A war-veteran-turned-truck driver Nico "Nick" Garcos (Richard Conte) arrives at home to find that his foreign-born father, a fruit farmer, has lost his legs and was forced to sell his truck. He learns that his father was crippled at the hands of an unscrupulous produce dealer in San Francisco, Mike Figlia (Lee J. Cobb). Garcos vows revenge.
Voulant assurer le triomphe de la médecine qu'il fait passer avant l'intérêt des malades, et souhaitant devenir le maître des habitants du village et de ses environs, le docteur Knock arrive à Saint-Maurice pour succéder au docteur Parpalaid, brave honnête homme mais dont la clientèle est rare. L'état de santé du pays est excellent. Se rendant compte qu'il a été dupé par son prédécesseur, mais loin de se décourager, Knock fait comprendre à chaque patient qui se presse à ses consultations que tout bien portant est un malade qui s'ignore. Le résultat ne se fait pas attendre. Tout le village se retrouve au lit ; l'hôtel est transformé en clinique et même Parpalaid revenu temporairement, doit s'aliter, inquiet à son tour pour sa santé, à la suite du « diagnostic » du docteur Knock, ce dernier ayant réussi à le persuader qu'il était en mauvaise santé.
Shlykov, a hard-working taxi driver and Lyosha, a saxophonist, develop a bizarre love-hate relationship, and despite their prejudices, realize they aren't so different after all.
Le film relate la vie de l'abbé Adolf Daens, un prêtre catholique flamand, désireux d'aider la classe ouvrière miséreuse des années 1880 à Alost dans leur lutte sociale contre Charles Woeste.
In Cambodia, where families were torn apart in the communist Khmer Rouge's genocidal bid to transform the country into an agrarian utopia, it is ironic that people have lost touch with the land. For a generation of children, the rice comes not from the ground, but from a sack, offloaded from the back of a United Nations relief truck.
Tom Yately, just released from prison, is determined to start a new life and he gets a job as a driver at Hawletts, a haulage company that transports loads of ballast gravel from a nearby quarry. The truck-drivers are offered bonuses by the agent Cartley for delivering their loads at dangerously high speeds along narrow roads. Tom is accepted by the other drivers except Red, the foreman and head driver and also a violent bully. Tom soon becomes friends with Gino, an Italian driver who is in love with Cartley's secretary Lucy. Red offers a cash bonus to any driver who can make more runs than him and Tom is determined to try.
Widower Ty Ty Walden (Robert Ryan) and his two daughters live in the backwoods of Georgia during the Great Depression (although the film appears to be set in the 1950s, since many of the cars are 1950s vintage). While Ty Ty searches for gold on his farm, his son-in-law Will (Aldo Ray) cheats on his wife Rosamund (Helen Westcott) with Griselda (Tina Louise). Ty Ty has been digging for gold on his land for 15 years. Pluto Swint (Buddy Hackett) arrives to announce he's running for sheriff. Swint is invited to come around back where Darlin' Jill (Fay Spain) is taking a bath in an outdoor bathtub positioned near a handpump and spigot. She asks him to pump some more water (the camera never dips lower than the top of the tub). He is asked to keep his eyes closed, but takes a pleasurable peek.
Pitfall is set against the background of labour relations in the Japanese mining industry, but the film owes as much to surrealism as it does to "socially aware" drama. The mine in the film is divided into two pits, the old one and the new one, each represented by a different trade union faction. A mysterious man in white, whose identity we never learn, murders an unemployed miner who bears an uncanny resemblance to the union leader at the old pit and bribes the only witness to frame the union leader of the new pit. The two union leaders go to the murder scene to investigate only to come across the body of the witness, who has subsequently been killed by the man in white. They blame one another and begin a fight which ends in both their deaths. The film ends with the man in white observing them before riding off on his motorcycle, satisfied his mission is complete. Beyond this realistic plot, Pitfall shows us the realm of the dead as well as the living, as the ghosts of the victims look on, powerless to intervene in events and bring the truth to light.
After failing one of her midterm exams in a Madrid high school, Paz Velasco decides to drop out of the academic circuit. She takes this prompt decision much to the chagrin of her father, an overbearing taxi driver. In exchange, he forces her to join him at work so she can learn the trade and earn a living.
Après deux années passées sur le continent, Salvatore retourne dans sa Sicile natale. Alors qu'il rêve d'être accueilli en fils prodigue, il constate que les habitants de son village l'attendent, plutôt impatiemment, afin d'y dénouer un conflit d'ordre social. La question cruciale est celle-ci : faut-il occuper les domaines que la récente loi a expropriés et partagés et que la Mafia empêche qu'on leur distribue ? Les paysans entament une action pacifique, mais Salvatore veut aller plus loin : en labourant et semant, ils doivent provoquer une situation irréversible. Les paysans se mettent au travail, mais la Mafia les attaque à l'aube. Les carabiniers interviennent alors pour empêcher les combats. Ne s'avouant pas vaincue, la Mafia entreprend de contrôler l'affermage des carrières du voisinage. Simultanément, elle cherche à gagner à sa cause Salvatore, en l'achetant si nécessaire. Bien qu'il feigne d'accepter la négociation, Salvatore engage une campagne pour améliorer les conditions de travail dans les carrières. Un matin, Salvatore s'en prend violemment au chef local de la Mafia : celle-ci le liquide physiquement, une heure après. Le village entier, lui rendant hommage, assiste à ses funérailles.
The volunteer fire department in a small Czechoslovak town decides to organize a ball in a townhall with raffle and a beauty pageant. The firefighters also plan to present a small ceremonial fire axe as the birthday gift to their retired chairman who has cancer (although they believe he may not know of it).
Le film relate la grève dans l'usine de textiles Rhodiacéta de Besançon, en mars 1967, au travers des témoignages des ouvriers sur leurs conditions de travail et motivations. Cette grève a pris un aspect particulier de par l'assimilation du plan culturel du plan social : les revendications ne tournent plus seulement autour de l'entreprise (salaires ou sécurité de l’emploi), mais aussi sur le mode de vie que la société imposait notamment à la classe ouvrière. Les ouvriers grévistes qui occupent l'usine ont à leur disposition du matériel pour filmer les événements, grâce à Chris Marker, Jean-Luc Godard ainsi que Bruno Muel. Comme le Mai rampant italien, cette grève est une sorte d'avant-coureur de la vague de fond de mai 68.