The film begins with Goli (Hatami) landing at Tehran airport for her first visit to her hometown Rasht in two decades. She's been living in France and has established quite a life judging from a phone call with (presumed) partner Antoine about her sudden plans. A plucky, semi-acoustic guitar soundtrack signals the beginning of a road trip.
A number of students have traveled to the Caspian region in order to participate in a kite-flying event during the winter solstice. Next to their camp is a small hut occupied by three cooks who work at a nearby restaurant.
Mir-Hashem is a young cleric whose wife has left him because of his angry creditors and his fertility problems. One of the creditors persuades Mir-Hashem to go for propagation and get the money from people.
Nahid, jeune divorcée, vit seule avec son fils de 10 ans dans une petite ville au bord de la mer Caspienne. Selon la tradition iranienne, la garde de l’enfant revient au père mais ce dernier a accepté de la céder à son ex femme à condition qu'elle ne se remarie pas. La rencontre de Nahid avec un nouvel homme qui l'aime passionnément et veut l’épouser va bouleverser sa vie de femme et de mère.
20-year-old girl Yasi, very happy, friendly, open and interested to buy from wealthy father constraints facing many of the emotional issues very cautious in Peru to the room of a clothing store ....