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The bests films original sound tracks

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Release: 27 july 2006
Price: 8.99€
Number of CD: 1
14 tracks
Film page
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1Bartleby - TitlesJonathan Parker & Seth Asarnow 0.99€1min24sdeezer deeyoutubezer
2Bartleby's EntranceJonathan Parker & Seth Asarnow 0.99€30sdeezer deeyoutubezer
3Day At the OfficeJonathan Parker & Seth Asarnow 0.99€1min4sdeezer deeyoutubezer
4Bartleby FilesJonathan Parker & Seth Asarnow 0.99€23sdeezer deeyoutubezer
...See all 14 tracks of the original soundtrack of Bartleby


Release: 9 october 2006
Price: 8.99€
Number of CD: 1
26 tracks
Film page
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1Bartleby - TitlesJonathan Parker and Seth Asarnow 0.99€1min24sdeezer deeyoutubezer
2Bartleby's EntranceJonathan Parker and Seth Asarnow 0.99€30sdeezer deeyoutubezer
3Day At the OfficeJonathan Parker and Seth Asarnow 0.99€1min4sdeezer deeyoutubezer
4Bartleby FilesJonathan Parker and Seth Asarnow 0.99€23sdeezer deeyoutubezer
...See all 26 tracks of the original soundtrack of Bartleby

Desire Under the Elms

Release: 1 january 1958
Price: 10.99€
Number of CD: 1
11 tracks
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1PrologueElmer Bernstein 1.29€4min39sdeezer deeyoutubezer
2California GoldElmer Bernstein 1.29€2min29sdeezer deeyoutubezer
3Around the HouseElmer Bernstein 1.29€2min32sdeezer deeyoutubezer
4Desire Under the ElmsElmer Bernstein 1.29€3min30sdeezer deeyoutubezer
...See all 11 tracks of the original soundtrack of Desire Under the Elms

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Release: 24 may 2019
Price: 1.29€
Number of CD: 1
1 tracks
Film page
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1The Key to Coexistence / Goodbye Old Friend (From Godzilla: King of the Monsters: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Suite]Bear McCreary 1.29€4min54sdeezer deeyoutubezer


Release: 7 june 2019
Price: 12.99€
Number of CD: 1
27 tracks
Film page
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1Love Over and Over AgainMulti-interprètesWith the album4min16sdeezer deeyoutubezer
293 'Til InfinityMulti-interprètesWith the album4min46sdeezer deeyoutubezer
3Mary JaneMulti-interprètesWith the album4min59sdeezer deeyoutubezer
4They Want EFXMulti-interprètesWith the album3min41sdeezer deeyoutubezer
...See all 27 tracks of the original soundtrack of Shaft