The film tells the story of Imri, who at 19 goes to live in Tel Aviv, but dreams of moving to Japan. Through his relationships and encounters and in diverse cinematic tools, we are introduced to the young man's life. An exploration of living in the exotic city of Tel Aviv is presented through a hero who is himself in the midst of exploring his own choice of an exotic place. A unique correlation is formed between the hero's misconception of Japan and ours of him. The movie was constructed by both improvised and pre-scripted scenes, as required by the nature of each scene.
Brady is a devout Christian who has moved with his mother from Kansas to Rock Haven, California. Soon after arriving, he sees a boy and is instantly attracted to him. He later discovers that the boy is Clifford, the son of his next door neighbor. Clifford and Brady quickly become friends and hang out together. Brady is obviously uncomfortable around girls, so Clifford teaches him some moves that may help him out. During one such session, Clifford feels Brady's crotch; Brady jumps away, and Clifford teases him that he is aroused. Brady avoids Clifford for a while, but then starts hanging out with him again. A little while later, Clifford kisses him and Brady flees. He later confronts Clifford about the fact that he is gay and the two of them avoid each other.
À la suite d'une overdose, Mark, homosexuel, est forcé par sa famille de suivre un programme pour lutter contre son homosexualité. Il se retrouve à « Genesis House » sous la garde de Gayle et de son mari Ted. Il fait la connaissance d'autres membres du programme, dont Scott, qui lutte contre des problèmes familiaux.
Shlomo Shapira discovers one day that his teenage son Asaf likes to wear women's clothes. With the silent consent of his wife Galia, he decides to teach his son a lesson. On a rainy night Asaf returns to his parents' home after a party but they refuse to open the door, even though he cries. Shlomo tell Galia that after Asaf discovers the hard world outside he will come back home and will forget all of this nonsense, but he was wrong.
Daniela is a 17-year-old girl who lives in Santiago, Chile. Despite her family's deeply held Protestant beliefs, she eagerly explores her sexuality, through both casual sex and a blog, Young and Wild. The blog serves as a place where she questions her church's teachings and documents her sexual adventures, including her first experiences with masturbation, oral sex, and anal sex. As her blog becomes more popular, it attracts comments from people who range from supportive to gossipy to outright propositioning her for sex.
The young 'Jonathan' (Gal Heuberger) leaves his family's home in the Moshav, moves to "the big city" of Tel Aviv, to find an alienated and alone world. He falls in love with Thomas (Sharon Alexander), an HIV patient, and a touching and painful love story develops between the two.
Ce documentaire, tourné en Haïti, décrit un groupe d'homosexuels et travestis, dans un contexte donné : le Vaudou (vodou). La mise en relation de ces deux mondes conduit le spectateur dans un univers symbolique particulier, où les non-dits de la société civile donnent à s'exprimer, parfois dans la plus grande extraversion et théâtralité, parfois avec une émotion profonde. Une émotion qui reflète la quête de sens et de reconnaissance d’individus marginalisés dans un pays où l’évocation de l’homosexualité, et qui plus est du travestissement, reste encore tabou.
L' « amitié particulière » de deux collégiens de classes différentes, André Sevrais, 16 ans, et Serge Souplier, 11 ans, éveille la jalousie du préfet des études, l'abbé de Pradts, qui est secrètement fasciné par le jeune Souplier. Pour évincer son rival, il lui tend un piège dans lequel il finira par être lui-même broyé.
Mary Griffith (Sigourney Weaver) is a devout Christian who raises her children according to the evangelical teachings of her local Presbyterian church in the late 1970s and early 1980s in Walnut Creek, California. Her son Bobby (Ryan Kelley) confides to his older brother that he may be gay. Life changes for the entire family after Mary learns about his secret. Bobby's father and siblings slowly come to terms with his homosexuality, but Mary believes that God can cure him. She takes him to a psychiatrist and persuades Bobby to pray harder and seek solace in Church activities in hopes of changing him. Desperate for his mother's approval, Bobby does what is asked of him, but through it all, the Church's disapproval of homosexuality and his mother's attempts to suppress his growing behaviors in public causes him to grow increasingly withdrawn and depressed.