The film tells the story of Ramón Antonio Brizuela, who since childhood has to deal with rampant violence and the drugs, sex and petty thievery of a Caracas slum. Starting with delinquency, Ramón moves on to serious gang activity and robberies.
When Aurora discovers that his father has a big debt for the purchase of a new boat for his work as a fisherman, she decides emigrate to Caracas with her godfather Simon, for achieve fame and fortune as singer after that Walter Perez, a very famous TV producer, discovers her in her town, Chichiriviche, despite the opposition of Lydia (Walter's lover) and Venancio (Aurora's boyfriend).
La Garza is the name of the owner of the business, and, although she is the one who is really in control of the brothel and its workers, she allows her lovers to believe that they in some way are running things, including herself by giving them control over the administration of the Pez que Fuma, the money and anything else they want.