The film begins in the Seattle, Washington area with increasingly severe earthquake activity. A quake of magnitude 7.9 is measured at the Earthquake centre, where Dr. Samantha Hill takes command, displacing Dr. Jordan Fisher. U.S. President Paul Hollister and FEMA Director Roy Nolan are informed about the situation.
The opening shot is a panorama of Los Angeles, revealing a city where all of the buildings and inhabitants are some form of commercial branding: birds in the form of Bentley logos, Microsoft's butterfly, pedestrians in the shape of the AIM icon, overhead highway signs mounted on Atlantic Records logos, etc. The major characters are revealed in an Altman-esque tableau. The Pringles mascot (voiced by David Fincher) pulls into a restaurant's parking lot and propositions an Esso Girl waitress (voiced by Aja Evans) who is on a smoking break. Two Michelin Man cops in a parked cruiser (voiced by Bob Stephenson and Sherman Augustus) are introduced as they debate the morality of keeping animals in zoos. Across town, Bob's Big Boy (voiced by Joel Michaely) and Haribo (voiced by Matt Winston) are on a tour at the zoo led by a flamboyant Mr. Clean (voiced by Michaely). The two boys hate the tour and hop off the tour train. They soon begin to harass the MGM lion by mooning it and throwing a Coca Cola bottle at it, but they are scolded by the zoo security, the Green Giant.
Après le tremblement de terre et le tsunami de mai 2011 la vie de Yuichi Sumida est bouleversée, n'ayant aucun rêve dans la vie il souhaite mener une vie normale et tranquille cependant son environnement le traîne à plusieurs reprises dans la boue. Il doit gérer la boutique de location de bateau de ses parents. Sa mère alcoolique vient fréquemment à la maison avec différents hommes puis l'abandonne. Son père, lui, vient seulement lui réclamer de l'argent lui répétant sans cesse "J'aurais aimé que tu n'existes pas."
Un séisme affecte le Japon entraînant l'explosion d'une centrale nucléaire. Dans un petit village appelé de façon fictive Nagashima, un couple de fermiers mène une existence des plus paisibles et s'accroche à sa propriété malgré les consignes des autorités qui définissent un périmètre de sécurité coupant en deux la localité. Fils et belle-fille partent, quant à eux, vers un autre village, où, Izumi, la jeune épouse, découvre qu'elle va mettre au monde un enfant. Un film évoquant la catastrophe du 11 mars 2011 à Fukushima.
Un gigantesque tremblement de terre secoue la ville de Los Angeles. Coincés dans une rame de métro, totalement livrés à eux-mêmes et à la merci de nouvelles secousses, plusieurs survivants se regroupent.
Chris Buckwell, cruel and greedy czar of San Francisco's tenderloin, is heartless in his persecution of the Chinese, though he himself is secretly a half-caste. Buckwell, eager to possess the land of Don Hernández Vásquez, sends Michael Brandon, an unscrupulous attorney, to make an offer. Brandon's nephew, Terrence, meets the grandee's beautiful daughter, Dolores, while Vásquez refuses the offer. Terry tries to save the Vásquez land grants, but when Chris causes the grandee's death, Dolores takes an oath to avenge her father. Learning that Chris is a half-caste, Dolores induces his feeble-minded dwarf brother to denounce him; he captures her and Terry, but they are saved from torture and death by the great earthquake of 1906 that kills the villain.
At a ball held on the night of the 1904 presidential election, serious Louise, frivolous Helen, and stolid Grace, daughters of Silver Bow, Montana pharmacist Ned Elliott and his wife Rose, find themselves dealing with romantic prospects. Tom Knivel is about to propose to Louise when Frank Medlin, a San Francisco sports reporter, asks her to dance. Infatuated with the young woman, Frank extends his stay, and at Sunday dinner in the Elliott home he announces he and Louise plan to wed. Although her parents disapprove of the union, Louise leaves for San Francisco with Frank that night. Grace eventually marries the jilted Tom and Helen weds wealthy Sam Johnson, who promises her freedom and asks for nothing in return.
In West Virginia, Charles "Boomer" Baxter is setting mountain top-depletion explosives. He detonates the TNT, and an unprecedented earthquake devastates the area. A few hours later government seismologist Dr. Amy Lane arrives at the quake's epicenter.
The movie begins with a small tremor beginning in the hills outside of Los Angeles near a United States Geological Survey (USGS) research post which cuts to a scene of a teenage girl on a date with her boyfriend at the Earthquake Ride at Universal Studios Hollywood. The girl is later revealed to be Heather, daughter of Clare Winslow (Joanna Kerns), who is a seismologist with the U.S.G.S.
Handsome Jeronimo Rugera is hired to tutor the rich heiress, Josephe Asteron. They fall in love, yet the church forbids their relationship, and Josephe is hidden in a convent. When the church discovers she is pregnant, Josephe is sentenced to death by decapitation. Jeronimo tracks her down, yet is jailed before he can rescue her. When fate intervenes in the form of a massive earthquake, the two lovers have no idea what is in store for them. Sanders-Brahms uses a voice-over of the first and final sentences of the book, placing them in the beginning and end of the film.