Vladimir Vladimirovitch Bortko
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Adventure, Historical
Actors Bohdan Stupka, Daniel Olbrychski, Igor Petrenko, Vladimir Vdovitchenkov, Magdalena Mielcarz, Mikhaïl Boïarski
Rating56% 2.8481552.8481552.8481552.8481552.848155
L'histoire se déroule dans l'Ukraine du XVII siècle. Le vieux colonel ouman Taras Boulba accueille ses deux fils, Ostap et Andreï, rentrés après deux ans d'études au séminaire de Kiev. Il les accompagne vers la Sitch Zaporogue afin de les initier à l'art militaire. Alors qu'ils se trouvent dans le camp, une mauvaise nouvelle leur parvient. Il s'avère que les Polonais ont attaqué le khoutor de Boulba et que sa femme a été tuée. Tarass se joint alors aux cosaques qui affrontent les troupes polonaises. Ils assiègent la ville de Doubno jusqu'à ce que ses habitants commencent à manquer de vivres. Mais le vieux colonel ignore que son cadet, Andreï, est amoureux de la jeune fille du voïvode Mazowiecki, Elżbieta, rencontrée à Kiev, qui se meurt de faim de l'autre côté de la muraille. Une nuit, la servante de Elżbieta amène le jeune homme par le passage souterrain jusqu'à sa maitresse qu'il décide ne plus jamais quitter. Le lendemain, Tarass voit apparaître son fils à la tête de la cavalerie de contre-offensive. Il ordonne alors à ses hommes d'attirer Andreï dans les bois où il le tue après l'avoir renié. Pendant ce temps, son ainé, Ostap, est capturé par l'ennemi et transporté à Varsovie. Aidé de Yankel, le marchand juif jadis sauvé lors d'un pogrome, Tarass vole au secours de son fils, mais arrive juste au moment quand ce dernier se fait exécuter après une séance de torture sur la place publique. Taras fait payer cher la mort d'Ostap, bravant la mort, mais au bout d'un moment son unité est repérée et encerclée. Comprenant que l'ennemi est surtout après lui, il permet à ses compagnons de s'échapper, se laisse faire prisonnier et sera brûlé vif sur le bûcher. Elżbieta donne naissance à un garçon. Elle meurt en couches. Son père, le voïvode Mazowiecki, fou de douleur, prend un sabre et le brandit au-dessus de l'enfant, mais ne parvient pas à tuer un être sans défense qui est en plus son petit-fils.
Afghan Breakdown, 2h20
Directed by Vladimir Vladimirovitch Bortko
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War, Documentary, Action
Themes Films about terrorism, Political films
Actors Michele Placido, Oleg Yankovsky, Tatiana Dogileva, Alekseï Serebryakov, Vladimir Yeryomin, Leonid Kulagin
Rating70% 3.5201553.5201553.5201553.5201553.520155
The events unfold just before the start of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1988. Lieutenant Steklov, son of a high-ranking General, is assigned to Afghanistan, hoping to take part in combat and earn some medals before the war ends. Sgt. Arsionov (Aleksei Serebryakov) combines his combat experience and bravery with brutal hazing of young conscripts back on the field base. Major Bandura`s tour of duty has expired. He is free to go home and reunite with his wife whom he has almost forgot. This means leaving his mistress Katya (Tatyana Dogileva), a nurse in the base's hospital—to a much anticipation from Bandura's superior Leonid (Mikhail Zhygalov) who fell in love with Katya. Anxiety is felt by many characters about the change taking place back in the Soviet Union during the Perestroika. Bandura himself thinks he might not be able to adapt. Katya says that Afghanistan will be remembered as the best part of their lives.
Heart of a Dog, 1h53
Directed by Vladimir Vladimirovitch Bortko
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about animals, Films about computing, Films about dogs, Cyberpunk films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Yevgeniy Yevstigneyev, Nina Rouslanova, Iouri Kouznetsov, Sergueï Filippov
Rating85% 4.291074.291074.291074.291074.29107
The film is set in Moscow not long after the October Revolution where a complaining stray dog looks for food and shelter. A well-off well-known surgeon Phillip Phillippovich Preobrazhensky happens to need a dog and lures the animal to his big home annex practice with a piece of sausage. The dog is named Sharik and well taken care of by the doctor's maids, but still wonders why he's there. He finds out too late he's needed as a test animal: the doctor implants a pituitary gland and testicles of a recently deceased alcoholic and petty criminal Klim Chugunkin into Sharik. Sharik proceeds to become more and more human during the next days. After his transition to human is complete, it turns out that he inherited all the negative traits of the donor - bad manners, aggressiveness, use of profanity, heavy drinking - but still hates cats. He picks for himself an absurd name Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov, starts working at the "Moscow Cleansing Department responsible for eliminating vagrant quadrupeds (cats, etc.)" and associating with revolutionaries, who plot to drive Preobrazhensky out of his big apartment. Eventually he turns the life in the professor's house into a nightmare by stealing money, breaking his furniture, a water ballet during a cat chase and blackmailing into marriage a girl he met at the cinema. The professor with his assistant are then urged to reverse the procedure. Sharikov turns back into a dog. As Sharik he does remember little about what has happened to him but isn't much concerned about that. To his content he is left to live in the professor's apartment.


Iron & Blood: The Legend of Taras Bulba, 2h7
Directed by Vladimir Vladimirovitch Bortko
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Adventure, Historical
Actors Bohdan Stupka, Daniel Olbrychski, Igor Petrenko, Vladimir Vdovitchenkov, Magdalena Mielcarz, Mikhaïl Boïarski
Rating56% 2.8481552.8481552.8481552.8481552.848155
L'histoire se déroule dans l'Ukraine du XVII siècle. Le vieux colonel ouman Taras Boulba accueille ses deux fils, Ostap et Andreï, rentrés après deux ans d'études au séminaire de Kiev. Il les accompagne vers la Sitch Zaporogue afin de les initier à l'art militaire. Alors qu'ils se trouvent dans le camp, une mauvaise nouvelle leur parvient. Il s'avère que les Polonais ont attaqué le khoutor de Boulba et que sa femme a été tuée. Tarass se joint alors aux cosaques qui affrontent les troupes polonaises. Ils assiègent la ville de Doubno jusqu'à ce que ses habitants commencent à manquer de vivres. Mais le vieux colonel ignore que son cadet, Andreï, est amoureux de la jeune fille du voïvode Mazowiecki, Elżbieta, rencontrée à Kiev, qui se meurt de faim de l'autre côté de la muraille. Une nuit, la servante de Elżbieta amène le jeune homme par le passage souterrain jusqu'à sa maitresse qu'il décide ne plus jamais quitter. Le lendemain, Tarass voit apparaître son fils à la tête de la cavalerie de contre-offensive. Il ordonne alors à ses hommes d'attirer Andreï dans les bois où il le tue après l'avoir renié. Pendant ce temps, son ainé, Ostap, est capturé par l'ennemi et transporté à Varsovie. Aidé de Yankel, le marchand juif jadis sauvé lors d'un pogrome, Tarass vole au secours de son fils, mais arrive juste au moment quand ce dernier se fait exécuter après une séance de torture sur la place publique. Taras fait payer cher la mort d'Ostap, bravant la mort, mais au bout d'un moment son unité est repérée et encerclée. Comprenant que l'ennemi est surtout après lui, il permet à ses compagnons de s'échapper, se laisse faire prisonnier et sera brûlé vif sur le bûcher. Elżbieta donne naissance à un garçon. Elle meurt en couches. Son père, le voïvode Mazowiecki, fou de douleur, prend un sabre et le brandit au-dessus de l'enfant, mais ne parvient pas à tuer un être sans défense qui est en plus son petit-fils.