Eté 1999, Yaguine Koita et Fodé Tounkara, deux adolescents guinéens en vacances, rêvent d’un avenir meilleur, d’études et d’espoir pour tous. Comme des papillons attirés par les lumières prometteuses mais illusoires de l’Europe, ils aimeraient non seulement changer leur avenir, mais celui de tous les jeunes africains. Ils conçoivent alors un projet qui, espèrent-ils attirera l’attention des dirigeants occidentaux sur les malheurs de l’Afrique.
Michel Berthier is a qualified employee in a company specialized in sale of mattresses, until he is laid off. Absolutely wanting to have a child with his wife Juliette, who already has two children from her first marriage, he tells nothing, and quickly finds himself in a situation to leave the family home. After a few misadventures, Michel Berthier meets Crayon, Le Toubib and Mimosa, who will become his unfortunate companions among the homelesses.
Into the West is a film about two young boys, Tayto (Conroy) and Oisín (Fitzgerald), whose father "Papa" Reilly (Byrne) was "King of Irish Travellers" until his wife, Mary, died during the birth of their second son, Oisín. The boys' grandfather (David Kelly) is an old story-telling Traveller, who regales the children with Irish folk-tales and legends. When he is followed by a beautiful white horse called Tír na nÓg (meaning "Land of Eternal Youth" in Irish), from the sea to Dublin, where the boys and their father have now settled down in a grim tower block in Ballymun, the boys are overwhelmed with joy and dreams of becoming cowboys. The horse is stolen from them and they begin their adventure to get their mystical horse back. They escape the poverty of a north Dublin council estate, and ride "Into the West" where they find that Tír na nÓg is not just a horse.
Shlomo, an Ethiopian boy, is placed by his Christian mother with an Ethiopian Jewish woman whose child has died. This woman, who will become his adoptive mother, is about to be airlifted from a Sudanese refugee camp to Israel during Operation Moses in 1984. His birth mother, who hopes for a better life for him, tells him “Go, live, and become,” as he leaves her to board the plane. The film tells of his growing up in Israel and how he deals with the secrets he carries: not being Jewish and having left his birth mother.
The film is about two working class women, Isa and Marie. Isa is a drifter and searching for a lover she had met during the summer. When she realizes that her search for him is futile and turns elsewhere she meets Marie, who lives in a small French town near Lille. The two young women instantly find a connection as they both have been treated harshly by life and are living from day to day in short-time jobs, such as working in a textile factory or delivering leaflets in the streets. Marie lives in an apartment that she is looking after because the owners had a car accident in which everyone died, except for Sandrine, a teenager, who is in a coma. Marie invites Isa to live with her. Shortly thereafter Isa and Marie meet up with two bouncers, Fredo and Charly, whom they befriend. The men help them out and they have genuine fun together, although they are not much better off than the women.
À 16 ans, Lya vit dans une cité de banlieue avec ses sœurs Chirine, 17 ans, et Inès, 7 ans. Depuis que son aînée est devenue femme, leur père ne lui parle plus et dans la famille, Lya est la seule à oser tenir tête à ce père devenu violent depuis quelques mois.
Hervé (François Cluzet), patron d'une agence de presse, souffre de sa dépendance envers l'alcool, qui affecte sa vie familiale et professionnelle. Pour s'en sortir, il accepte d'entrer dans une clinique isolée spécialisée dans la désintoxication. La cure s'avère très difficile pour Hervé. Là il noue une amitié avec Magali, une très jeune patiente de la clinique. Avec une attitude quasi paternaliste pour elle, il tente de l'aider à se sauver, mais se confronte ainsi à ses propres démons. Tandis que Magali s'enfonce dans ses conduites d'auto-destruction, Hervé guérit progressivement de sa dépendance.
22 mars 2067, Milana se souvient de ce qui lui est arrivé, il y a soixante ans… En 2009, Milana, d’origine tchétchène, est élève en classe de CM2 à Paris. Ses copains, sa bande, ce sont Blaise, Alice, Claudio, Ali et Youssef. Mais un jour Youssef, qui n’a pas de papiers, est expulsé. Puis, c’est au tour de Milana d’être menacée. Se sentant alors en danger, les enfants décident de réagir. Ils prêtent serment de toujours rester ensemble et organisent un complot pour sauver Milana…
Les mythes sont porteurs de voyages et de migrations. Les Africains viennent encore souvent chercher le « salut » et la fortune en Europe, la tête remplie d’images idylliques de l’eldorado. Mais le « jugement dernier », c’est toujours là-bas, en Afrique, qu’il est donné : il faut réussir et le montrer. La honte guette ceux qui rentreraient les mains vides, sans valider ce mythe, cette image rêvée de Paris. Pourtant, la réalité est sans pitié. La vie des immigrés africains à Paris ressemble parfois à un combat démesuré et le rêve peut tourner à l’enfer. Il faut alors mentir, se mentir aussi parfois.
Arnaud Dubois a plutôt une tête à se prénommer… Mohamed. À la suite d'une dispute avec son père, il décide de quitter la maison et croise alors le chemin de Mustafa, qui lui présente sa sœur Sabrina dont Arnaud tombe immédiatement amoureux. Mais le seul moyen de la séduire est de lui laisser croire qu'il est d'origine maghrébine comme elle et qu'il s'appelle Mohamed. Il s'installe alors dans la cité de Sabrina, où il fera tout pour s'intégrer en étant victime de moqueries.
Charlot rencontre Ben Turpin et sympathise avec lui ; il se dispute ensuite avec un dandy puis se rend dans un bar. Sérieusement éméché, il retrouve le dandy au restaurant et se dispute encore avec ce dernier. Le videur intervient alors et fait sortir brutalement Ben Turpin et plus tard Charlot qui retournent alors à leur hôtel ; ils croisent alors une femme ravissante qui s'avère être celle du videur. Charlot préfère s'éclipser.
Philippe is a former teacher who left everything to become a shepherd in the French Pyrenees. After the construction of a nuclear power plant near his sheep, he decided to leave the area. After an unsuccessful search in Switzerland, he found the village Chersogno in the Maira Valley. The village is inhabited mainly by elderly residents and people who come only for summer holidays. It is a very closed community, which preserves the Occitan language and culture in Italy. After some doubts, the town council finds a home to let to Philip and the villagers set to work to restore it.
A team from the Canary Island NGO, Nimba, travels through Conakry, Guinea, screening the documentary Europa: ¿paraíso o espejismo? (Europe: Paradise or mirage?) in which five Sub-Saharan immigrants recount their experiences as they traveled from Africa to the coast of the Canary Islands. People from different social groups talk about the country's situation, what leads people to leave and the possible solutions to a conflict that, unfortunately, is very in force.
Giving voice to the Ethiopian refugees living in Rome, the film provides us with direct insight into the brutal ways in which Libya, aided by Italian and European funding, controls the flow of African emigrants trying to reach Europe. Come un uomo sulla terra is a journey of pain and dignity voiced through the remembrances of Dagmawi Yimer as he tells of unthinkable human suffering and denounces a desperate political situation. The film was nominated for the David di Donatello Award for Best Documentary in 2009.
When a minister dies from alcoholism, his daughter Briar Rose is unofficially adopted by a team of lumberjacks, including the rough-and-tumble 'Hell-to-Pay' Austin. The child's innocence and purity eventually transform Austin into an upstanding Christian. Briar goes away to boarding school and Austin has to come to her rescue when she falls in with the wrong crowd. Reunited, they discover that their guardian/ward relationship has evolved into one of true love and they marry.